At the very beginning of the game, Batman is awoken in an already exploding ACE Chemicals by the Joker illusion. The next thing you know, we'll be exchanging e-mails and meeting up for romantic dinners.Joker's first annoying call. It's an essential part of his character, and one that's easy to respect in comics,. Joker soon realized that something must have went wrong and resorted to an alternative, and knew that he needed to have his gang under the impression that he was cured in order to motivate them to attack the rest of Arkham City and Gotham. The Joker's next order of business was to search the Arkham Mansion for Dr. Young's notes; just in case the good doctor destroyed her notes, the Joker planned on finding her to torture the formula out of Young. After years of death, misery, and tragedy, the Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime, and Batman's greatest threat and arch-nemesis was gone at long last. He has stated, however, that he constantly relishes the idea of Batman's death and has attempted to kill the Dark Knight whenever the opportunity presented itself. It will imprison the Joker in the cell. Perhaps the Joker's most insidious act was the seduction of his therapist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. The game's Batman, Batgirl, Penguin, and many other characters are modeled after those in the Batman, Batgirl, Penguin, and many other Arkhamverse worlds, so they cannot be borrowed or replicated. Joker then berated Batman for ruining everything by "turning Bane into roadkill, feeding Scarecrow to Croc, 'slapping around' Harley Quinn (which was his favorite hobby), and destroying his precious Venom plants." Batman used Harley's DNA traces from around the island to track Joker to the Botanical Gardens, where he unsuccessfully tried to slow Batman down after he killed an Arkham guard, named Thomas Armbruster by tossing him into water he electrified. Start pressing the attack key/button to try to strangle the Joker. Now, players can roam the streets of Gotham as multiple characters. Incredible tolerance for physical pain, which made fights with him unusually long. Despite the apparently fool-proof measure of not building an exit into the ballroom trap,Batman was able tofashiononewith his Remote Claw andresumehisprogressthrough the hotel. Here's the thing. To his irritation Croc only managed the former. Scarecrow's Fear Toxin had accelerated the process and enabled Batman to see the Joker, who represented many of his greatest fears, though he alone was able to see and hear him. #batmanarkhamknight #arkhamknight Though he failed to kill the original Robin who would go on to become Nightwing or Batgirl, he would eventually win a terrible victory. He even showed Jason photos of Batman with a new Robin, though whether Tim Drake had stepped into the role yet is unclear. Those tunnels proved to be the perfect entry points into the other villains' territory in order to conquer their turfs and claim them as his own. As the Joker was moved into the lobby area of the Holding Cells, he was unstrapped and escorted by a guard and a medical assistant while Batman and Commissioner Gordon looked on. Batman: Arkham City Batman: Arkham City is a 2011 action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Joker knew that Two-Face was stationed at the Solomon Wayne Courthouse near the church, and planned to execute Catwoman to showcase his might, and also intended to ambush the operation to spoil Two-Face's plans, kill Catwoman himself, and grab Batman's attention. The movie will focus on a younger version of Batman who has been fighting crime for over a year. 02/26/2023 - 10:35 am . Of course, the owner refused to sell his headline act. As Bruce Wayne was abducted and brought into Arkham City under Hugo Strange's orders, Joker's crew seized control of the Arkham City Medical Facility, that was built inside the Gotham Cathedral, and had captured all the medical staff in order to claim all the chemicals and drugs for themselves. Batman countered and subdued him with a headbutt. Always What!? He'd be very upset. After Robin rescued Batman,Batman himself wentto deactivate the bombs before the facility blew up while Robinwent to take the officers out of the building. The Joker was later cremated with both Gordon and Batman present. Joker then used his weapon to blow away the wall and was slightly relieved when he believed that he had found an exit in the center of Batman's psyche. Washed out of the plant he removed his disguise to find they had disfigured his entire body, giving him chalk white skin, green hair and his face a clown like appearance. This acts as the final chapter, after the events of Batman: Arkham Origins, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Batman: Arkham City. Although not sung by Joker himself, the scene in which Joker was cremated in the opening to. The first and most obvious ending of Arkham Knight, the story ending, is bound to be controversial in its own right.The entire game is focused on a pair of villains, the familiar Scarecrow and the . Joker then demanded the mallet, in which he had hidden his dirty bomb. Joker demonstrated the successful Titan strain he had managed to create by injecting two of his thugs with a dart gun filled with Titan, much to their surprise. Throughout the Arkham Knight Incident, as his personality manifests throughout the five victims of the Joker-Infection, including Batman, and he slowly becomes these people, he appears to constantly have the upper hand over his enemy, continuously antagonizing and manipulating his mind by taunting him over his parents deaths, Jason Todd's torture, Barbara Gordon's paralysis, Talia al Ghul's murder and the constant allusions that he will kill every member of the Bat Family after taking full control of his body. You stick right in front of him; right under his big, pointy nose. Accepting that he would ultimately die, Joker asked Batman if he was happy and calmly sat on the ground. Arkham Origins showed a much younger Joker in the prime of his youth, with a full head of hair and a younger looking appearance overall, along with a thicker and messier painted smile on his face. He took control of the Administration Building and had his men convert it into a fun-house themed fortress. ", After Joker set off a cache of one of the Arkham guards' grenades and while approaching to steal his gun to kill him before "changing into something more comfortable," as well as when encountering the Suicide Squad near the laundry chute, he briefly whistled the version of "Jingle Bells" from the BTAS episode: "Christmas with the Joker.". With Protocol 10 wiping out the rest of the competition, Joker counted on Batman to take down Strange and come to him for their final battle. We're gonna give this city what it needs. His past is unknown, and his answers to me about it are wildly inconsistent and frequently fantastical. Batman, knowing how little time he had left, fought Freeze for the cure. this annoyance will soon become a thing of the past. The story begins with Batman visiting Arkham, hoping he and his longtime adversary can work through their differences before their rivalry kills them both. I dare you! It was entirely possible that this too was a lie. Knowing that Batman had gotten into the Aviary, Joker created a puzzle to keep the Dark Knight busy. With Talia at gunpoint, Joker demanded the cure from Batman, and confused the hero as he believed that Joker already had it and cured himself. However, much to Joker's dismay, Batman threw the sword into the main generator, which caused it to falter and knock what was left of Clayface into the pit. He was capable of being calm and rational yet this broke in an instant and he reverted to his hysteric state, literally laughing until he was near the brink of tears. Years before the Arkham Riots, Joker was seen wearing a carnival master's suit, which closely resembled his purple tailcoat, with a top hat. Destroy it and new ones will appear. Batman emerged from the bookcase panic hatch to confront the Joker, who had rigged the gas canisters to the prison's major air units for timed release. Joker could also be rather macabre, as he found other peoples' death, the threat of death and his own quite amusing. Life would be so simple if you were all I wanted.The Joker verbally sparring with Batman for the very first time. Use it as frequently as possible, after few tries you will be able to catch the "real" Joker with it. The Joker drew up a "party list" which contained the individuals who would help take care of Batman. They declared themselves the mayor and mayoress of Arkham City. Not long after this, Gordon was somehow affected by Joker's toxin, which forced Batman to break Harley Quinn out of prison in order to find the location of the antidote for the toxin. He was sedated by Batman before they arrived at Arkham. Thanks to Scarecrow gassing Batman on his way out of the library, Joker was given enough to let Zsasz torture the information out of Dr. Young. At that point Joker came to realize that Batman was created just like he was: from one bad day. You can still play the game after the Knightfall Protocol, don't worry. Second, a significant amount of time had passed and Joker had not been forgotten - if anything, the series and film portrayed Joker's legacy lasting as long as Batman's own, with an entire gang-faction of criminals being founded in the Clown Prince's honor; "The Jokerz". And then, we waited, for the inevitable power struggle to ensure. Based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, it is the sequel to the 2009 video game Batman: Arkham Asylum and the second installment in the Batman: Arkham series. He becomes e Not only that, but it seems The Joker has a grudge against Batman, since he's working with the villain he's just defeated. Kill! Batman interrupted the heist, resulting in the would-be criminal falling into a vat of unidentified chemicals. With all of the enemies on Joker's 'party list' defeated Joker had his men set off fireworks to direct Batman, the "guest of honor", to the "party" at the Visitor Center . The hallucination where the Joker's neck got snapped by Batman's hands was similar to his final fate in The Dark Knight Returns. There were however, rare times where Joker cares about her. Joker even laughed at Batman being scared by Man-Bat, stating that the Dark Knight was scared of his own reflection. At one point while ranting about Harley Quinn supposedly abandoning him in favor of Deadshot, Joker mentioned that he'll "make five more just like [Harley Quinn]", which alluded to his revelation that he had prior Harley Quinns' before the current one and managed to murder them in Harley Quinn's arc in the crossover storyline: Death of the Family. After he formed an alliance with the dying clown during his imprisonment in Arkham Asylum, Clayface was quickly convinced to aid the Joker and embroiled himself in the Clown Prince of Crimes last megalomaniac master plan. Freeze was locked up). On Christmas Eve the Joker made his move. Aaron Cash's son: Killed with mysterious poison. After she took advantage of the situation, Harley tried to stab Batman with a knife to finish her revenge, and was stopped by Robin, who threw a Shurikenat her, which knocked her out. Instead he settled for the irony of switching the roles around, leaving Loeb to be gassed to death in Calendar Man's place. However, Batman knocked out the goon at the controls and knocked out the rest trying to find him. The Arkham Origins flashback showed him with red lips immediately after his transformation, albeit it's unclear whether they actually were red, given the unrealistic style of the flashback. By the time that Batman had cured them, the Joker's blood had already become assimilated into their bloodstream and with it, Joker's consciousness. Almost every prisoner within Arkham City would be forced to join Joker's army, which made Joker the ruling elite on the streets while Two-Face's men were being rounded up and tortured for information at the Steel Mill. The two made their way to the former Industrial District and commandeered Black Mask's old steel mill as their base of operations. It was not out of necessity, as no progress was being made in curing his condition, but out of boredom; the Clown Prince enjoyed having the captive doctors tortured and killed for his amusement as much as punishment for failing him. Batman: Arkham Knight Game Guide & Walkthrough by, Batman: Arkham Knight Game Guide & Walkthrough. Batman went after Harley, who sent her thugs after Batman again, though he managed to defeat them all. This, he declared, was going to be "FUN.". Ironically, that was nothing more than a ruse by Batman, who finally turned the tables on his hated nemesis and regained control of his mind. My. The Penguin answered, a hulking guard at his side, and immediately reminded them of his "no clowns policy. Young remained optimistic about her work until her next session with the Joker. Enemy conversations revealed that Joker had once attempted to run for President of the United States, complete with his own TV spots. The Batman: Arkham Knight villains promise to be sicker and deadlier than ever. With seemingly no alternative Batman unleashed the full capacity of his Shock Gloves on Bane. The Joker had just been looking for a pawn to set him free and now had a would-be girlfriend cramping his style. After all, another Scarface could quickly be built up for him to laugh with, abuse, and then break into pieces. After the Joker was defeated, Barbara was . You don't need to pick any specific targets, especially since new ones appear in the place of the defeated ones. Other versions of the story, told to Dr. Penelope Young, included being born in a small fishing village with thwarted aspirations of joining the circus and being the son of a police officer who was slain by the mob. He revealed a possible story to Dr. Harleen Quinzel in Arkham Origins and to Professor Hugo Strange in Arkham City: once he had been a failed stand-up comedian who worked night shifts at Ace Chemicals in a feeble attempt to support his sickly wife Jeannie and their unborn child. Joker's next target was the Medical Facility where he ordered his goons to round up all the doctors in the area, most importantly Dr. Penelope Young, from whom he needed to retrieve the Titan Formula. Joker left the semi-conscious Dark Knight to focus on his alterations to the Warden's Office. As Black mask he staged an all out attack on Blackgate Prison with dozens of his men and Killer Croc, who was one of his assassins. The Joker however did not appear at all during, It was a surprise for many players to hear the Joker being voiced by Mark Hamill again, as he hadn't voiced the character since 2011's. Batman arrived, subdued all of Joker's men, and entered the very Theatre where his life as a crime fighter began to take root. In a rage, Harley attempted to kill Joker by shooting at him. Did that sound alright? Joker was briefly playable during the third Scarecrow encounter. With everything in place, Joker had his men conquer what was left of Arkham City and patrolled the streets as he took control of the prison's monitor and communication systems to challenge Batman to a final showdown at the Monarch Theatre. With Joker in his mind, the psychopath had access to all his secrets and planned to use Bruce's company, equipment, funds, and resources to murder all his enemies, consolidate all the gangs under his criminal empire, kill all of Batman's allies, and ultimately lead a campaign of violence on Gotham and the world itself. While Harley was returned to Arkham, Joker remained at large, ready to think of a new plan to aquire the TITAN. This however, seems to condradict to him asking Batman about his identity in Arkham Asylum. Hundreds of Gotham Citizens: Killed when Joker blew up firecrackers laced with Joker toxin in celebration of the 4th of July. It allows you to start the game again on higher difficulty level. He then jumped off the oil rig and opened a parachute as he descended. Interestingly, during his incarceration into Blackgate and therapy session with Harleen Quinzel, he was able to lie and tell the truth at the same time, using the situation to make it appear he was talking about her so he could plan his escape but was in reality expressing his newfound feelings regarding Batman. Joker was the first playable villain in a DLC. Jason was so under the Joker's control that he was fully prepared to give away Batman's secret identityat which point the Joker shot him, revealing the entire thing, capturing, torturing and remodeling the Boy Wonder, had simply been one long cruel attack on Batman. Important! This behavior was displayed when he stated to the corpse of an Arkham guard whom he had just choked to death, "the choke's on you", pretending to be electrocuted and dying after attaching himself to a heartbeat-powered electric chair and repeatedly alluding to his impending death throughout the. Batman attempted to track down Gordon by detecting the alcohol that Boles left in the air. Multiple Black Mask goons: Killed in various ways. I thought I already was living live to the limit. Joker began to rant and pace around the room and said he'd make more of her, make them wear her skin, which caused him to fantasize about how perfect and creamy her skin was. TYGER continued raining down death and destruction onto the city, which destroyed the Funhouse and pinned Batman under the rubble. Batman, after he had finally realized that Joker was always at his mercy, bid one final goodbye to his nemesis and locked him away in his personal hell in the Extreme Isolation Wing of Arkham Asylum forever, with Joker dejectedly uttering his final words to the hero: "I need you". He'd rescued Scarface from the old asylum, knowing it would buy him favor with Joker. How did the cure not work? Momentarily stunned and confused, the Joker looked at his weapon and commented that it was the "best gun ever." Disguised as an Arkham guard, she overpowered the Joker's escorts and stole her puddin' away to a boat waiting on the island's quayside. "Black Mask" surveyed the damage and informed Deathstroke he'd had his chance but the night was still young. Joker also left behind a message for Batman to go to Arkham Asylum to retrieve the code that could be used to deactivate the bombs. This page of our game guide to Batman: Arkham Knight contains a walkthrough of game's epilogue. You've denied me even that I have nothing to live for.Joker, before injecting himself with Titan. The resultant tape would haunt Batman for years and intensified the rivalry between he and the Joker. After rescuing Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon is kidnapped by Arkham Knight who is revealed to be Jason Todd, once a Robin to Batman, and his adopted son, who was tortured and seemingly murdered by Joker. Blackgate PrisonArkham AsylumArkham IslandSteel Mill Monarch TheaterExtreme Isolation, Troy Baker (Arkham Origins, Arkham Origins Blackgate and Assault on Arkham), Take a hint o'boy. , ready to think of a new plan to aquire the TITAN individuals who help. With a new Robin, though he managed to defeat them all, times. Looked at his weapon and commented that it was the `` real '' Joker with it the made... You to start the game again on higher difficulty level seemingly no alternative unleashed... Be so simple if you were all I wanted.The Joker verbally sparring with Batman years. 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