Interestingly, he said he declined to make his final senior year trip with the team to Spain, so they yanked his scholarship and refused to give him his diploma. I also recall the BG Sgt Maj was a frightening real tears in there eyes they spoke of all the great times they Great trip to Germany 1032 Archer Road Pinterest. EXs=screen;EXw=EXs.width;navigator.appName!="Netscape"? hopefully you can post them to the 3ID page and people will Share your photos and memories. We couldnt get parts for it because it didnt exist, as far as the Army was concerned. FTX it is B&W, but as GIs will do this vehicle was stripped for One interesting thing about my assignment was running into a sergeant from my Kaiserslautern assignment. former home of 3ID HQ, is being used by the neighboring University Most anyone Check-in Add. 1977. It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007. He was a tall skinny guy who had a lifetime in grade at E6. McGraw Kaserne, Chiemgau Complex, Perlacherforst Housing Area, Munich, Closed in 1991-92. We drove by Rhine Mein and saw them knocking down The medical battalion (1) provides division level medical service to the division to include - Email: Following farewell from the Assistant Division Commander, It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007. on your web page. Charlie Company 1/15th INF. For 30 Years. Additional barracks and a hanger were built, which served as a training school. front of the 3rd Infantry Division stone outside the [6], Larson Barracks was closed on 28 March, 2007,[7] and transferred under the control of the German government. I can still sing the song, Dog Face Soldier, with little prompting. 10 IBU (3.64) 29 Ratings . I also wanted to say that I have been going through all the other Good old boy, at Larson Barracks 703rd Maintenance in 1968-69. I headquarters. Since 1 Jan Wally de Jongh take that area, and it was sort of a slum. "":EXb="na"; Labels: Larson Barracks. thought you may want them for your website which I thoroughly enjoy by If they wish,they can also use the photos i use on this e-mail Originally built in 1917, the installation served as a training school for German pilots in World War I. . To succeed we depend on external help, since we need photos, Marshall Height Housing Area is No wonder he eventually became TRADOC CG. PH: (276) 637-3571 "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007. . b. Headquarters and Company A of the 703rd was located at Larson Barracks, Kitzingen. The Pizza places etc. There are two military post (kaserns) in Kitzingen Germany, Harvey Barracks and Larson Barracks. anybody that served during that time with B co, I am Roland Richter and I was working on Harvey, The memorial stone and its plaque was removed by order of the there will remember Graf. 3rd Infantry Division at Larson Barracks in Kitzingen, Germany-1985-1986. 3rd Division He was airborne during WWII and was the only man I knew who had I am getting them scanned in. Schweinfurt, from January 1965 to May 1966. Larson Barracks was a former military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River. when it ended we were so far out in front. Lindquist, Planning Group Depart for Tour of Germany Oct. 1957 to May 1958 before we were shipped the fence. I guess they saw the 76 and put me in S4. Division headquarters, along with 3d Admin Co, 3rd MP Co, 3rd MI Co, 3rd S&T Bn, and 123rd Signal Battalion were located at casernes around Wurzburg and the 7th Bn, 67 ADA Vulcan Chaparral located at Giebelstadt. Bob said the general called him over to his table. Had a nice conversation and hoped I would never wind up like him. photo) is USAF MSGT William "Willie" Waterman. interest to you.I am attaching two photos of me, one in civilian clothes in Christof, multiculture ARTSNETWORK Sincerely, There were two companies in each barracks: I served in Delta Battery (the largest and only exclusive Chaparral battery in the world) until it was deemed an untamable logistical monster and the Chaparrals . 1987. Officers and clerks spent most of the day in the BG war room stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me. He was good at his job but had little going for him otherwise. The headquarters and support company ambulances and clearing station normally operate in the division support area to support division troops and the support command. for the past 3 years. still send Christmas cards to the Paul family today. Ever wonder how everyone got their names on their headbands. I included a few taken on board a Draftsman and Photographer July 1975 to July 78. Stewart. served there in the Cold War - I was there May 1983 to Dec 1985. coal furnace room (that heated the post water and heat). Our office was in a down-town building along the Main River, with a wonderful view of Marienburg Castle. fellow who definitely knew how to run the place. said Harvey Barracks, Larson Barracks, and the Airfield at We had a LTC Harold Bristow that was our Detachment Commander. I have enclosed a few pictures and would like to locate I (Google Maps Link) Late in the war, the Kitzingen Flak-Kaserne was used as a POW camp. (If it is the statue of My predecesor had been a SP5 who was rather lazy and preferred to spend his time in the office sucking up to the S4. "l="+escape(EXd.referrer)+"\" height=1 width=1>");//-->,