Zeolite works to remove gadolinium from the body by binding to the toxic elements and removing them from the body. Gadolinium lodges in your tissues, with a particular affinity for your kidneys and brain. People who took liquid zeolite (30 drops a day) had significantly higher levels of these metals in their urine samples. Side Effects of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Dyes. Switch out sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas and sports drinks for water, unsweetened tea or detox drinks, and be sure to stay well-hydrated. Metal-Free and Body Detox are safe and effective products designed by a doctor for patients to provide real-world results. In the USA, zeolite is registered as safe for human consumption by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Your body may then excrete these unwanted compounds via your organs of elimination. In general, regulatory bodies arent assuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of supplements. I recommend that everyone keep a container of. The current nomenclature and classification of zeolite materials has been provided by the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association that identifies each material based on their framework with a three-letter mnemonic code; for instance, natural zeolite clinoptilolite is . Gadoterate meglumine side effects (more . In studies on mice, zeolite enabled lead elimination and protected the brain from oxidative damage caused by this heavy metal. It is important to limit exposure to gadolinium and to take steps to detoxify the body if it has been exposed to high levels of the element. Body Detox of Volcanic Ash Cause Cancer. Research suggests that zeolite may be effective against a whole host of viruses. Natural zeolites are abundant but often contaminated with other minerals, quartz, metals, etc. These safety measures include requiring a new warning label to alert healthcare professionals that gadolinium can remain in the body, including the brain, for months to years after an MRI[29]. Copyright 2023 MYERS DETOX LLC All rights reserved. Historical information, necessarily, is not current and is provided for your reference only. One of the best methods of detoxification is a zeolite detox. He merged two Greek words: z, meaning boiling and lthos, meaning stone. Zeolite released plenty of steam when heated and thus reminded Cronstedt of a boiling stone [2]. The antioxidant power of zeolite may be crucial for liver protection. Zeolite is a clay-pyrite mineral that due to its crystalline structure has unique physical and chemical properties [1], for example, it absorbs and excretes water in an amount that reaches 30-50% of its weight. Stop chronic and acute diarrhea. "Zeolite clinoptilolite: Therapeutic virtues of an ancient mineral." Molecules 24.8 (2019): 1517. Zeolite, a natural mineral, is uniquely suited to remove toxic chemicals. Zeolite may change gut pH value (acidity) and thus interfere with different medications, especially with controlled release dosage forms [100]. Alternatives to Gadolinium Contrast Agents. SelfDecode does not treat, diagnose or cure any conditions, Brain cells are particularly sensitive to heavy metal poisoning. Another natural zeolite, chabazite, showed similar action in dogs. Raise the antioxidant levels of the body. Additionally, clinoptilolite detoxed rats from organophosphates (nerve poisons). Fulvic Minerals+ is the ONLY fulvic supplement to combine the power of fulvic acid, plant-based trace minerals, and natural zeolite for micronutrient and gut health. Nitrates are toxins that can contaminate drinking water and disturb the health of humans and animals. The same goes for supplements and drugs with iron [98, 99]. Gadolinium in your tissues is nasty business. High-technology metals as emerging contaminants: Strong increase of anthropogenic gadolinium levels in tap water of Berlin, Germany, from 2009 to 2012., https://www.insideradiology.com.au/contrast-medium/, Savely, Virginia R., Mary M. Leitao, and Raphael B. Stricker. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . What is Zeolite? According to limited clinical evidence, zeolite may be helpful in cases of leaky gut.. is a powder that contains a combination of grapefruit pectin, cilantro extract, and a humic acid/fulvic acid blend. Ive come across and tried many different products, but I have to say that the Alkaline Hydrogen Water Filter from Ph Prescription stands out from all other water filters. Cell studies have confirmed the ability of zeolite to bind and remove heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury [26, 27, 28]. Symptoms of NSF can present immediately after a dose, or up to 11 days later. Although it prefers heavy metals and environmental toxins, essential nutrients may also end up trapped inside its tiny cages. Rough-ground zeolite (large particles) reduced the number of blood cells in mice [93, 94]. Air pollutants may trigger inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune issues. Oxidative stress plays a key role in the adverse effects of smoking [59]. Changes in tissue gadolinium biodistribution measured in an animal model exposed to four chelating agents. Japanese journal of radiology 37.6 (2019): 458-465. This may cause chronic fatigue, depression, autoimmune diseases, and etc. Clinoptilolite was able to detox chickens from aflatoxin and protect their liver, bile duct, and kidneys. Gadolinium is a compound frequently given as a contrast agent prior to MRIs and CT scans. 2 oz - $39.99 4 oz - $74.99. A mixture containing zeolite and clay (CoolClot) significantly decreased bleeding time in dogs with a life-threatening injury. When introduced to your body, they flood your system with minerals which assists your tissues in pushing out heavy metals that are trapped in your cells. Leaky gut means that toxins, microbes, and inflammatory molecules can leak from the gut into the bloodstream. Soak for 30-45 minutes, and if you feel the need to . It also protects intestinal epithelial cells from toxic effects of ammonia and helps in repairing the damage caused by the same. When they become severe, heavy metal poisoning symptoms . is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. Alcohol. It also had a mild anti-inflammatory effect on the gut [47]. Zeolite binds complex organic toxins but also drugs with similar structures. No chemical cleansing. It suppressed inflammatory proteins (NF-B, TNF-alpha, and IL-1B) and prevented cell death [77]. The best heavy metal detox product on the market is Zeolite Pure. The findings discussed below stem from animal and cell-based studies. Remove Gadolinium With Zeolite. Heavy metals can damage neurons and trigger anxiety, depression, anger, and attention problems [29, 30, 31]. In a Russian clinical trial, zeolite enhanced the cleaning and recovery of burn wounds and improved overall complaints. I recommend that everyone keep a container of Daily Detox in their cupboard. The effects can be wide-ranging and affect your skin and musculoskeletal and neurological systems [2]. While this is a step in the right direction, other agencies like the EMA (European Medicines Agency) have suspended the use of three common agents that contain gadolinium and are known to cause toxicity. While there are alternatives to gadolinium, youd have to consult with your doctor on available contrast options. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) Causes the skin and internal organs to harden. In general, NSF is a condition that primarily affects people with kidney disease. is a suppository supplement containing EDTA, a synthetic amino acid that assists in your bodys natural process of removing environmental pollutants; specifically gadolinium. . Once excreted through the urine, gadolinium enters the water supply and can end up in your drinking water. Given to cows, zeolite lowered levels of aflatoxin in their milk, which is a major source of human poisoning. Clinoptilolite stopped uncontrolled bleeding in almost 70% of treated rats and increased their chance of survival by 60% [20]. As a result, she has bravely spoken out publicly about banning the use of gadolinium as a contrast agent in medical scans. Zeolite could potentially bind to and inactivate prescription medications. While procedures like MRIs and CT scans can introduce a large amount of gadolinium to your body at once, other sources of gadolinium can slowly build up in your system by absorption in the GI tract and cause serious health concerns related to long-term exposure. And some have symptoms for years. It is also used in electronics and other industrial applications. His mission is to bridge the gap between science and everyday life, helping readers improve their health and feel better. They were able to stop diarrhea, relieve digestive issues, detox, improve general wellbeing, and save pets from poisoning. Available products include wound dressings, deodorants, soaps, toothpaste, face masks, and more. Helps Chelate Heavy Metals. The following studies should encourage further investigation before we make any definite conclusions. In cell studies, zeolite inhibited the growth of 2 viral strains (coxsackievirus and echovirus) that invade us through the gut [58]. Get started and save $50 off your zeolite detox today to help remove gadolinium from your body. 5. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle! Mobilization: Cilantro extract works to mobilize metals that have been liberated from your cells, moving them away from your tissues and into channels for elimination. After you have undergone dialysis, keep checking the access site. This may cause fatigue, autoimmune diseases, depression, and more [46]. Remember to speak with a doctor before taking zeolite supplements. In a clinical trial on 39 volunteers, deodorant spray with 10% silver-zeolite showed a strong and lasting (24 h) effect against armpit microbes, which produce unpleasant odors. Optional ingredients: coffee, cocoa, green tea powder, vitamin E, essential oils (peppermint, tea tree, lavender), olive oil (for dry skin). This is why it is so important to filter your water. Zeolite can bind to various dangerous toxins and poisons and prevent them from being absorbed and doing damage in the human body. . If youve had an MRI or CT scan, then taking measures to detox gadolinium is crucial. I have listed out 12 benefits of a zeolite detox from removing heavy metals to easing hangovers! Avoid wearing tight sleeves or applying creams or lotions at the site where the dialysis will be inserted. According to Zeolite dot com, a website attempting to market zeolite as "the original detox product", this group of minerals is excellent at removing heavy metals from the body. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications. It should therefore not be combined with any drugs. Zeolites super-binding properties come with a price. Other research has found that gadolinium is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and . Cuban doctors have developed a drug for diarrhea (Enterex) made of clinoptilolite. In one study, large amounts of zeolite in chicken feed caused gut inflammation. Most notably, gadolinium can be found in the brain, kidneys, thyroid, ovaries and bones of people who undergo MRIs. Thats why I formulated. Of course, when it comes to water filtration in your home, you have, . Their reviews do not represent the opinions of SelfHacked. That means that you and your family could be unknowingly exposing yourselves to this toxic compound on a daily basis. The ability of clinoptilolite to restore healthy gut flora played a crucial role in this effect [55]. Hi welcome to my channel on how to cure yourself and heal from Gadolinium poisoning. Vander Elst L, et al. The unique combination helps the body to trap and remove toxins and free radicals, supplies key nutrients the body needs . The Best Zeolite Detox for Gadolinium. Tests verified that mice didnt absorb zeolite particles into the bloodstream [48]. Gadolinium is a chemical element on the periodic table with the symbol Gd and atomic number 64. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Is AlPO4-5 Nano-Zeolite Effective for Preventing Alzheimers Disease in Humans?., The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences, Mck-eler, Dorotea, and Nela Pivac. Super Detoxifier. Gadolinium can, therefore, remain in your body for months or even years[4]. In mice, a mixture of natural zeolites trapped histamine and other triggers of inflammation, decreasing skin swelling by 57% [80]. These skin lesions and fibers are often accompanied by stinging, pain, or crawling sensations under the skin. Often used as a contrasting agent for MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT scans, gadolinium helps doctors diagnose abnormalities in your body[35]. Claims. Cigarette smoking poisons the entire body and increases the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Medical News Today, August 14, 2004. Similar to a sponge, zeolite binds toxins: acids, heavy metals, intestinal gases, bacterial toxins, mold toxins and many more. Calcium Disodium EDTA Chelation Suppositories: A Novel Approach for Removing Heavy Metal Toxins in Clinical Practice., Sears, Margaret E. Chelation: harnessing and enhancing heavy metal detoxificationa review., Tllez-Lpez, Miguel ngel, et al. Morgellons disease is one of the most common symptoms of gadolinium toxicity. Zeolite stands for volcanic minerals that form in the contact of molten lava and (sea)water. Thanks to their structures, these minerals can bind a wide range of environmental toxins and metabolic products. However, it is never wise to assume anything, especially when someones health could be adversely affected. These properties make zeolite a central ingredient in various personal care products, most of which are available on the market (see Supplements below). Many of the elements could not be proven with conventional chemical analysis.. All potential benefits refer to clinoptilolite unless stated otherwise. Zeolite Whole Body Detox. Get started and save $50 off your zeolite detox today to help remove gadolinium from your body. To stay on the safe side, make sure not to combine zeolite with any drugs or supplements. I believe that everyone should be concerned about the increasing amount of gadolinium that is in our water supplies in the U.S. and around the world. Our Zeolite and Bentonite powders and capsules are CE-approved as ingestible medical products and certified according to the European Directive 93/42/EEC for Medical Products. Gadolinium is the most common compound used as an MRI contrast agent and is given either orally or intravenously. We believe that the most accurate information is found directly in the scientific source. Hassanvand, Ali, and Shahriar Gharibzadeh. Ionic foot baths are an excellent tool for assisting with your detox efforts. The water that you cook with, bathe with, and even drink may be contaminated with this heavy metal[31]. Due to its detox and antibacterial properties, zeolite may benefit the skin in different ways. He found a way to merge his two biggest passionswriting and healthand use them for noble purposes. Clinical trials point to some potential benefits of zeolite, but the evidence is limited to a small number of patients. Gadolinium is toxic to the body when it is ingested in large quantities. Children and pregnant women may want to avoid it. Important note: patients consumed zeolite and didnt apply it on the wounds. Adzuki beans or bentonite clay can be consumed to cleanse the body. It contains a heavy metal called gadolinium, which a 2014 study showed can be deposited and accumulate in the brain . Thanks to its unique physical properties, zeolite has found uses in [1, 3]: Traditional medicine recognizes clay eating (geophagia) as a natural detox method. Zeolite does it all in the gut without being absorbed, which makes it safe for human use with a few notable exceptions (see Side Effects & Interactions below). Remember to speak with a doctor before using zeolite, and never use it in place of something your doctor recommends or prescribes. Gadolinium (III)loaded nanoparticulate zeolites as potential highfield MRI contrast agents: Relationship between structure and relaxivity. ChemistryA European Journal 11.16 (2005): 4799-4807. Like most people undergoing an MRI, Gena had full faith that the healthcare system was taking care of her, not putting her at further risk for health challenges. Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral found in volcanic rocks. A cold sensation when injected. Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Hence, zeolite shouldnt be used after transplantation or combined with immunosuppressants [85]. A good deal of zeolite research lacks confirmation in humans. The purpose of this study was to evaluate efficacy and safety of a gadolinium (Gd) zeolite suspension as an oral MRI contrast agent. However, a 2016 paper in Biometals noted that more recent research has shown that gadolinium accumulation may take place in other organs of people with perfectly healthy kidneys. Optional ingredients: bentonite clay, sugar, coffee. Imapried renal function represents the largest risk factor for gadolinium toxicity. Zeolite is a complex mineral which forms in the contact of volcanic lava and water. Zeolites are a group of alkali and earth-alkali-containing elements. In a clinical trial of 52 endurance athletes, zeolite (1.85 g daily for 12 weeks) tightened the intestinal wall and prevented leaking. For many people, these conditions become debilitating. I came to her initially to lose weight, but found she could help me with my fibroids and chronic pain that I was told my doctors that I just had to learn to live with as they . Chelation in metal intoxication., International journal of environmental research and public health, Ellithorpe, Rita, et al. Additionally, zeolite can eliminate volatile odors and thus combat bad breath [75]. Our science team must pass long technical science tests, difficult logical reasoning and reading comprehension tests. Gadolinium is found naturally in the environment, but it can become concentrated in certain areas due to human activities. It can safely detox beyond the blood brain barrier without chance of redistribution. You can find a variety of zeolites supplements out there, but my favorite by far is Cytodetox due to its potency and quality. of zeolite and just enough water to make a paste (around 2 tbsp.). Together, these three ingredients assist your bodys natural detoxification processes in a way that specifically supports heavy metal clearance through mineralization, mobilization, and toxin binding. R. For example, zeolite is able to bind to: Arsenic R R. Cadmium R. Caesium - may be useful for crop irrigation after radiation . Our science team is put through the strictest vetting process in the health industry and we often reject applicants who have written articles for many of the largest health websites that are deemed trustworthy. This is why a gadolinium detox shouldnt just be an option or an afterthought; it should be a top priority. The most common source of gadolinium toxicity in the environment is due to its role as an MRI (mirror resonance imaging) and CAT scan contrast agent [2]. After 8 weeks (6-9 g daily), these values improved by 20-25% [72]. Soil + Seed + Root + Plant = Food = LIFE. Ive come across and tried many different products, but I have to say that the, Alkaline Hydrogen Water Filter from Ph Prescription, is the first filter Ive seen that removes such a broad spectrum of pollutants and restores waters natural pH, but also energizes the water and adds hydrogen to it. Signs and symptoms of gadolinium toxicity. However, no studies have investigated the impact of zeolite on mood yet [30, 21, 23, 24]. Others, such as erionite, may even be cancerous [95, 96]. Heavy metals are everywhere in our environment, even in places where you would least expect them (like contrasting agents). In a 2012 study, zeolite was found to successfully flush heavy metals from the body, including toxic lead. There are certain contrast agents that are less stable than others. Animal studies have confirmed its efficacy, too [18, 6, 19]. It stopped the growth of the HSV-1 (Herpes simplex) virus, which causes cold sores [75, 58]. The positive impact of zeolite on gut bacteria contributes to the above benefits but also helps relieve diarrhea and improves overall health. Activated charcoal. Pure Body Extra uses natural zeolite that has been purified to perfection, making it the most effective detox available. Furthermore, the safety profile of zeolite is incomplete in pregnant women and children. Well, zeolite might do it all, but clinical evidence remains limited. However, zeolite has a high affinity for those toxins and keeps them trapped under all conditions [91, 92, 4]. Micronized products have a particle size <20 m. Gadolinium is a chemical element found in nature, and it can be toxic to humans when found in high levels. Clinoptilolite cut the number of melanoma (skin cancer) metastases in mice and boosted their immune response [85]. Detoxifying mold. The finely ground mineral earth has several mechanisms with which it can rid the human body of toxins. "Love your products! In cows, zeolite reversed the metabolic damage caused by nitrates [43]. In rats with partially removed liver, clinoptilolite provided antioxidant support by boosting glutathione and protective enzymes. The idea that "zeolites detox your body from heavy metals" is very nearly a truism mantra across the natural products industry. However, even if you havent had either of those procedures, you still may be exposed to gadolinium in your drinking water. Most of the side effects of gadolinium-based contrasts (GBCDs) are mild, including: Headache. Aflatoxins may contaminate foods and endanger human health, especially the liver [34]. In one cell study, zeolite even reversed oxidative damage triggered by another sunscreen ingredient, titanium-dioxide [79]. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Use your palm or a body brush to apply 1-2 tbsp. Kelatox is a suppository supplement containing EDTA, a synthetic amino acid that assists in your bodys natural process of removing environmental pollutants; specifically gadolinium. Whats more, activation only implies mechanically reducing the size of zeolite particles. Together, these three ingredients assist your bodys natural detoxification processes in a way that specifically supports heavy metal clearance through mineralization, mobilization, and toxin binding. The medical community is acutely aware of the toxic effects of gadolinium, which is why it is complexed with neutralizing compounds before being administered. It is often used in industrial processes to remove toxins from the environment, and it is also used in water purification and in medical applications. in their cupboard. Your email address will not be published. Many users have reported positive experiences with zeolite. In cell studies, zeolite eliminated viruses and volatile odors. What if that same powder could detox your body, boost your gut health, prevent free-radical damage, fight infections, and more? Major source of human poisoning another sunscreen ingredient, titanium-dioxide [ 79 ] can. And the Supercharged Podcast on mood yet [ 30, 31 ] structures, these values improved by %. Inflammatory Molecules can leak from the body when it comes to water filtration in body... Unknowingly exposing yourselves to this toxic compound on a daily basis health and better... Wise to assume anything, especially the liver [ 34 ] creams lotions. 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