Many dislike Limited vision: Acceptable when a person is not legally or completely blind, Low vision: Acceptable when a person is not legally or completely blind. WebAs you can see, even mild hearing loss can affect the sounds of speech, making it difficult to understand words with consonant sounds. Consider using people-first language, as in a person with an intellectual disability rather than an intellectually disabled person. As always, ask the person which terms they prefer. It is a common learning disability among children, although adolescents and adults with dyslexia often exhibit symptoms as well. Examples of developmental disabilities include autism spectrum disorder, spina bifida, cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities. The terms are considered derogatory because they equate symptoms of illness to filth. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid these terms as they often are used inaccurately and can be offensive. Background: The Oxford English dictionary defines an invalid as a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury. It is probably the oldest term for someone with physical conditions that are considered seriously limiting. Dementia is not a specific illness; it refers to a wide range of symptoms. Additional material: I Dont Have Autism, Im Autistic, Lenny Letter. If you are going to use it in a quote, consider that decision carefully, as the word is particularly charged. NCDJ Recommendation: Ask the person with the disability how they would like to be described. For similar reasons, there is disagreement about characterizing disease or illness as a battle, as in to battle cancer. These arguments surfaced after U.S. NCDJ Recommendation: Caregiver is preferable to caretaker when referring to the care of people. And so we are no longer offering advice regarding a default. Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The pandemic altered the way many people think about disability, as people who had never encountered such obstacles were suddenly unable to leave their houses. Signs and symptoms of dysarthria vary, depending on the underlying cause and the type of dysarthria. Background: High functioning and low-functioning are terms used to describe ability levels for people with a variety of conditions, including neurodiversity, intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Although many in the general public associate disability with people using wheelchairs or white canes or who are missing limbs, more people have conditions that cant be seen but are defined as disabilities under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. In the case of a leg injury, explain instead that an injury resulted in difficulty walking. Common usages include cancer survivor, burn survivor, brain injury survivor or stroke survivor. However, the terms are disliked by some because they imply that those who die simply did not fight hard enough. The term flashback may be used to denote reliving an event that triggered the PTSD. Even with the caveat that this does not apply to all, we have heard from many people with disabilities who take issue with that advice. WebDeafness is defined as "a hearing impairment that is so severe that the child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification." NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid using these terms when describing a person with a disability or the programs designed to serve them, with the exception of government references or formal names of organizations and programs. Advocacy groups call it death with dignity or right-to-die, but AP does use those phrases on their own. As youll see below, high functioning and low functioning are considered offensive. In general, there is no hyphen after inter, so interabled is the correct usage (not inter-abled). Background: Service animals are trained animals, usually dogs, that provide services to people with disabilities. However, this term is not widely used. NCDJ Recommendation: Since the term is not in widespread use, its meaning should be explained for a general audience; ask sources how they prefer to describe their relationships whenever possible. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid referring to an individual as a paraplegic. According to the University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, post-polio syndrome is a condition that affects some persons who have had poliomyelitis (polio) long after recovery from the disease. Nasal, raspy or strained voice. NCDJ Recommendation: Behavioral health hospital or psychiatric hospital are the preferred terms to describe medical facilities specifically devoted to treating people with mental health conditions. Alternate phrases include killed himself, took her own life or died by suicide. The verb commit with suicide can imply a criminal act. AP style: The style book urges avoidance of the term special education and suggests trying to be specific about the needs or services in question. Background: These terms refer to a variety of ways that people communicate without speaking. In common usage, psychotic often is used in the same way as the word crazy, and thus can be offensive and inaccurate. Epilepsy manifests differently in individuals: The severity of epileptic seizures, their occurrence rates and the emergence of other health problems differ from person to person. Background: Hospitals that cared for people with various mental illnesses, often for long periods of time, were once commonly referred to as insane asylums. NCDJ Recommendation: Do not use these words, particularly when reporting on mental illness, unless they are part of a quote that is essential to the story. AP style: Although there is no entry for service animal, the style book takes note of the Seeing Eye dog trademark and says guide dog is prefered in all references. WebFeeling Tired or Stressed. Post-traumatic stress disorder is correct on first reference; use PTSD on second reference. Use of sustain or receive removes the implied judgment. The word special in relationship to those with disabilities is now widely considered offensive because it euphemistically stigmatizes that which is different. If the source is not available or unable to communicate, ask a trusted family member, advocate, medical professional or relevant organization that represents people with disabilities. Background: The terms hearing impaired and hearing impairment are sometimes used to describe people with hearing loss that ranges from partial to complete. Little People of America has a statement on the M word., The terms little people and little person refer to people of short stature and have come into common use since the founding of the Little People of America organization in 1957. Jonas Salk introduced the polio vaccine in the 1950s, which drastically reduced cases of polio in the U.S. Mayo Clinic. The term midget was used in the past to describe an unusually short and proportionate person. Background: Down syndrome is a congenital condition caused by the presence of an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21 in an individuals cell nuclei. The terms depressed, depressing and depressive are acceptable in other contexts when the person being referenced does not have a medically diagnosed condition. As some advocates observe, we are all differently abled. Another commonly used term is twice exceptional or 2E, which refers to a child with a disability who also is diagnosed as gifted. Background: According to the University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, disfigurement refers to physical changes caused by burns, trauma, disease or congenital conditions.. A developmental disability can include a long-term physical or cognitive/intellectual disability or both. Slurred speech without alcohol is linked to a variety of diagnoses that are cause for concern, including: Multiple Sclerosis Brain Tumors Lyme Disease Head Injury Cerebral Palsy Stroke See Autism In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association folded Aspergers syndrome into one umbrella diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Seizure types vary by where and how they begin in the brain. Earwax impaction is another culprit. Many chronic health conditions also are considered invisible disabilities, depending on their severity and impact on daily living. For example, the National Center on Deaf-Blindness retains the hyphen. Avoid confined to a wheelchair or wheelchair-bound as these terms describe a person only in relationship to a piece of equipment. AP style: Disabled is described as a general term for a physical, mental, developmental or intellectual disability. Use non-disabled or people without disabilities instead of healthy, able-bodied, normal or whole.. The Center states that addiction differs from dependence. It is often used informally to describe someone who is in a stupor-like condition. Some members of the disability community oppose its use because it implies that all people with disabilities lack able bodies or the ability to use their bodies well. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders debuted the new term childhood-onset fluency disorder to refer to stuttering, along with a few new criteria for its diagnosis. Be cautious about calling someone an ableist just as you would be cautious about calling someone a racist or a sexist. Writing about disability is complicated and requires sensitivity a must for any form of journalism that involves people. And if you cant ask the person, dont avoid writing about disability. You can also download the NCDJ Style Guide as a PDF. According to the National Institute on Aging, other dementias include Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal disorders and vascular dementia. NCDJ Recommendation: Use the words psychotic and psychosis only when they accurately describe a medical experience. NCDJ Recommendation: The term non-disabled and the phrases does not have a disability or is not living with a disability are more neutral choices. has a good discussion of the differences. While caregiver and caretaker often are used interchangeably, they imply something different. There is debate about when someone with a chronic illness is considered to have a disability. It is more accurate to cite the specific disability or disabilities in question. Webwhy is hearing impaired a slur. NCDJ Recommendation: All the terms are acceptable, although, because they are not widely used, an explanation is required for a general audience. Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead to repetitive and often ritualized behaviors or compulsions. Dysarthria. This takes years of intensive practice and professional training.. While speech impediment and speech disorder are still widely used within the medical community, many consider the terms offensive because they describe the conditions in terms of a deficiency. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the opposite is true. It is a negative commotation. This takes years of intensive practice and professional training., The Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf has a searchable database of registered interpreters, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, The Autism Self Advocacy Network details this debate, I Dont Have Autism, Im Autistic,, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Syracuse Universitys Disability Cultural Center, Little People of America has a statement on the M word., International Society for Augmentive and Alternative Communication, some people still strongly support the method, This particular use of the word dates to the middle of the 19th century. For us, this really emphasizes the fact that no two people are the same either with regard to disabilities or language preferences. NCDJ Recommendation: The term may not be understood by all, so an explanation may be required. Those with dysarthria often slur or drag their words when they try to pronounce them. Some prefer the term congenital disorder. Use attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on first reference; ADHD is acceptable on second reference. Avoid use of Seeing Eye dog as Seeing Eye is a registered trademark of The Seeing Eye school in Morristown, N.J. Be aware that licensure and/or certification of service animals is a contentious issue in the disability community, so it may be best to refer to the federal definition. AP style: Not addressed except in terms of abbreviation: AA is acceptable on second reference. (The proper terminology in the United Kingdom is Downs syndrome). When possible, ask sources how they would like to be described. AP style: Not specifically addressed, but the style book refers to mental health professional in an entry on mental illness. Instead, define it as an electronic device that can assist a person who is deaf or hard of hearing in understanding speech. Did you know that The term has largely gone out of use and is now considered objectionable and inaccurate. NCDJ Recommendation:Avoid using cripple as either a noun or verb unless you are describing the crip movement or if its in a direct quote. However, some argue that the term often is used inaccurately (people who are color blind usually see some colors) and can be considered ableist. If thats not possible, ask a spokesperson for the organization representing the relevant disability for preferred terminology. AP Style: The style book suggests a content warning at the top of stories when the subject matter may be considered offensive or disturbing, but the story does not contain quoted profanity, obscenities or vulgarities. NCDJ Recommendation: When writing about Tiffany Yus group, use Diversability as a proper name. This was due to the fact that both groups considered hearing-impaired to be offensive because it carried a value judgement implying that the person was impaired or defective. Less than one percent of the general population has schizophrenia, and it is treated mostly through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. For example, They found the election results depressing.. Background: Psychological triggers are words, images or sounds that activate phobias, panic attacks or flashbacks to unpleasant events or trauma. Background: The World Health Organization recommends avoiding language that sensationalizes or normalizes suicide or presents it as a solution to problems. Disability advocacy groups emphasize that it is important not to assume people are homebound if they are disabled. Refer specifically to the physical changes. Jon Henner, an assistant professor at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, who is Deaf, describes himself as a crip linguist., While some activists have embraced the word, adopting hashtags such as #criplit and #cripthevote, others are very much against its use. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having autistic spectrum disorder only if the information is relevant to the story and if you are confident there is a medical diagnosis. Background: Epilepsy is a chronic neurological and developmental disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures, according to the Epilepsy Foundation. 3. It has been criticized by some in the Deaf community who are concerned that the device could threaten Deaf culture. Then numbers were assigned to words not just mentally retarded, but also terms like imbecile, idiot and moron.. NCDJ Recommendation: Use the term mental illness instead of insane or mentally deranged, except in a quote or when referring to a criminal defense. Physical damage to the brain: Brain damage can affect both structure and function. Instead, be as specific as possible. The term functional needs is preferred when a term is required. NCDJ Recommendation: While it is acceptable to use the terms developmental disability and developmental disabilities, it is preferable to use the name of the specific disability whenever possible. Journalists also may want to include such warnings in material distributed to a general audience. There is some ambiguity about the difference between stuttering and stammering and which term is appropriate in different contexts. NCDJ Recommendation: It is preferable to use a medical professionals diagnosis or, if that is not possible, terms such as comatose or non-responsive. Avoid referring to someone as a vegetable or veg as such words dehumanize the person. Avoid using psychotic as an adjective to describe a person; instead refer to a person as having a psychotic condition or experiencing a psychosis. Avoid using the terms colloquially. NCDJ Recommendation: Both terms are acceptable, although many people prefer people-first language, stating that someone is a person with an intellectual disability rather than referring to the person as intellectually disabled. Some people have a physical characteristic that is not a result of an amputation. Background: Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by tics, sudden, purposeless and rapid movements or vocalizations, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders. The Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf has a searchable database of registered interpreters. It calls for use of a lower case d in all usages. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to injuries as being sustained or received rather than suffered, as suffer implies that an injured person is a victim or somehow less than a person who has not been injured. Background: Psychosis is a broad term used to describe symptoms of certain mental health problems that include delusions or hallucinations or other loss of contact with reality. Use the term dissociative identity disorder, not multiple personality disorder, and avoid the acronym DID.. Onset could be in infancy, childhood, middle age or later. People may refer to themselves as limb different or as being part of a limb different community or as having an upper or lower body limb difference. Such events may include assault, war, sexual assault, natural disasters, car accidents or imprisonment. Again, proceed with caution. The medical profession favors use of the terms mental disorder or psychopathology. In U.S. criminal law, insanity is a legal question, not a medical one. AP style: The stylebook allows the use of vegetative state, describing it as a condition in which the eyes are open and can move, and the patient has periods of sleep and periods of wakefulness, but remains unconscious, unaware of self or others.. The word condition is often a good substitute that avoids judgement. Its traced to religion in 1636 (he to his long retarded Wrath gives wings); to medicine in 1785 (Polypus, sometimes obstructs the vagina, and gives retarded labour); and later to politics (Arguably, the legacy of communism manifests itself most acutely in the retarded economic development of the east). Addiction usually refers to a disease or disorder; dependence may, on the other hand, describe babies born to mothers who use drugs or cancer patients who take prescribed painkillers. NCDJ Recommendation: Use Americans with Disabilities Act on first reference; ADA is acceptable on second reference. Its proper name is major depressive disorder. The institute says that related diagnoses include seasonal affective disorder (characterized by the onset of depression during the winter months), psychotic depression (a combination of psychosis and depression), and postpartum depression (sometimes experienced by mothers after giving birth). It is acceptable to refer to someone as having spastic cerebral palsy, but it is derogatory to refer to someone as spastic or a spaz. When describing specific symptoms, it is always best to ask the person what terms they prefer. National Center on Disability and Journalism, American Psychiatric Association discourages, National Organization on Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH), National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, . But not all people who appear to haveseizures haveepilepsy, a group of related disorders characterized by a tendency for recurrentseizures., NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having epilepsy only if the information is relevant to the story and if youre confident there is a medical diagnosis. The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment recommends using people-first language when referring to alcoholism, such as someone with alcoholism or someone with an alcohol addiction., NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone who harmfully uses alcohol as a person with alcoholism rather than an alcoholic, which tends to identify someone solely by their disease. Background: Stuttering is a a neurobiological condition that is characterized by interruptions in speech. It is important to understand that many people do not consider being deaf or having hearing loss as a disability. Neurological Disorders. Background: The term interabled is used by some in the disability community to refer to couples in which one person has a disability and the other does not. A note about person-first language. question whether there is such a thing as a gifted child. Referring to someone as a paraplegic is offensive to some people as it implies that their condition defines them. NCDJ Recommendation: Do not use the term retarded or other iterations. Do not use the terms addiction and dependence interchangeably. Background: Tetraplegia, used interchangeably with quadriplegia, is defined as the paralysis of all four limbs as well as the torso. It is acceptable to refer to someone as deaf or hard of hearing. It is characterized by unusually intense shifts in emotion, energy, behavior and activity levels in what are called mood episodes. Such episodes are usually classified as manic, hypomanic, depressive or mixed episodes. WebApraxia. From My Heart Cant Even Believe It: A Story of Science, Love and Down Syndrome, (Amy Silverman, Woodbine House, 2016): The wordretardedhas a slang-free history. Background: Disability and disabled generally describe functional limitations that affect one or more of the major life activities, including walking, lifting, learning and breathing. Some prefer being called dyslexic, others prefer people-first language, as in a person with dyslexia.. There are four types of spina bifida. NCDJ Recommendation: The terms service animal, assistance animal and guide dog all are acceptable. NCDJ Recommendation: If youre an educator, consider alerting students ahead of time if content contains graphic descriptions of traumatic events. Background: The two terms often are used interchangeably. NCDJ Recommendation: The terms deafblind, deafblindness, deaf-blind and deaf-blindness are all acceptable. Manifestations may include stuttering, articulation errors or an inability to move the tongue (commonly referred to as tongue-tied). However, its use is relatively rare and not generally accepted. If one method of communication fails to work, try another. Laws against suicide have been repealed in the U.S. and many other places. This hearing-impaired population may be even more isolated than the visually impaired community. Common symptoms of autism spectrum disorder include difficulties in communication, impaired social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities, according to the Institute. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid referring to someone with a disability as sick or to their disability as a sickness. If a person is receiving medical treatment, then the word patient is appropriate; however, it should be avoided outside of a medical context. Many people with intellectual disabilities and their advocates consider these terms to be dismissive or reductive of a persons abilities. Dont assume all people who engage in misuse have an addiction. Its symptoms include muscle weakness and paralysis. Background: Amputation refers to the removal of a bodily extremity, usually during a surgical operation, for a variety of reasons, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.People who have undergone an amputation are commonly referred to as amputees, but the term may be offensive and often is not used correctly. Others prefer it to disabled because dis means not, which means that disabled means not able. But particularly when it comes to referring to individuals, differently abled is problematic. At times, words that are considered outdated may be appropriate because of the storys historical context. The type and amount of melanin your body produces determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes. 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