they deserve to stay on for several more seasons. No words needed. Vic too for that matter if the punch in the face was the best thing that happened to her all week. She was never that into him in the first place. There are so many better story arcs for Henrys character. So this summer, the next season will appear there! OnTheElk A&E already cancelled The Glades, which was a good show too, I hope they dont do the same with Longmire! Now, Im finding that my current favorite show might be cancelled? I doubt well get more. I hate these reality shows . I thought it was Hectors ashes, but could be the job jar. Stephanie Nolasco, Ashley Papa. Top of his game. The mugging was to appear like it was for drug money. Bluemixerclif This is a good series. I think he paid to inflict pain on Walt. Jane Davis We missed the last few minutes. To all Im really enjoying all your thoughts. 3:35 am, I believe that was how hector would get hisjobs. Hope for another season where we can find out. Ive been singing the praises of Katee Sackhoff and Bailey Chase but, arguably, Taylor had the most powerful, emotional walloping of a scene in all of season three. It packed a wallop of an emotional punch for Longmire viewers from Henry being freed to Walts farewell to Martha to the Connally father and son confrontation. Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. Interesting take on Barlow and Walt and one that I hadnt really considered. Id call this an A+ episode even though all the loose ends surrounding Marthas and Miller Becks deaths werent tied up well enough. They dont need these over the top long drawn out story arcs now that we got Walts wifes murder mostly tied up. Douglas Henning They have nothing worth watching. I noticed that they were not so obliging this year. 2:13 pm, Jhera35 Great season finale! August 12, 2014 @ 6:26 pm. August 7, 2014 @ 3:54 pm, We truly enjoy this episode and think this show has the best cast on tv. Im a late arrival and havent read most comments, but, to answer Edwards question as to why Ridges wanted to count Branchs coup, I think it was because Branch got nosy after Cadys car accident during the election. Longmire fan 308 Multiple reports claimed that Harry Styles, Elton John, Robbie Williams and the Spice Girls have all declined to perform at the coronation concert on May 7 on the grounds of Windsor Castle. I think what Henry said to Branch about returning to his job under Walt after he lost the election has a much deeper meaning now. If either he or Walt had killed Beck, the body would never have been found. Outside the office, Longmire bars Branch from going in. Which happens frequently in the real world. DrewOFB, A very quick check says the song was Lawdy by The Vespers. son, not created in his fathers image.. Maybe? The only way I stumbled on Longmire before it premiered was because of the wasteland of programming and I happened to be watching The Glades which promoted Longmire. Penny I agree with you that Branch taking up his fathers company would be an interesting storyline if he doesnt get back to being a deputy. Longmires been sheriff a long time, must have gotten in Barlow Connallys way many times over the years. Was it concrete or cement rather than paint? Barlow did seem a bit shaky there at the end. August 5, 2014 @ 3:59 am. The person he hired killed the person that killed her. Best episode yet! 4:50 pm. Also, I cant remember details of the explanation of how exactly Martha died but maybe the payment was to kill Walt and Martha got in the way? I think Warner held firm. That character added tons this season but Im with you on Henry, Vic, and Walt interacting more. If you wanted to promote Longmire to others in prep for season 2 your hands were tied unless you DVRd it and had people over. I have this theory that Barlow and Walts relationship is much more complicated than its been said and that Marthas murder had more reasons behind it than just throwing Walt off his game to get Branch to the Sheriffs office. Bailey Chase and Katee Sackhoff certainly deserve some recognition for their intense scenes. She is a far better deputy than Branch or Ferg. August 6, 2014 @ 4 min read. 4:06 am. Excellent writing and acting. Longmire gets better ratings than both. Look at Bones. Perhaps as someone else mentioned he could be mayor or something. Im sad to read sometimes that there are Longmire viewers who really dislike Vic, I LOVE her character, flaws and all. I dont know remember how much is revealed about Martha in Craig Johnsons books besides the fact that they met very young, 20-21 and anything more is sketchy but there are a couple novels in the series I have not read yet. Following the miscarriage she suffered in episode 4, she went on a drive and came close to killing herself she had the bullet locked and ready to go, but she emptied it out when she realized that she couldn't go through with it. [b]Penny[/b], I also dont see Cady backtracking with Branch. IMO (2 cents), I think Barlow killed himself, if they take longmire off there is only reserection left. A&E wanted a larger profit share. I remember reading once that many settlers of Wyoming were driven mad by some combination of the incessant wind of the high plains and the loneliness. She had stopped at a campground where she fixated on a happy family laughing and holding hands. That seems to be who the character is to me and I feel like he is lost without it. She seemed too girlie for him, half fainting violet, half stalker trying to force her way into his life. This is especially true of Henry Standing Bear. A&E gets first right of refusal, and then any other network could work out a deal with Warner. Not a dry eye in the house! The part when Walt was spreading his wifes ashes was so sad. HOOTIEWHO, LONGMIREA CONNALLY CONUNDRUMBRANCH OR BARLOWOR BOTH? I am sure if the show is renewed that the writers will be going full steam ahead with Walt and Vics romance. This is a great cast. I did like the comment about it being the best thing that happened. Since we know he is an only son, it would be his sister. 5:52 am. Sorry for the length. And how do Baldwin/Coveney, the producers, fit into the picture in terms of ownership and clout? Im sure the writers have been to all the boards and taken note of viewers feelings, hence the change in the Gorski affair storyline. He's often hard on his nephew, even though . We cant imagine this show ending. . As the scene closes with Branch getting ready to take in his corrupt father, maybe hoping to earn his way back into the department or just because hes realized that hes not like his dad, Branchs father says hes sorry he failed him, but its not too late to have another son. It was Branchs big redemption! [b]01whitty[/b], Im sure that was what Barlow was counting on but he was also taking a very big risk that Walt doesnt throw himself into his work to overcome his loss and work through the pain. I agree with many of you, if there is a S4, it should be better (and easier to join) with individual weekly episodes without so much undercurrent. Its too darn good and too popular. About halfway through the episode, we started to feel like he was the guilty party. I could buy a Longmire soundtrack like they use to release for shows like Miami Vice. What did you think about the Longmire finale, and were the reveals everything that you expected and then some? It was still able to hook me so that by the end of S2 I was head over heels. [b]emsA2[/b], incessant wind of the high plains and the loneliness. Thats a thought-provoking tidbit that Ive never heard. Nicely said, Virginia! mr.tufts And thank you for stopping by and adding your invaluable insight. Loved the S3 finale, but the best part for us is that we had a family membered contacted by the film scouts to use their older home for a filming location for one of the S4 episodes ! We both felt the same regarding the Gorski storyline and although I am not a Walt/Vic shipper, our discussions have been respectful and I appreciate that. . For six seasons, Nighthorse has been Longmire's usual suspect, accused of everything from helping murder Walt's wife to killing deputy Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) to using the casino he. It seemed to have old In Ashes to Ashes does the owl symbolize that Marthas spirit is still unquiet, that Longmire doesnt have it all figured out as completely as he thinks he does and is on the wrong track going after Nighthorse with a vengeance he feels Martha will need to forgive him of? Longmire is the best show on TV PERIOD! Plot [] Summary []. In Branchs tired, vacant stare at his would-be assassin, theres a mixture of disbelief that his ordeal is finally over, perhaps, wondering if, even now, the corpse wont come back alive for one more encounter. I went back to S1 and the S2 to catch up. It has been reported that A&E is contracturally obligated to make a renewal decision by August 31st. Who called Walts home phone? Quite a artistic creation. I imagine her as a very smart and independent woman who called Walt on his sh$t (maybe even used a curse word sometimes, not as much as Vic of course), kept him in line when he needed it, loved and supported him yes but also fought against the casino even when it might have made his job difficult. I dont think Jacob is squeaky clean either. As to Branch and his dad. Was anyone curious who took off in Walts truck just prior to David Bridges attack in last weeks episode? Regardless, I think that Vic is one of the few good female characters on tv. fantastic drama, pulse-pounding action and emotional catharsis. And thank you for the compliment. The other thing I found interesting in this article was that at the time it was written there was talk about trying to cast Dog and finding it really difficult. Appreciated. By the way, the horned owl(s) they have used are really beautiful birds, dont look onimous to me and I have always been struck by how soulful the eyes are and how they look as if they are personally connecting to Walt. I love this show. The season wrapped up the David Ridges storyline, as well as Vics stalker situation and Henry Standing Bears plight. Walt Longmire's fictional biography. Really enjoyed the humorous banter between Walt/Henry and Vic/Henry. His son, Branch (The Connallys have some crazy names), the sheriff's deputy, figured out that Barlow had Walt's wife killed. The exchange between Longmire and Henry as they navigate the cops into helping them out is a comical routine, Henry playing a grave robberwith two shovelswith lawman Longmire hot on his heels. As to the Walt and Vic relationship the writers have handled this with kid gloves. Other than glances and appropriate caring touches, there has been little hint of anything else. Lots more too about the Longmire books and TV show, glad I found it. Why this and why that? Excellent!!! I was stunned by the anti-Vic wing. [FAQ] What happened to branch on longmire? I think it was ridges. I dont like the idea of Branch in any other job but with the sheriffs department. Heres hoping for season 4 !! 1:36 am. Branch could have given a warning shot to tell Barlow to stay put. Angry and spiteful at having lost to Walt, Barlow came up with one last plan. Since we were new to the series, we watched from the beginning and got hooked ! Who knows what A&E will do? You saw Walt's reaction to hearing the gunfire, which proved that he is nearby and therefore capable of coming to the rescue. Why did Henry take Hectors drop jar? I hope they do surprise me! It has to be more than just Branch being on sacred land (which turned out to be not so much), Davids religious convictions, and discovering that he was indeed still alive. Ashes to Ashes wrapped up a couple more of the main arcs and ended with a riveting season finale that was quite satisfying for this Longmire fan. SunnyinFL Fabulous scene-entering-good dictation. Later he confronts his father about his $50,000 tip to Jacob Nighthorse about killing Walt's wife, but soon later his father distracts Branch by pulling the disc while shooting shotguns and later shoots Branch in the facewhile Branch is distracted, and is later avenged by Walt, and is mentioned in every season after. Why did Ridges go after Branch? 5:57 am. August 5, 2014 @ I am pro- what I call The VicWaltship but not in any hurry. Longmire made a HUGE move for a show with an uncertain future, exposing Barlow as the man responsible, but also not having Walt arrest him. are for watching things over a year old, LOL. Though Walt had successfully been found innocent despite the efforts of Barlow's associates. I am still against Vic and Walt getting romantically involved. Barbara Proctor That would be a sharp change of pace to make him a mayor or some other powerful nemesis. I know when Longmire was recommended to me (I started in the middle of S2), I had little idea as to the numerous sub-plots that seemed to actually dominate the heart beat of the story. Well, friends, I have heard they cancelled Longmire. Having her out of the way would allow Branchs father to move forward with the construction of the casino. I have no problem with that and felt Sean should have been (as in the books) gotten rid of in season one and the entire Gorski plodding plot was unnecessary and/or WAY too long. 1:06 pm. For me it was also one of best Oh my! Cant wait for season 4!!! August 5, 2014 @ Branch had suspicious evidence that he might have shared with Longmire before confronting his father. It seems like a far fetched plan, but the man turned out to be ruthless, especially if he killed his own son. Not surprisingly, the fracas brought an end a temporary one, we can only hope to their friendship, just at a time when Walt might need all the friends he can get. Why did Walt have to kill Gus? And why was Ridges going after Branch so adamantly? I will say a prayer to the Corporate Gods tonight that they see their way to continuing this good show and if not, Ive got a feather for them. IMO (2 cents), I think Barlow killed himself, thus setting Branch free to be his own man, thus creating another son, not created in his fathers image. Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) finds Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) walking down the road, shotgun in hand. The continuing arcs are what allow the writers to make the characters more interesting. August 5, 2014 @ Its shame Longmire has no help from a lead in show. Especially if it goes long. I have lost a lot of shows I like because of low ratings. I read that Longmire DVDs and Blu-Ray sell well on Amazon and elsewhere but then do those buyers find it on TV? I like your take on this even if it isnt what happened. Please A&E, renew quickly with a lot more episodes. I have to say the Baldwin/Coveny written episodes are my favorites. Just in case that wasnt emotional enough, we then hen had the moment where Walt was crying in a field, feeling regret and shame over what he was about to do. Its the most important barometer a network uses to indicate popularity. They also are weak in their other programming and it seems generally incompatible with the Longmire viewer type so they are unlikely to stumble upon it. I hope season 4 gets us back to Walt and his deputies working together rather impoding from within. OK, Walt & Vic can get together as long as it is done well. 2:03 pm, It is interesting how shows that advocate slutty, trashy, immoral actions by teenagers are renewed for 2-3-4 seasons with 12+ episodes, and something that is well written and exciting to watch teeters on the brink of cancellation. [b]shrummer[/b], I think that the writers were going for closure on Walts grief for his decesased wife in the finale. Katee tweeted something about S4 already but my guess is they told her to reserve her before officially announcing A&E wouldnt end another show with a main character in mortal danger would Glades Matt seems to have landed OK though on USA Network. I feel like Henry would have just driven to the cabin. August 7, 2014 @ However, once we got near the end of the episode, thats when some of our anxiety really started to settle in. 10 episodes is pretty good for a season. Barlow saw an opportunity and had him killed by Ridges. It may be its ultimate downfall which would be a shame. Getting sick of their lack of information and promotion for Longmire. PLEASE let it continue on..Jane Davis, Lila Cox Maybe the writers will bring Lizzie Ambrose (the other blonde) back to add a little competition for Vic but Im fairly certain the relationship between Walt and Vic is a done deal. Great writing! 4:29 am. I mostly lurk here but have followed these recaps and enjoyed them very much. As you say a lot of comments are constructive criticism. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Now knowing that Barlow had Martha killed to help elect Branch, uh, maybe theres something else we havent been told. Then, it was Branch of all people who finally uncovered the truth. August 6, 2014 @ So I cant say for sure that the owl in Longmire has always symbolized Martha but I think it does. It seems it would be harder than simply walking in and having Walt say okay then but not impossible. As it turned out, Beck was hired to kill Martha by a go-between named David Ridges, who himself was secretly working for greedy Wyoming land developer Barlow Connally. Let us know in the comments below. I believe the scene was added, along with Branch visiting the corpse, to throw some suspicion (a red herring) his way that he was capable of swiping the body. A&E needs to promote it more and show it at an earlier time so that MORE people can watch. I absolutely love this show and i dont watch TV very often. Longmires now officially on Netflix, and its begun filming Season 4. The for group can also rant, just not as loudly. [b]shrummer[/b], Im sure some fans were disappointed but I like the natural way its developing and it would have been a bit much for Walt to say goodbye to Martha and getting together with Vic in the same show. I however have been on sites where people are downright nasty if you express you like the Vic character, or say she has some redeeming quailties, or she is the most reliable deputy, or disagree with their opinion at all and the same people post over and over and over and over again even when the topic may not be about Vic and they have already expressed their opinion. LOVE THIS SHOW!! In 2015, Branch's body was found down by the river by Walt Longmire, Vic Moretti, and The Ferg. But all this begs the question, if Barlow Connally hired David Ridges to kill Martha Longmire, did Ridges do the deed himself, or did he outsource the murder by hiring Miller Beck? Why does Barlow kill branch? Just want more Longmire. Thanks for the 411 Austinmoose! I thoroughly enjoyed the finale even though the conspiracy about Marthas murder had holes large enough to drive a truck through. Cant wait! Just curious. Several British stars have turned down the offer to help ring in King Charles III's coronation. So Ifeel theres a very good chance. Walt is great and all the cast play great off each other. Barlow had Walt's wife killed because she was leading the charge against a proposed Casino in the county. Required fields are marked *. Her reason for that was incredibly heartbreaking. I am enjoying reading the comments here. First, I liked the opening music to this episode. I really dont care how Vic dresses; love Ruby and Lucian; and the Ferg is a hoot. Is David ridges alive Longmire? emsa2, I think Walt deserved a drink after what hes had to deal with and more than a Raineer. Please bring the Longmire BACK even if it re runs. So heres something totally out of left fieldmaybe Ridges recently found out that he was Barlows bastard son/his mother had been abused and abandoned by Barlow and his hatred of Barlow and Branch led him to want them to suffer. I am going to catch up on the books before a new season begins (if it does, fingers crossed) and will try to review the first two tv seasons with the comments of all in mind. Was Longmire on his way to confront Connelly? That moment gave us an idea of how much this character holds himself back emotionally, as have several other powerful eruptions of Storm Walt on Longmire (office wrecking!!). Mr. Taylor did an excellent job in portraying grief and relief in that powerful moment. Andrey is a coach, sports writer and editor. The finale had fewer viewers than the season premiere. August 14, 2014 @ Im also new to posting comments but have been reading/enjoying for a while. I noticed the writers tried to fix that by claiming that Vic did not know he was married, but by then of course, it was too little, too late. Barlow admits to paying him to send Ridges to Denver the week that Walt's wife was killed, in the pursuit of having Branch replace Walt as sheriff. But it appeared Branch used both types. Was it Henry? In the pilot was the owl Marthas spirit whose killer needed to be found and punished? What makes this show so great is the characters and their interactions especially with each other in solving crimes. cleaned Walts wounds at the Red Pony. I think Barlow assumed the death would cripple Walt, who wouldnt run. PBS is doing the same thing with the final three episodes of Poirot. 2:11 am. I think Warner Horizon produces Dallas and Rizzoli and Isles but dont think Shepard/Robin/Baldwin/Coveny are invovled. Very slim possibility I know but I dont see the Branch/Barlow relationship ending this way. I assume that came from ridges war paint. Thank you for the kind words, [b]egmiller[/b]! Emerald I dont think we know who killed his wife. Daddy Barlow was revealed to be full-on, evil crazy. Announce a Season 4 and give us at least 12 episodes! By Jesse Clark / Sept. 28, 2021 5:31 am EST. Jhera35 I have watched Longmire from the beginning of S1 and then I read the books. But if he did, he died redeemed. We are dying here for better programming. Until recently I assumed it was a given and Longmire was just working its way there nice and slow. Vic should have just been divorced from the start. I was honestly surprised to read this There is even an owl handler on the first set. I didnt even realize there were people ranting about the Walt/Vic dynamics. As to Branch and his dad. Supporters of the Walt/Vic story arc dont fall for it and just choose not to respond anymore as its become tiresome. Hey that must be why they killed off the REALLY insubordinate male deputy. Christine Not surprisingly, Walt wasn't taking his calls. These three characters need to interact a lot more. Its the embodiment of Martha, the symbolism for her. That was written when seven episodes of season 1 had been filmed. When key players do the deed, it is often the demise of the show. [b]My other thoughts: [/b] Cant wait for Season 4!!!! 4:13 am. Miller was the man suspected of killing Walt's wife, who had also been killed. I think even Henry was surprised. The owl is used as symbolism in the show. In the TV series, hes Henry and LDP does a very good job with his character. Favorite line remains, If you do the job right, Walt, by the time you put down your sheriffs badge, youre a wanted man. Unless they did pitch to TNT and were rejected. Besides, I would not want to give up that amazing scene in The Election where he just says what the hell, goes back in, throws off the hat and jacket, sweeps the table clear and proceeds to ravish Lizzie right there on it. Later, when Longmire and Henry lug Miller Becks coffin back to where David Ridgess body is being kept, they find out from Ferg that someone picked the lock and made off with Ridges. Randy, I played the scene several times to see if by the shotguns empty cartridge I could tell because there was red and a silver casings and they show that final spent shell. Love this show! I mean it was a continuing success for A&E even with a dip in the third season. August 5, 2014 @ Best television in a long time. Im going to go out on a shaky limb and say that there is the possibility Branch and Barlow did not shoot at one another. . For basic cable, I would suggest TNT. Could have been nothing, might have been something, thats what I like about this show. The anti Vic, anti Walt/Vic haters and trolls are just more vocal and use any opportunity to ignite the dialog to rant about their point of view. I am glad that Henry is free and the truth is about about Barlow. Never liked his fathers character. 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