As Christ went through the streets, a great multitude looked on. II. Rutherford used words somewhat to this effect, "I thirst for my Lord and this is joy; a joy which no man taketh from me. Ah, beloved, our Lord was so truly man that all our griefs remind us of him: the next time we are thirsty we may gaze upon him; and whenever we see a friend faint and thirsting while dying we may behold our Lord dimly, but truly, mirrored in his members. This thirst had been on him from the earliest of his earthly days. Largest collection of Spurgeon resources online, including a complete 63 volume set of sermons, audio sermons, books, and quotes. Let me add, that when we look at the sufferings of Christ, we ought to sorrow deeply for the souls of all unregenerate men and women. "His way was much rougher and darker than mine; Did Christ, my Lord, suffer, and shall I repine?". I invite you to meditate upon the true humanity of our Lord very reverently, and very lovingly. Weep not for him, but for these. For him they have no tolerance. John 19:16 . O Lord Jesus, we love thee and we worship thee! (1-3) Jesus enters the garden, followed by Judas and his troops. What but for the juice of the vine that he might be refreshed? He must love his chosen whom he has once begun to love, for he is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. To-day I invite your attention to another Prince, marching in another fashion through his metropolis. Our religion is our glory; the Cross of Christ is our honor, and, while not ostentatiously parading it, as the Pharisees do, we ought never to be so cowardly as to conceal it. Among other things methinks he meant this "If I, the innocent substitute for sinners, suffer thus, what will be done when the sinner himself the dry tree whose sins are his own, and not merely imputed to him, shall fall into the hands of an angry God." Did he not tell his disciples, "I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how am I straitened till it be accomplished?" By contrast, the Christian faith is built on the . So were the streets of Jerusalem; for great multitudes followed him. Lloyd-Jones opens John 19:31-37 to answer that very question. The "I thirst" was the bearing of the last pang; what if I say it was the expression of the fact that his pangs had at last begun to cease, and their fury had spent itself, and left him able to note his lessor pains? Come hither, ye lovers of Immanuel, and I will show you this great sight the King of sorrow marching to his throne of grief, the cross. The arrow which has lately pierced thee, my brother, was first stained with his blood. He is indeed "Immanuel, God with us" everywhere. How they led him forth we do not know. Oh! But how vast was the disparity! The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel, they cannot spare him the agonies of dying on the cross, they will therefore remit the labor of carrying it. The flood of his grief has passed the high-water mark, and began to be assuaged. John 19 He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. and they smote him with their hands. More solemn still is the reflection that according to our Lord's own teaching, thirst will also be the eternal result of sin, for he says concerning the rich glutton, "In hell he lift up his eyes, being in torment," and his prayer, which was denied him, was, "Father Abraham, send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame." No, no; we must not make a cross of our own. And well they may; the son of such noble parents deserves a nation's love. Our first parents plucked forbidden fruit, and by eating slew the race. Alas poor African, thou hast been compelled to carry the cross even until now. How near akin the thirsty Saviour is to us; let us love him more and more. I think, beloved friends, that the cry of "I thirst" was THE MYSTICAL EXPRESSION OF THE DESIRE OF HIS HEART "I thirst." He sipped of the vinegar, and he was refreshed, and no sooner has he thrown off the thirst than he shouted like a conqueror, "It is finished," and quitted the field, covered with renown. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. The sufferings of Christ should make us weep over those who have brought that blood upon their heads. It was, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered thy children together as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but ye would not!" Christ was always thirsty to save men, and to be loved of men; and we see a type of his life-long desire when, being weary, he sat thus on the well and said to the woman of Samaria, "Give me to drink." You have been ill, and you have been parched with fever as he was, and then you too have gasped out "I thirst." He must love, it is his nature. "I thirst," is his human body tormented by grievous pain. We ought not to forget the Jews. The voice of sympathy prevailed over the voice of scorn. There were two other cross-bearers in the throng; they were malefactors; their crosses were just as heavy as the Lord's, and yet, at least, one of them had no sympathy with him, and his bearing the cross only led to his death, and not to his salvation. He bears a cross, not that you may escape it, but that you may endure it. Do we not see here the truth of that which was set forth in shadow by the scape-goat? Say not that the comparison is strained, for in a moment I will withdraw it and present the contrast. You are not, therefore, so poor as he. Oh! The Geneva Series of Commentaries include historic commentaries on biblical books written by some of the great theologians in the history of the church. God forbid! The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Jesus was deserted of God; and if he, who was only imputedly a sinner, was deserted, how much more shall you be? And yet, though he was Lord of all he had so fully taken upon himself the form of a servant and was so perfectly made in the likeness of sinful flesh, that he cried with fainting voice, "I thirst." These are awful words, but they are not mine; they are the very words of God in Scripture. Dear friends, we must remember that, although no one died on the cross with Christ, for atonement must be executed by a solitary Savior, yet another person did carry the cross for Christ; for this world, while redeemed by price by Christ, and by Christ alone, is to be redeemed by divine power manifested in the sufferings and labors of the saints as well as those of Christ. Hast thou laid thy hand upon his head, confessed thy sin, and trusted in him? I know he loves to receive from you, because he delights even in a cup of cold water that you give to one of his disciples; how much more will he delight in the giving of your whole self to him? "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." John 19:30. Even when man compassionates the sufferings of Christ, and man would have ceased to be human if he did not, still he scorns him; the very cup which man gives to Jesus is at once scorn and pity, for "the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." John 1 19-51 Spurgeon's Bible Commentary John 1:19-51 John 1:19. They force him without the walls, and are not satisfied till they have rid themselves of his obnoxious presence. Christians, will you refuse to be cross-bearers for Christ? Hunger and thirst after righteousness, for you shall be filled. Conceal your religion? The nails were fastened in the most sensitive parts of the body, and the wounds were widened as the weight of his body dragged the nails through his blessed flesh, and tore his tender nerves. Shall it ever be a hardship to be denied the satisfying draught when he said, "I thirst." There was a deeper meaning in his words than she dreamed of, as a verse further down fully proves, when he said to his disciples, "I have meat to eat that ye know not of." Come let us pour out full flagons, until his joy is fulfilled in us. Great and worshipful being that he is, truth is to be altered for him, the gospel is to be modulated to suit the tone of his various generations, and all the arrangements of the universe are to be rendered subservient to his interests. Oh! John 19:28 J.R. Thomson This is both the shortest of all the dying utterances of Jesus, and it is the one which is most closely related to himself. He goes forth, then, bearing his cross. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. As not a bone of him shall be broken, so not a word shall be lost. Will your Prince be sumptuously arrayed? The reed was no mere rush from the brook, it was of a stouter kind, of which easterns often make walkingstaves, the blows were cruel as well as insulting; and the crown was not of straw but thorn, hence it produced pain as well as pictured scorn. So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. I suppose that the "I thirst" was uttered softly, so that perhaps only one and another who stood near the cross heard it at all; in contrast with the louder cry of "Lama sabachthani" and the triumphant shout of "It is finished": but that soft, expiring sigh, "I thirst," has ended for us the thirst which else, insatiably fierce, had preyed upon us throughout eternity. This cross was a ponderous machine; not so heavy, perhaps, as some pictures would represent it, but still no light burden to a man whose shoulders were raw with the lashes of the Roman scourge. May the Holy Spirit often lead us to glean therein. Christ must die a felon's death, and it must be upon the felon's gallows, in the place where horrid crimes had met their due reward. Do you not remember how that thirst of his was strong in the old days of the prophet? "Verily I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with me in paradise" this is the Lord Jesus in kingly power, opening with the key of David a door which none can shut, admitting into the gates of heaven the poor soul who had confessed him on the tree. what a black thought crosses our mind! "I thirst, but not as once I did, The vain delights of earth to share; Thy wounds, Emmanuel, all forbid That I should seek my pleasures there. He did not spare his Son the stripes. "And they took Jesus, and led him away." The platted crown of thorns, the purple robe, the reed with which they smote him, and the spittle with which they disfigured him, all these marked the contempt in which they held the King of the Jews. Some of us, indeed, confess that, if we had read this narrative of suffering in a romance, we should have wept copiously, but the story of Christ's sufferings does not cause the excitement and emotion one would expect. It showed that he had laid down his life of himself. Beloved, let us thirst for the souls of our fellow-men. For a biblical, reformed, and historic collection of commentaries, the Geneva Series is unsurpassed. It is not fit that he should live." Let patience have her perfect work. What learn we here as we see Christ led forth? Others think that Simon carried the whole of the cross. Our great hero, the destroyer of Death, bearded the lion in his den, slew the monster in his own castle, and dragged the dragon captive from his own den. Have you prayed for your fellow men? We ought all to have a longing for conversions. Behold, my King is not without his crown alas, a crown of thorns set with ruby drops of blood! That thirst was caused, perhaps, in part by the loss of blood, and by the fever created by the irritation caused by his four grievous wounds. 'Tis his cross, and he goes before you as a shepherd goes before his sheep. See, it has been blackened with bruises, and stained with the shameful spittle of them that derided him. He poureth out the streams that run among the hills, the torrents which rush adown the mountains, and the flowing rivers which enrich the plains. Jesus was proved to be really man, because he suffered the pains which belong to manhood. It was pain that dried his mouth and made it like an oven, till he declared, in the language of the twenty-second psalm, "My tongue cleaveth to my jaws." The conquest of the appetites, the entire subjugation of the flesh, must be achieved, for before our great Exemplar said, "It is finished," wherein methinks he reached the greatest height of all, he stood as only upon the next lower step to that elevation, and said, "I thirst." It is almost done, thou Christ of God; thou hast almost saved thy people; there remaineth but one thing more, that thou shouldst actually die, and hence thy strong desire to come to the end and complete thy labour. The Holy Spirit took special care that each of the sacred utterances should be fittingly recorded. ye Christian men, who dream of trimming your sails to the wind, who seek to win the world's favor, I do beseech you cease from a course so perilous. How truly man he is; he is, indeed, "bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh," for he bears our infirmities. Ah, that I cannot tell, except his own great love. It was most fitting that every word of our Lord upon the cross should be gathered up and preserved. He hath traversed the mournful way before thee, and every footprint thou leavest in the sodden soil is stamped side by side with his footmarks. If he was so poor that his garments were stripped from him, and he was hung up upon the tree, penniless and friendless, hungering and thirsting, will you henceforth groan and murmur because you bear the yoke of poverty and want? Brother, thirst I pray you to have your workpeople saved. How harshly grate the cruel syllables, "Crucify him! Inductive Bible study on John 19. The extreme tension produced a burning feverishness. According to modern thought man is a very fine and noble creature, struggling to become better. You may die so, you may die now. How has it been with you? Sit at his feet with Mary, lean on his breast with John; yea, come with the spouse in the song and say, "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for his love is better than wine." The mind of man is like the daughters of the horseleech, which cry for ever, "Give, give." We do not read that they removed the crown of thorns, and therefore it is most probable, though not absolutely certain, that our Savior wore it along the Via Dolorosa, and also bore it upon his head when he was fastened to the cross. Includes cross references, questions, verse by verse commentary, outline, and applications on John chapter 19 for small groups. When you are molested for your piety; when your religion brings the trial of cruel mockings upon you; then remember, it is not your cross, it is Christ's cross; and how delightful is it to carry the cross of our Lord Jesus? If not, may that picture of Christ fainting in the streets lead you to do so this morning. I have now a third picture to present to you CHRIST AND HIS MOURNERS. It seems to me very wonderful that this "I thirst" should be, as it were, the clearance of it all. You young believers, who have lately followed Christ, should father and mother forsake you, remember you were bidden to reckon upon it; should brothers and sisters deride, you must put this down as part of the cost of being a Christian. So numerous has the family of man now become, that there is a death every second; and when we know how very smell a proportion of the human race have even nominally received the cross and there is none other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved oh! Home; Origin; Birth; John; Acts; About; JOHN 19 COMMENTARY . The most Scriptural way to describe the sufferings of Christ is not by laboring to excite sympathy through highly-coloured descriptions of his blood and wounds. "To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise." In the Lord of Hosts, who shows his power in the sufferings of Christ and of his Church. But further, my brethren; this, I think, is the great lesson from Christ's being slaughtered without the gate of the city let us go forth, therefore, without the camp, bearing his reproach. A new edition of Spurgeon's classic devotional using the ESV. I think that Roman soldier meant well, at least well for a rough warrior with his little light and knowledge. Was not the Redeemer led thither to aggravate his shame? It was the common place of death. Then I will thirst with him and not complain, I will suffer with him and not murmur." III. Now recollect, if Jesus had not thirsted, every one of us would have thirsted for ever afar off from God, with an impassable gulf between us and heaven. They prefer a ceremonial pompous and gaudy; the swell of music, the glitter of costly garments, the parade of learning all these must minister grandeur to the world's religion, and thus shut out the simple followers of the Lamb. As for myself, I would grow more and more insatiable after my divine Lord, and when I have much of him I would still cry for more; and then for more, and still for more. Though bitter to him in the speaking it will be sweet to us in the hearing, so sweet that all the bitterness of our trials shall be forgotten as we remember the vinegar and gall of which he drank. O brother, if he says, "I thirst" and you bring him a lukewarm heart, that is worse than vinegar, for he has said, "I will spue thee out of my mouth." This was the act too of man at his best, when he is moved to pity; for it seems clear that he who lifted up the wet sponge to the Redeemer's lips, did it in compassion. Amid all the anguish of his spirit his last words prove him to have remained fully self-possessed, true to his forgiving nature, true to his kingly office, true to his filial relationship, true to his God, true to his love of the written word, true to his glorious work, and true to his faith in his Father. Jesus is formally condemned to crucifixion, but before he is led away he is given over to the Praetorian guards that those rough legionaries may insult him. Here we behold his human soul in anguish, his inmost heart overwhelmed by the withdrawing of Jehovah's face, and made to cry out as if in perplexity and amazement. It was one of Death's castles; here he stored his gloomiest trophies; he was the grim lord of that stronghold. Some of these were persons of considerable rank; many of them had ministered to him of their substance; amidst the din and howling of the crowd, and the noise of the soldiery, they raised an exceeding loud and bitter cry, like Rachel weeping for her children, who would not be comforted, because they were not. away with him." Jesus said, "I thirst," and this is the complaint of a man. The sharpness of that sentence no exposition can fully disclose to us: it is keen as the very edge and point of the sword which pierced his heart. The woes which broke the Savior's heart must crush theirs. Remember how Paul said, "I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. If we be true to our Master we shall soon lose the friendship of the world. Nay more; he is banished from their society, as if he were a leper whose breath would be infectious whose presence would scatter plague. "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani," what an awful shriek! We are not sure that Simon was a disciple of Christ; he may have been a friendly spectator; yet one would think the Jews would naturally select a disciple if they could. crucify him!" We care, however, far more for the fact that he went forth carrying his cross upon his shoulders. The sinful find our conversation distasteful; in our pursuits the carnal have no interest; things dear to us are dross to worldlings, while things precious to them are contemptible to us. When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid: It shows he was afraid all along the coward the vacillating coward and now a fresh superstition seizes upon him. "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" here we see the Mediator interceding: Jesus standing before the Father pleading for the guilty. Then the goat was led away by a fit man into the wilderness, and it carried away the sins of the people, so that if they were sought for, they could not be found. John 18:19-40 - Glory on Trial A. Beeke, Joel R. & Thompson, Nick. You carry the cross after him. Conservative, but not too much depth. Let there be nothing but your religion to object to, and then if that offends them let them be offended, it is a cross which you must carry joyfully. No man dare call him friend now, or whisper a word of comfort to him. No sufferings of ours have anything to do with the atonement of sin. Borrowed from his lips it well suiteth my mouth. Beloved, let us comfort ourselves with this thought, that in our case, as in Simon's, it is not our cross, but Christ's cross which we carry. John 19 Commentary John chapter 19 commentary Bible study. So he was thirsting then. Though Simon had to bear the cross for a very little while, it gave him lasting honor. Did not the prophecies say that man would give to his incarnate God gall to eat and vinegar to drink? Even if I may not come at him, yet shall I be full of consolation, for it is heaven to thirst after him, and surely he will never deny a poor soul liberty to admire him, and adore him, and thirst after him." Always was he in harmony with himself, and his own body was always expressive of his soul's cravings as well as of its own longings. Think, dear friends, there are some in this congregation who as yet have no interest in Jesu's blood, some sitting next to you, your nearest friends who, if they were now to close their eyes in death, would open them in hell! To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible. Next time your fevered lips murmur "I am very thirsty," you may say to yourself, "Those are sacred words, for my Lord spake in that fashion." This was intended at once to proclaim his guilt and intimate his doom. You have seen Jesus led away by his enemies; so shall you be dragged away by fiends to the place appointed for you. Did not the high-priest bring the scape-goat, and put both his hands upon its head, confessing the sins of the people, that thus those sins might be laid upon the goat? II. That impenitent thief went from the cross of his great agony and it was agony indeed to die on a cross he went to that place, to the flames of hell; and you, too, may go from the bed of sickness, and from the abode of poverty, to perdition, quite as readily as from the home of ease and the house of plenty. They would be very proper, very proper; God forbid that we should stay them, except with the gentle words of Christ, "Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me." John 1 Resources - Multiple Sermons and Commentaries; John 1:12 Multiple Older Commentaries on this verse; . I will not say it is because we are unfaithful to our Master that the world is more kind to us, but I half suspect it is, and it is very possible that if we were more thoroughly Christians the world would more heartily detest us, and if we would cleave more closely to Christ we might expect to receive more slander, more abuse, less tolerance, and less favor from men. Then thy sin lies not on thee; not one single ounce or drachma of it lies on thee; it has all been transferred by blessed imputation to Christ, and he bears it on his shoulder in the form of yonder heavy cross. John 19:3. There is a fulness of meaning in each utterance which no man shall be able fully to bring forth, and when combined they make up a vast deep of thought, which no human line can fathom. There are many other ways in which these words might be read, and they would be found to be all full of instruction. We thought sometimes that we loved him as we heard the story of his death, but we did not change our lives for his sake, nor put our trust in him, and so we gave him vinegar to drink. O to be enlarged in soul so as to take deeper draughts of his sweet love, for our heart cannot have enough. Yet, dear friends, to some eyes there will be more attraction in the procession of sorrow, of shame, and of blood, than in you display of grandeur and joy. Certainly it is so with you; you do but carry the light end of the cross; Christ bore the heavier end. Did I not describe last Sabbath the knotted scourges which fell upon the Saviours back? Glorious stoop of our exalted Head! July 2nd, 1882 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892) "I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them." John 17:26 . Christ comes forth from Pilate's hall with the cumbrous wood upon his shoulder, but through weariness he travels slowly, and his enemies urgent for his death, and half afraid, from his emaciated appearance, that he may die before he reaches the place of execution, allow another to carry his burden. Yes, he loves to be with his people; they are the garden where he walks for refreshment, and their love, their graces, are the milk and wine which he delights to drink. Add to Cart. As for yourselves, thirst after perfection. January 1, 1970 A Plain Answer to an Important Enquiry "Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." John vi. They are these Weep not because the Savior bled, but because your sins made him bleed. It came from the parched lips of the Divine Victim towards the close of his agony, and after the darkness which endured from the sixth to the ninth hour. We read, "The soldiers also mocked him, offering him vinegar." He knew once how to turn water into wine, and in matchless love he has often turned our sour drink-offerings into something sweet to himself, though in themselves, methinks, they have been the juice of sour grapes, sharp enough to set his teeth on edge. 1 So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. The soldiery mocked and insulted him in every way that cruelty and scorn could devise. Some of you will! 36 These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken,"[ a] 37 and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."[ b] Read full chapter Footnotes Romanists pretend to know; in fact they know the very spot where Veronica wiped the blessed face with her handkerchief, and found his likeness impressed upon it; we also know very well where that was not done; in fact they know the very spot where Jesus fainted, and if you go to Jerusalem you can see all these different places if you only carry enough credulity with you; but the fact is the city has been so razed, and burned, and ploughed, that there is little chance of distinguishing any of these positions, with the exception, it may be, of Mount Calvary, which being outside the walls may possibly still remain. points to the anguish of his soul; "I thirst" expresses in part the torture of his body; and they were both needful, because it is written of the God of justice that he is "able to destroy both soul and body in hell," and the pangs that are due to law are of both kinds, touching both heart and flesh. Oh! Are you so frozen at heart that not a cup of cold water can be melted for Jesus? Let us exult as we see our Substitute going through with his work even to the bitter end, and then with a "Consummatum est" returning to his Father, God. Last Sunday the remark was made to me "If the story of the sufferings of Christ had been told of any other man, all the congregation would have been in tears." And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. "Deliver him to the tormentors," was the word of the king in the parable; it shall be fulfilled to you "Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." Even as the hart panteth after the water brooks, our souls would thirst after thee, O God. What knocks he for? Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. Metaphorically understood, thirst is dissatisfaction, the craving of the mind for something which it has not, but which it pines for. "We, whose proneness to forget Thy dear love, on Olivet Bathed thy brow with bloody sweat; "We whose sins, with awful power, Like a cloud did o'er thee lower, In that God-excluding hour; "We, who still, in thought and dead, Often hold the bitter reed To thee, in thy time of need.". And said, Hail, King of the Jews!_ In the fourth place, one or two words upon CHRIST'S FELLOW-SUFFERERS. Complain not, then. Do not let us forget the infinite distance between the Lord of glory on his throne and the Crucified dried up with thirst. Well, then, what means this cry, "I thirst," but this, that we should thirst too? Godly working-men, should your employers or your fellow-workers frown upon you; wives, should your husbands threaten to cast you out, remember, without the camp was Jesus' place, and without the camp is yours. I show unto you a more excellent way. First, we shall look upon them as THE ENSIGN OF HIS TRUE HUMANITY. The excitement of a great struggle makes men forget thirst and faintness; it is only when all is over that they come back to themselves and note the spending of their strength. He wants you brother, he wants you, dear sister, he longs to have you wholly to himself. Hail, everlasting King in heaven, thou dost admit to thy paradise whomsoever thou wilt! Dear fountain of delight unknown! Such a greeting had the Lord of glory, but alas, it was not the shout of welcome, but the yell of "Away with him! Nor dost thou set a time for waiting, but instantly thou dost set wide the gate of pearl; thou hast all power in heaven as well as upon earth. His MOURNERS appointed for you atonement of sin, I will thirst with him and not.. Thou laid thy hand upon his shoulders complain, I will withdraw and. Not let us love him more and more should thirst too and noble,... Hunger and thirst after righteousness, for you shall be lost crown of thorns set ruby. 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