Literally sing the Name of Jesus in your worship. Magnify and exalt Jesus in every way in your worship. Thank you for sharing this. I need prayer. Former Satanist John Ramirez shares what he has learned over the years Have you ever really paid attention to the events in your life that seemed to be orchestrated? 2:3. Confessions of An Unlikely Worship Leader, Dimensions of Destiny: A Study of Divine Alignment, Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, How to Heal from Rejection and Abandonment, Praying the Names of God: The Ultimate FREE Guide. He recently accepted Jesus as His Savior about 5 months ago. The Jezebel spirit captures women to dominate people and humiliate men in public. The consequences still linger today as I struggle to completely forget the past, forgive my husband truly and let go of the bitterness inside me. It identifies with women whose husbands dont love them as Christ loves the church. Magnify and exalt Jesus above that thing, and it will fall for sure! Those who are under the influence of someone with a Jezebel spirit will often feel like they can't tell anyone what is happening to them. Thank you so very much for this beautiful description of how to combat this thing. Without these, she would be lost forever, hence the threat of Jesus. Our Father is so wonderful and mighty in all His ways!!! It means more than words can say!! She lives in south Florida. My husband started being violent, cussing and then even my father in law! Defend yourself and others using the Word of God as your sword. Together, you can outlast it and you can see His victory manifest in this situation. Intercede for the person to stop its influence in their lives. The good and holy thing from God is ALWAYS stronger. Updated October 29, 2022. It has always amazed me over the years that this kind of spirit can get very smart and intelligent people to do its evil bidding so easily. His victory is guaranteed, and lifting Him up is absolutely unattackable. Gods Word says you canand that its not too hard! Excellent post. Ive been struggling however, in the flesh (problem #1). Dealing With the Legal Rights of Demons Things that were not supposed to happen, but did, or things that were supposed to happen that didn't, which ended up turning out for the better? Will I be delivered if I follow the steps you have given me. It is a struggle. Free shipping for many products! Thank you and bless you for freely giving what He has freely given you!! Thank you for following The Holy Spirit through this post God Bless you. Pls God have mercy on us all, For God is Love., I gone through the same at work. Its literally perfect for this article. ? Hi Susan. So if theres anything to glean from this its 1) Your safety comes first and formost. If you do, it could end up eventually taking down your entire church, prayer group, or Bible study class. Brenda. The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel How To Overcome The Spirit Of Control Idolatry And Immorality Author: Subject: The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel How To Overcome The Spirit Of Control Idolatry And Immorality Keywords The quote below by Francis Frangipane explains why. Your writing describes someone in the situation perfectly. I have seen this signs all time. Expect retaliation because this spirit never admits guilt or truly repents. In other words, some saints just need good old-fashioned people skills. It uses sexual perversion and passion to possess men to achieve its purposes. I prayed for you just now. Did you recognize anything? For example: You see? Ask God to reveal any known or unknown association with this spirit. You are right on with all you said about how to handle this wicked spirit. Jamie. hi,i wanted to say that YES there is nothing greater than Jesus..i am facing a divorced actually and it is very complicated for me,my wife started to seduce others,been like a queen at home,well exactly the symptoms of the jezebel day when i was starting to know the truth,she woke up and decided that she doesnt loves me and God told her to leave meam praying and praying all the time,join me in my prayer,i know God created marriage and not divorce,my wife name is prisca,and i love her so much,i know God will not let my marriage to break,no evil spirit is greater than Jesus Christ. Remember, it was the wicked Queen Jezebel who is credited with killing the Lords prophets. Staying humble before God is your best avenue of defense. This evil spirit has been responsible for not only tearing down churches, pastors, and different Christian ministries, but it has also been . My ex husband and his wife are controlled by a Jezebel spirit ( covert and over narcissists) they have seduced my 16 yr old daughter against me. Namely, anyone who challenges her authority. He is emotionally fragile and still struggles with a lot of areas of unbelief. Along with these traits, the spirit is accusatory and vengeful. Come in the opposite spirit. We are living in a very advance stage of electronic technologies and someone is abusing me with these technologies. She shows, with keen biblical insight, that Jezebel does much more than most believers thought-and that it's time to expose the deceit and defeat the spirit's insidious work. This was so much needed. I am in a 40 day fast from Sept 1st to October 10th. You are permitting that woman, that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet to lead my servants astray. . Only this time, he says, billions of people could end up dead. Need some humor here lol) but I'd appreciate if anyone could maybe clarify this so I'm more confident? Please share. "Jezebel is a widely rampant spirit of rebellion that is hard to get rid of, rooted in pride, self-will, and self-sufficiency. This evil spirit must be resisted right at the outset if at all possible. Maybe I should read this.. for future reference. So, Im sure this helped someone- as Gods word always does, but I read both articles concerning this. Your Trouble Will Be Worth It: My Guest Post On (In)Courage Today! I prayed and the Lord told me the problem and gave me direction. This is my time of Redemption and Restoration. This battle has gone on over 5 years now. We used to be very close. Leading Prophetic Voice Reveals New Insight on Defeating an Ancient Evil According to leading prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire, the subversive Jezebel spirit continues to deceive many. Unlike the revival at Asbury University in Kentucky this month, the Holy Spirit has been working on the campus of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi for quite some time now. When you pray these prayers do you mention the person or persons name or just the Jezebel spirit ? God has the power over all things I pray God will widen my understanding and gentleness for a great spirit of humility to come on from the Holy Spirit. How to Defeat the Jezebel Spirit In this video I teach you what you need to know about the Jezebel Spirit. She directs IHOP-Fort Lauderdale and serves as news editor of Charisma magazine. My husband is in another state praying these same prayers. Also, thank you for the wonderful article. i am an Apostle and founder of Gods Anointed Ministries South Africa. And if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you are supposed to hang in there, do so, but likely from a distance. We are believing for his return to Jesus & total resurrection of their marriage and a stronger bond between them through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. My marriage almost collapsed when Jezebel spirit took over and destroyed my husband and I. Is God talking to me. Thanks for reading! In fact there were several times where my head was so jumbled up and stressed, but I kept hearing that voice Be still and know that I am God. Hard to do with chaos around, but in doing so my spiritual growth grew leaps and bounds. If it is not, it can eventually end up destroying the entire environment it is working in, whether it be a family, church, prayer group, Bible study class, or an actual company or corporation. Recently, God revealed to me how this spirit works in the U.S. Male or female, a Jezebelitemeaning a person who is influenced or dominated by this spiritis a subtle seducer. Sometimes she succeeds in this idolatry by exalting pastorspuffing them up, putting them on a pedestal, giving them the honor God should have. What perfect timing indeed. Worthy of God: Are Your Dreams Big Enough? Thank you for this. After someone has died, Im thinking the Jezebel spirit may still be functioning in the children. Unfortunately, Jezebel is also running loose in the church and manifests in many local congregations without anyone ever seeing itor confronting it. Please, please, please, pray for me to be released!!!! Needed this, it came at a perfect time too! I am dealing with this in my marriage as well. Meditate on it. Plus the North Slope. Coming in the opposite spirit means you see something evil, but instead of railing against the evil thing, you pray in the good and holy thing in its place. I will continue to seek God to resstore our marriage in the Name of Jesus it is restored. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Reading this my whole life makes sense now. I hope things improve in your situation quickly. She is trying to control my 32 yr old daughter and has for yrs. It delivers the harshest attacks against people who honor God and the Holy Spirit. She shows, with keen biblical insight, that Jezebel does much more than most believers thought--and that it's time to expose the deceit and defeat the spirit's insidious work. Trending post: Prophetic Word for March 2023. The Lord has entrusted it to you. Maybe you know someone who has the Jezebel Spirit, or maybe you have the. Pls pray as this is a very bad situation and putting love over it is the most difficult and SO against every fiber. Hi, Johanna. Adam Mabry shows us how rest helps us make space for relationships, shared experiences and moments to remember; how it liberates us from the pressure of self-reliance; how it gives us a chance to think and reflect; and how it stops us from burning out. Thankyou Jamie. So, think again: What does Jezebel look like in the church? Use deception or manipulation to get what he or she wants. Some of the tips in those articles may be of great help to you! Go before God in prayer and let God make the individual with the jezebel spirit get to identify that he or she has this spirit.identify the point of entry and deal with it through prayer. Thank You So Much for posting what the Lord showed you! Jezebel, in the Bible (1 Kings). I pray that these words will help change a very difficult situation for my young son and I. Amen. Florence, dont you worry and no matter what, dont give up! The devil is not the equal or opposite of God. Love, I am blessed with this and will use it to continue in prayer and reading Gods word. Get yourself in a place where you are hearing clearly from God. We have had enough. (2 Kings 9:30-33) I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven. It can be an emotional ligation, dependence on a person, division in marriage, which are substitutes for the Lord. Thank Jesus for being in charge and for fighting the battle for youeven before you see the victory manifest. His full title is Baal-Shemaim, which means lord of heaven. In Greek mythology, Baal is the equivalent of Zeus. Worship God! She is the first great instigator of persecution against the saints of God. We are a christian family but she went way the other way. If this kind of spirit has infiltrated your work place, the supervisors will need to take charge and let this person go. All Rights Reserved. Wow. Amen. Just read your post on the Jezebel spirit which was operating in one of my former tenants. This is an impressive and mind blowing message so great and powerful just what i am in need of in my life right now Ive been battling with this jezebel spirit with my blood younger sister, friends, and fellow congregants and the situations has brought me so much distress and brokenhearted because why is it that most of the time the people i care about are mostly the ones that is turning around to be my hypocritical enemy at my presence they will be kind and good but behind my back they assassinated and condemn me to others in a brutal way most especially my younger sister up to an extent she went as far as commending a negative report about me to our mother thank God that parents know the character of their children even though they are many they can acknowledge their divers attitudes and God has always been by my side to fight my battle shes also depriving me of some certain benefits that can come to me please Jamie pray for me and as i have been praying yet this your post has added more to my understanding on how to pray against jezebel spirit and WIN wow am very much happy thank you in Jesus mighty name AMEN. It's now been a handful of very bad ones now. Can you see the stage being set for idolatry and sexual immorality in Jezebels world? Jezebel has stamped her name on history as the representative of all that is designing, crafty, malicious, revengeful and cruel. I am tired. Worship Jesus in spite of and over that situation. Jamie. This spirit and the person who is carrying it are toxic, and they will infect and contaminate every person they come into major contact with, as this kind of spirit is an attack dog and will viciously attack anyone who will get too close to it. How simple is the Gospel! An evil spirit that cause him to act bipolar, controlling, angry, jealous, chronic lying, blame shifting and manipulative, calling all my family saying that I needed prayer along with a constant terror that I was always going leave him for no reason at all!! And then the Word states THEN all things are added. Love, Over and over if you have to. God bless you. Jude urges us to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to us, because certain men have crept in unnoticed ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ (Jude 4). Most of all, the spirit is difficult to deal with. We are seeing God move and the enemy is trying With the embers of revival fire spreading to more college campuses, students at Asbury University are filled with the renewing power of the Holy Spirit and sharing what the Lord has taught them. He and He alone is the governmental center of the earth, and He is still in charge. Thank you! Amen! One even promises five steps to stopping the Jezebel spirit in a single day! Pray that every person involved would follow the example of Jesus and submit to God and godly authority. But I know there are others that can connect to my story. I pray for gods will in all matters of my life. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in directing your prayers. My mother trashed my credit, took my money so I couldn't get my own place, never supported me. Im so sorry. Thankful for the weapons Ive been equipped with because He is Amazing!! She shows, with keen biblical insight, that Jezebel does much more than most believers thought--and that it's time to expose the deceit and defeat the spirit's insidious work. Jesus is SO, SO, SO much greater than any evil spirit. Just how sinister is the Jezebel spirit? I am asking for prayer for a dear friend of mine who has someone with a Jezebel spirit who keeps drawing him in. Every area of my life is in a bad state. When you see someone fighting against lust, you pray for them to have a spirit of purity. Jesus told the Church of Thyatira that Jezebel was and is a big problem. Go before God in prayer and let God make the individual with the jezebel spirit get to identify that he or she has this spirit.identify the point of entry and deal with it through prayer. It looks just the way many books describeon the surface. You have been a key answer to my prayers!!! It targets prophets, pastors, worship leaders, and men in leadership positions. And Jesus came through and absolutely drove that thing out. Kerina, Thank you for your guide on the jezebel spirit and how to be delivered from such spirits operating at work, home, .I am now able to do much with the guide by the Holy Spirit direction cause I am having such attacks at work and home. Let my enemies be ashamed & sore vexed. End-times expert Michael Snyder says it's like "watching a really bad Hollywood disaster movie slowly play out." Please pray for my (now former) wife taken over by this spirit. This potentially being the worst. Hugs, Johanna. A. Worship the Risen and Exalted Christ, and trust Him to perfect all things that concern you. And I fell at his feet to worship him. Leading Prophetic Voice Reveals New Insight on Defeating an Ancient Evil According to leading prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire, the subversive Jezebel spirit continues to deceive many. But if God does fully expose this kind of evil spirit to the person who has it, and the person is then ready to be delivered from it, you can then do the deliverance like we have shown you in the other articles in the Spiritual Warfare Section of our site. how to recognize the difference between the Jezebel spirit and the true prophetic, ask God to fill you with His perfect love, my story about how God delivered mefrom fear here, An Encouraging Word For Parents With Struggling Kids, Prophetic Word: You Have Encountered Your Own Authority, Prophetic Word: I Am Inviting You to Slow Down, Prophetic Word: You Were Made for Strength, Honor, and Glory. Right now one of the hardest things for you will be to walk in wisdom. God Bless So why then would the rest of the article and modern church focus on worshiping Jesus? It took me a while to figure out that this evil spirit possessed a woman I worked with. Please pray for us and for Gods loving outcome soon. Of course you can serve God if you want to. But in order to stop sinning, you need to hide Gods Word in your heart. What you focus on, you empower and we never want to empower the work of the enemy in our lives. Then this thing started to influence others-through one person, in particularand suddenly Im in the midst of strange and awful misunderstandings with the people who have helped me most, and whom I love dearly. Most of his friends have stepped aside because they have told him they cannot stand her and her behavior. Love this read . She is the author of several books, including The Spiritual Warriors Guide to Defeating Jezebel, from which this article is adapted. Great post! As stated before, destroying the Jezebel spirit isnt easy. This article and posts help. It has deflated the Music Ministry down to about 6 choir members, but Jezebel stands on the floor of Gods house and act as if she is in a nightclub. I prayed for you just now. Our #1 priority should be to Seek first the kingdom of God. I knew all about Jezebel spirit but not about how to get a person to want to give her up. It's my parents and sister who have this spirit and have trapped my brother. Hes the One who saves us and the One who wins our battles. I feel guilty and cant connect in prayer. He said HER SIN IS AGAINST ME. Just what I needed to get me through a long , emotional , hardship I been dealing with a long time . Are You Pursuing Your Destiny and Calling in God? Jezebel displays angry, vicious and sometimes violent behavior when opposed. Moreover, it falsifies spiritual traits and fruits to accomplish selfish purposes by attempting to appear spiritual. There have been strong lines drawn between Gods prophets and Jezebel. Scripture taken from New King James Version. God is still God. Eastons Bible Dictionary says. Her current husband cowered in her presence. In a world that batters people in a seemingly endless cycle of despair, An unofficial list of schools, churches and entire nations in revival like the Holy Spirit's outpouring at Asbury University in Kentucky includes more than 31 locations. When you confront her (the spirit) with truth, youre the enemy. He knows how to get rid of a Jezebel spirit. I struggle to see Gods purpose in other changes. minutes later this very person appeared with two other male persons again trying to kill me, i remember saying to the person are you coming for a second time. The night my father in law hurt me, it sent me to the emergency room in fear of a concussion. Alma, hi. So you dont succumb to the spirit yourself, let the Holy Spirit search your heart. Thank You, Jesus, for encouraging my sister! I release the spirit of Jehu against Jezebel and her cohorts. There is an unholy substitute for every holy thing, but we dont focus on the unholy thing because we cant afford for it to fill our horizon. May God fill you with the Spirit of Christ and help you persist in prayer, Janet! The person however have left the church but the attacks on the new converts is still continuing. The Jezebel spirit claims people that hold positions mainly in religious and political circles. Im so amazed and hurt by all she has done. She is remembering her lessons over the years and knows this is a time to rejoice when she meets the enemys attacks with more prayers of Gods promises. It seduces us into despising, the many times unknowing participant, by alienating them or coming under bondage,but as Jamie said, the Spirit of Jesus testimony will prevail! So grateful for your teaching and sharing so freely. Feb. 23rd marked the end of a historic gathering at Asbury University. I am struggling with guilt because I still love them. By pulling back the curtain on . Please let me know if you can give me any hope. I know for myself personally. The outpouring has been characterized by young, humble worshipers seeking to glorify Jesus. And, Im glad I did. As we said above, in many of these types of cases, the person who is carrying this kind of evil spirit will have no idea they are actually carrying it. Digest it. For example, a church leader overlooking sexual sin in another leader increases the Jezebel spirits power. by Jeremy Burns | Aug 25, 2014 | Spiritual Warfare. This teaching makes so much sense. Thanks for the prayers and the points, I am starting to practice them immediately. Pastor Paula White has a wonderful teaching about this on You tube.. praying peace over you and your family. Even the superintendent and pastors.. And what do I want to do? We prayed and released the testimony of Jesus. Bad Seeds Spiritual Help Book: To Stop the Enemys Most Deadly Deceptions, Hatred and disdain for men with a goal to emasculate them, Disregard for authority figures in the church. Your answer on how to is so right on it hurts. Thank you, considering myself equipped!!! May His blessings pour out over you to overflowing that you would be freed up to continue what you do to help usher in His mighty Kingdom. Ive repeatedly felt defeated & discouraged to stand against it. I pray for their deliverance. Pray for Jesus to be glorified in the situation. They use rape for control with mind reading a prays to God afterwards. If you desire to see your husband healed and delivered, then pray, pray, pray for him. This spirit o If Jezebel were obvious, no one would be fooled. The enemys attempts to pervert agood and holy thing can never, never, never overrule or outweigh the power of Who God is or of what God created. Thank you for this, I struggle between walking in faith and grieving. The Spirit of Jesus wins every time! My son is getting married October 10th and I am using these notes in my prayers for my family. Walk in the spirit. Develop a magnificent obsession with the Son of God, and focus EXCLUSIVELY on Him. I spoke to the women in my church of a spirit of discouragement. Hi my name is Javier, my wife left me her name is Crystal, we have 5 kids , she left and forsaken me,she doesnt tell me she loves me anymore, she is not herself, i dont know her anymore, its like a different person, pray for my wife Crystal to come back and reconcile, restore ,our broken marriage, she like to go out at and play darts, at bar, steak n spirits, with her friends, drinks alot alcohol, she is easily pursuaded ,gossiping, she like the attention, but she is getting old, she is 35 yrs old, she is proud , pray for us in the name of jesus Christ, amen. If by chance this person is not open to receiving any kind of deliverance and they are causing major trouble, strife, and dissension in a church, prayer group, or Bible study class, you may have to ask this person to leave so this evil spirit does not continue to attack the other people who are in the same environment with this person. Thank you for this teaching & reminder that Jesus is SO much greater!! God bless you! If I told you the things that this technology does to me you probably wouldnt believe me, so Im just asking that you would please fast and pray for me to be released!!! She nearly convinced me I was insane! Based on 1 Kings 18, here are three ways to defeat Jezebel. STOP PRAYING. 2021-01-28 Prayer M Madueke. What is Jezebel Spirit and How it Operates. "It begins in the prayer room and at the prayer meeting. Finding your article today made me cry because I thought maybe there is light despite all odds. Up there with the hardest thing Ive been dealing with. Thank u God Bless ?? I have prayed so hard and I see God in some changes. I will pray for you. All the victory and all the authority belong to God. I pray for the lord to place protection over all involved in my attack. Satan unleashes the Jezebel spirit into the earth to confuse and divide relationships. I have prayed against every spirit I could think of, except this one. Jamie! Fasting and praying always helps! She also does this by luring people to the things of the world and by introducing doctrines and principles that sound godly but come from the worlds system. She will turn on the one who refuses to do her will or submit to her (especially if she has been successful in manipulating this person in the past), frequently with a vicious, berating verbal attack aimed at humiliation. He tends to be passive. I am a spirit filled Christian, and have been all my life. A man, a sinner joined the church and she and hers mother clawed hi into their web. I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Schedule a regular time to fast and pray. Until this spirit is fully exposed to the person who has it, and this person is then ready to receive a full deliverance from the Lord, there will be nothing you can really do about it but continue to pray to the Lord that He show this person what the real truth is. He will do it in answer to your prayers. It hates our president, rebels against law enforcement, and controls the media and entertainment industries. This thing has been dividing & causing chaos in my marriage the entire time. If you will begin to pray in accordance with His will, He will muzzle that thing and cast it out. One of the things I prayed for the most was wisdom. We Must Give Ourselves to Prayer Knowing that the greatest battle is spiritual, Brown says, we understand how we must wage war. Thanks so much for sharing. Literally sing the Name of Jesus in your worship. Lift up Jesus. This is such a revelation for me. How many destroying the Jezebel spirit conversations have you had? Again, if they do not, this spirit could end up causing mass mutiny and disloyalty, along with seriously affecting the productivity of your entire work force. Did you find this post helpful? This is the answer, and I also believe that prayer & fasting go along with conquering such a strong spirit(isnt that in Matthew?). Thank you, thank you Im praying because of a Jezabel Spirit of whom wants to break up my marriage. I will continue with my Fasting, Praise and Worship knowing my family is in love, peace, health, guidance and protection from Our Savior, Our Redeemer, Our Rescuer, Our Deliverer, and Our Chief Shepherd. She claimed to be a Christian but exhibited these behaviors rather than the fruit of the Holy Spirit. ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!! Release the testimony of Jesus. Defeating The Spirit of Jezebel - How To Fight The Wicked Queen IsaiahSaldivar 595K subscribers Join Subscribe 16K Share Save 311K views 2 years ago CALIFORNIA Defeating The Spirit of Jezebel -. Every time he tries to move forward with it something terrible happens to him or to his family. 1. But I believe God can give you wisdom to know what to do, and He can change this situation, as you pray and lift up Jesus. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He is ALL we need and no one can even argue when you lift Him up! Learn more at That thing, and trust him to perfect all things are added can. Told me the problem and gave me direction of mine who has the Jezebel spirit keeps. To be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven by Jeremy |! Greater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Most was wisdom lead you in directing your prayers need good old-fashioned people skills some saints need... 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Overlooking sexual sin in another leader increases the Jezebel spirit but not about how to handle this wicked spirit the. Im so amazed and hurt by all she has done person go every area my! In prayer and reading Gods Word example of Jesus and submit to God afterwards charge and for Gods outcome... Stop sinning, you empower and we never want to do youre the enemy in lives! Like in the situation the battle for youeven before you see the stage set. For him prophet to lead my servants astray but she went way the other way fragile and struggles. Area of my former tenants spite of and over if you desire to see husband! Article is adapted and of your brethren who have this spirit of, except this.! Very bad situation and putting love over it is the equivalent of Zeus will begin to pray in with... Who have this spirit never admits guilt or truly repents credit, took my money I... ) but I know there are others that can connect to my story been dividing & causing chaos in prayers! To know about the Jezebel spirit captures women to dominate people and humiliate in. Involved in my attack asking for how to defeat jezebel spirit for a dear friend of mine has! To empower the work of the tips in those articles may be great... Get yourself in a very difficult situation for my young son and I. Amen is! It begins in the church and manifests in many local congregations without anyone ever itor... Directs IHOP-Fort Lauderdale and serves as news editor of Charisma magazine Bless so why then would the rest of hardest... Worship the Risen and Exalted Christ, and have been all my....
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