This certifies only one day in the month; generally, the second Thursday of the month for either March, April, or May. This is in riddles. Mirjana visionary of Medjugorje states: "The first two secrets will be warnings to the world, events that will occur before a visible sign is given to humanity." "I couldn't even believe that Mary could "Are they perhaps of a notable character or more of a spiritual nature? I liked him right away because he was always working for the poor. When he was chosen by Mirjana, Father Petar Ljubii was 38 years old. I've checked online and from what I've seen Fr. The She mentioned the sin of I considered it a great honor, but also a great responsibility. The funeral for him will be tomorrow at 3:00pm in Medjugorje. Hermenegild relayed to his father not swaying from his faith: "I confess your goodness to me has been extreme. Quando ho incontrato Mirjana, lei mi ha domandato: Sai gi che tu dovrai annunziare al mondo i segreti quando arriver il momento? Risposi: " possibile questo?" Mirjana has received all ten Secrets and on behalf of all the Medjugorje Il pensiero di tutto questo non mi lasciava in pace. Medjugorje site of apparitions in Bosnia-Hercegovina indicated in a previously No one knows how good or bad he or she is. Most of all I now pray that people will convert, particularly Fr Petar excitedly goes on: Mirjana will deliver me ten days before something similar to a letter-sized parchment that Our Lady gave her. unfold.". Padre Petar un sacerdote a cui io voglio tanto bene perch lo conosco da quando sono cominciate le apparizioni. Ten days before the Secrets all will know what is happening and the However Medjugorje USA does have one reliable source who claims Fr. "She gave me instructions how to handle it We will need to spend seven days in fasting and prayer and three days before, he will need to tell everyone and he will not be allowed to choose whether to tell them or not. Petar, with his usual sympathy and closeness, made the . material," said Mirjana. ", Mirjana, who has been She exudes unspeakable goodness, sweetness and joy. Jesus appeared such, as we know Him during His Passion. And heres a secret (on travel blogs they are for sharing surely) I gleaned from a relative of one of the Little Shepherds from Fatima. She wears a white veil that covers her head, shoulders and back and comes down to her hips. Why is the powerful prayer to St. Michael the Archangel no longer recited at the end of Mass? superfluous and dispensable. This is what she said: People used to ask me why I had chosen Fr. This morning at 4:00am in Medjugorje, the pastor of St. James, Fr. That will come later. An old confidante of Mirjana, he told the station: When this will happen we have not yet known. to mankind along with a great sign. The Lord heard her prayer and Fr. 20 (Spring of 2038). It is thus unclear whether the first event will involve just one locality or a Pero's heart is totally open to the Lord. Mirjana. A reward awaits him. The secrets of Medjugorje will concern particular events. that he too will have enough time to prepare himself for this. However, Mirjanadid not choose him. She also told me to choose a priest [who will receive In an interview with Radio Maria (February 2021), Father Petar Ljubicic he said that "when the time comes to reveal the first secret, Mirjana will deliver me something similar to an A4 sheet of parchment ten days earlier. fulfilled that the world, as a while, will believe in the authenticity of It is also confirmed that as the Secrets To the rest of us, God reveals to us in Riddles. pray for them. We prayed with her (the "Our Father" and the Glory Be) for Pero's success in the task that he has been entrusted with. Our Lady of Medjugorje to Mirjana August 2, 2011: "Dear children, today I call you to be born anew in prayer and through the Holy Spirit to become a new people with my Son as individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. I wondered if all of this could be true. They are not in chronological order, but to confound the frivolous and the wicked. Goring and the Demon over patients bed. reveal the first secret to a priest she chose, Father Petar Ljubicic, who Although the exact date is not stated in the prophecies, the times and dates are revealed. Does this mean that Our Lady has changed her mind? hoped, prayed and lived according to the Holy Gospel although they have not that first secret will be 'severe' regional event. Non che io posso dire: Sar padre Petar".]. But it all depends on Our Lady and not me. her message. Conchita's response was, "The Virgin did not say 'the end of the world' but rather "the end of the times." When this will happen we are not yet given to know, but we have the presentiment that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment. If you knew that the date of their occurrence was still far into the future, why did you act so far ahead of time? from the famous hints "She It won't be the secrets are such that she was sometimes "distressed" to the point Determined is the day of justice, the day of Divine wrath. But I will only be able to read and reveal the first secret (drumroll please). She said the first secret needs nothing to precede it and the Virgin Mary involves not a global miracle but a natural phenomenon' or something along those lines?" {PICTURE GALLERY} {PICTURE Medjugorje is the remote hamlet where six youngsters began to see Mary on June 24, 1981 -- feast of John the Baptist. But to God all sincere prayers are good. The priest, Father Petar Ljubicic, currently stationed in Fulda, Germany, was chosen in the early 1980s by visionary Mirjana Soldo to announce the first secret granted to her. I was in a situation many times where I The Third Secret is an everlasting For 7 days Mirjana and I (Father Petar) will have to pray and . in view of the secrets.". Video: Healings- Stories from Medjugorje, Priest ponders miracles witnessed in Medjugorje, Nun reports Medjugorje sun miracle in 1986, Our Ladys message today: The future is at a crossroads Medjugorje eNews, Todays Medjugorje message: God is love Medjugorje eNews, New Medjugorje book! In this time of grace, Satan wants to seduce you; but you, little children, keep looking at my Son and follow Him towards Calvary in . Petar Ljubicic is roughly 73 years old (born in 1946). Ethiopian Enkutatash an d another year younger, Heres Jimmy shining a light on Halloween, Flyday Friday Flight to the Promised Land, Flyday Freeday Friday Ethiopian have you covered, Flyday Fridays beautiful beasts of the sky. From an early age he wanted to be a priest, and after primary school he entered seminary. the matter with me?' I don't 10 Secrets brought to earth by the Virgin Mary. On October 26, 1985, Mirjana was interviewed on the same subject. In this disposition, the soul is serene and we will always be ready to welcome the will of God in our life. Petar was the first of ten children. cursing by using God's name. At what precise hour and minute and how long what is contained in that given secret will last.. No. I only know that I was filled with a deep sense of joy and security. priest Petar Ljubicic answered a few interesting questions about the Secrets. Father Petar Ljubicic: Secrets, as the word itself says, are secret and at the moment we do not know their content. It was normal that it was Father Petar. The Warning will come at a time when the world "will be at its worst," obviously during the last desperate moments of Satan before Jesus is revealed to all humanity. Certainly God Fr. Our Lady seen above Pope Francis in Offical Vatican video during the blessing of Urbi et Orbi. Mirjana made the incredible statement that can be heard in this video [a longer excerpt from the interview can be found here]: I need to choose a priest to whom I will tell the secrets. It is not enough to just quickly say some reason she cries so much. Petar And, if its requested of me, itll be Father Petar. Communism, Totalitarianism, Cultural Marxism-the "errors of Russia" predicted by the Virgin Mary in an apparition to three shepherd children at Ftima in 1917-are the systematic evils John Paul II speaks of in his book. Then three days in advance it She will give him They have no idea what awaits them. reliable source who claims Fr. The "three popes" prophecy that Conchita of Garabandal relates to, confirms that the last of the three popes, an innocent person Benedict XVI will pass on around this time of the first presentation, the Warning. Petar Ljubicic. Venices 5 entry fee is a bridge too far, 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal, Let there be light today Saturnalia and Apollo, George Clooney and Amals Amsterdam hotel, This is Wicked and more like Storm Elphaba, Why Columbus mistook manatees for mermaids, Sign up for the Civil War it is Virginia, See off Voldemort, then for a beer at Moes, Aaawlando Orlando, the rollercoaster capital, A tale of two new cities Belfast and Derry, Liam Neeson promoting Ireland and he will find you, Tabasco Irish Louisiana and the source of the sauce, Thirteen years an Irishman five top cities, Thirteen years an Irishman My capital cities (and Istanbul), Thirteen years an Irishman Five holy holidays, Thirteen years an Irishman My Sporting Weekend Five, Thirteen years an Irishman My five Irish homes, Rainy Days and Songdays The Royal Canal and other Irish landmarks. It will allow you to see all your life. reads the first secret, he will have to make its contents public [if he so Buy on Amazon. serious. In 1982, Mary requested Mirjana at Medjugorje to choose a priest to announce the first two secrets to the world. April 30, 2021 stephen ryan 1846 Views. I would be happy if everyone would Hermenegild received the crown of martyrdom on the 13th of April, 586. An extraordinary phenomenon from heaven will be experienced on this earth. After they reached the camp of His father, King Leovigild had him stripped of his princely clothes, chained, and thrown into the tower of Seville, after some time placed him in a horrid dungeon trying to force him into the heretical errors. Tutto ci era per me un grande onore ma anche una responsabilit. "Will the interval between the first and second secret be lengthy?" That is Petar Vlasic died. But it could be any Friday. Twenty years later in the early 1980s, Mary appears at Medjugorje, stating that 10 events will unfold, and the Chastisement is no longer Conditional. All rights reserved, I was happy because Mary was happy with my choice, for Pero's success in the task that he has been entrusted with. Hosea 6:1-6: "In their affliction, they look for me. That has become very apparent to most of us. Thunder and lightning will cause those who have no faith or trust in my power, to die of fear. The interview was published in 1958 with an Imprimatur. Petar. her secrets are the same as those to the other five visionaries, except for God The Father - Our Heavenly Father. Seers Ivanka, Mirjana and youngest seer Jakov have received all 10 Secrets. Then, three days before the event, Father Petar will make a public announcement as to what is to happen and where. come to this world in such a way, never mind being able to grasp the first thing necessary to make sacrifices as much as possible, to help others as much as it pleads with everyone to convert, to pray, to fast. And he is surely the best messenger for the pilgrim tour packages that go out there, chief among them my friends at Marian Pilgrimages. Mirjana claims to have been told by Our Lady to choose a priest to whom to reveal the alleged ten secrets a few days before they would come to pass. God said that He forgives at any time -- You see, if anyone else were to world in a completely different light.". Era difficile per me trovare parole e sentimenti per dare una risposta. The Seventh Secret has been taken away by the many prayers of the Petar tells us about his experience of Medjugorje. "severe" regional event. Stanko Cosic (2013) Vicka (2013) Walking Toward Her Encounter With Our Lady (11/2/13) Top Of Krizevac; Thirty Years Of Grace - June 25, 2011 We will see Jesus on the cross for real and experience the knowledge of Divine justice due to our sins through severe pain. Petar Ljubicic, at that time already chosen by Mirjana as a priest to eventually reveal the secrets. - I needed to so that Father Petar could prepare. "will know immediately that it is in connection with the secrets." The next Eucharistic Martyr in line will be St. Hermenegild, falling on a Thursday, to transpire on April 13, 2023, for the unfolding of the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. Good Friday may be that day. She said that people in Medjugorje Father Petar Ljubicic, Mary Ann Fisher (Translator) 0.00. This is not true. Searching the internet or asking 'On the third day describes the Day of Outpouring of His Holy Spirit on all mankind. Intervista a Padre Petar Ljubicic, Rivista Medjugorje, n 70, 2nd quarter 2007]. We are approaching that moment. The message of each secret will contain this teaching: the life that God has given us, the time we live are gifts from God for us. Medjugorje Videos June 11, 2018. That was, Petar Ljubicic and Medjugorje #231584. 0 ratings 0 reviews. Pray. I can't explain why, but inside me there was no fear or anxiety. I stood alone before the Lord. Easter Sunday falls on the feast of St. Mark, April 25, 2038. 3 be fulfilled, then it will be too late.". If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It was also declared by Mirjana herself. I hope it will be a final call to the people for First of all, to understand the timeframe of the Warning, the first event, we will have to look at all the information about the third event, the Day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. the world. 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal. Comment: The prophecies of this tandem event combine the Warning and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, confirming God's word on two separate days within three days. discreet about the secrets and has even downplayed them in public appearances Not so with my servant Moses, throughout my house, he bears my trust, face to face. a miracle, a sign which is occurring every day. horrors" and that some of the later secrets are "really Seers Ivan, Vicka and Mirija have received 9 Secrets. Talks about HeavenWe saw people dressed in gray, pink, and yellow robes. Mirjana said she will Medjugorje? The "feast of a saint, martyr of the Eucharist" will be celebrated on a Thursday during March, April, or May and between the days of the eighth to the sixteenth. seer, Mirjana, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje Secrets. Conchita remarked: "Certainly Now only three remain," referring to three more popes. some sort of power, I mean special strength which actually restrains us from myself.' peek at these secrets, if they could see -- they would convert in time. {PRAYER ROOM} {RESOURCES} Mary speaks to St. Faustina: "You have to speak to the world about His great mercy and prepare the world for the Second Coming of Him who will come, not as a merciful Saviour, but as a just Judge. This heresy was condemned at the Council of Nicaea in 325A.D.29, Hermenegild, the eldest, was married to Ingondes, a zealous Catholic; her example, from the faith and direction of St. Leander, Bishop of Seville, persuaded the prince to renounce Arian errors becoming a true Catholic according to the magisterial teachings. Third: A Day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. Petar during interviews in relation to the secrets and how they would be revealed. ", Although her first secret does not appear to involve a global event (nor a Mary is the Woman from the future. But Fr. comment, turning away discussions of the secrets and instead emphasizing the joy E, se si chiede a me, sar padre Petar. Suddenly, I saw the complete condition of my soul as God sees it. Petar as the priest chosen to reveal the secrets, whereas in older interviews, he was always mentioned. the grace to be able to see the first secret. Leovigild suffered much guilt and on his deathbed requested Bishop Leander, to instruct his son, Recared, to the truth about Christ and His Divinity but Leovigild did not convert. March 11, 2021 stephen ryan 2913 Views. that He exists. as the Secrets are concerned, if anybody is interested to know, I could say that It It is impossible to invent this description., And, of course, you dont have to be a journo or broadcaster to know what the next question was. Fatimas Hidden Russia Secret The Sun will dim.It will be the last effort of the demon to run our life., Especially for sinners, at three oclock in the afternoon beg for My mercy The hour of great mercy for the whole world. But we have the present that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment.. The number of unbelievers is becoming greater and [Original Italian words: Quando, una sera di 39 anni fa, ho sentito che Mirjana mi aveva scelto per annunziare i segreti, ho creduto dapprima che fosse uno scherzo. Wouldnt you like to know? He leaves us religious tourists with a holy call to arms. 5. To subscribe for free tothe Mystic Post staffs YouTube channel: to like the video, share it with friends and activate notifications to be updated in real time on upcoming publications. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. those who will be here [Medjugorje] or in the place(s) where the secret will This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. visionaries she will reveal them when the time comes. He says his mother could not have children during the first five years of her marriage, so she offered prayers and sacrifices to the Lord to give her children, promising to consecrate them to Him. In this case, the earliest day that the Warning could come, on any Friday, is after April 13, 2022, up to almost a year before the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs on April 13, 2023. The only certainty, said Mirjana, is that the world has taken a turn to evil and Book details & editions It is one thing to go and see a sign, quite another to In that moment, I will be able to see only that secret and not the others. This is the But before we hear the important words from Fr. the third secret of a great sign that will appear. Marinko Sakota (2013) Marija (2013) Fr. "No, Father, it is not really like that, in the sense that in reality the messages are 682 to today". Medjugorje itself but said it would be convincing or witnessed by "all The angels tremble before it. Leovigild sent soldiers to slay him on the spot. If they could only take a tiny It will not be at the end of the year, but in the first months that I will clearly give My warnings " (In the first part of the year when it is still winter but not yet spring.) Era una cosa incredibile per me che Mirjana avesse scelto me per questo compito e missione. All the secrets are written in it, but I will only be able to read and reveal the first secret. Arianism asserts that Jesus, the Son of God, was created by God the Father and was neither co-eternal nor consubstantial, denying the divinity of Christ. "The manifestation of that secret, will it only be a momentary thing or Were regularly bombarded with building suspense for all manner of political, showbiz or sporting announcements but what about 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal? There are more prophecies with riddles and many straightforward prophecies that complete an understanding of what is coming soon, as detailed in the book, "After The Warning To 2038. Apparition Hill which will be a great joy for those who believed and who were "D ear children! with the secrets (and in recent years they have assiduously declined further undisclosed interview that the first of ten secret prophecies she was given by During these three days of darkness, no windows must be open, because no one will be able to see the earth and its terrible color, in those days of punishment without dying at oncethe sky will be on fire, the earth will split During these days of darkness, let the blessed candle be ever lit as no other light, will shine No one outside a shelter will survive. godlessness to stop. especially mentioned the need to pray for one's own soul," said the seer. Hermenegild gave in to the promise of his father. something of that sort? . May 13, 2021, for the feast of St. Imelda on a Thursday, was not the designated day of the Miracle. God will give you the chance of repentance. Small angels were flying above them., Medjugorje March 4, 2021 Our Lady says Wake up from the tired sleep of your soul and say to God with all your strength, Yes! Father Petar is a priest I love very much because I have known him since the apparitions began. The First 7 Days Medjugorje eNews, Medjugorje Messages, News & more! . I liked him right away because he was always working for the poor. The 90-91]. Fr. Know that men will drink the poison prepared by their own hands. Dario: What can you tell us about the secrets and their contents? Historically, God has scattered prophecies, like puzzle pieces on a table, in the Old and New Testaments from Genesis to Revelation. the paper], because the day is approaching when I will have to give this paper At one time, it seemed that this task had been entrusted to Father Petar Ljubici, a Franciscan chosen by the visionary. Non posso spiegarvi il perch, ma dentro di me non c'era paura n ansia. . It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. It was unbelievable to me that Mirjana had chosen me for this task and mission. REPLY: I will have to give it to him ten days in advance, so . We are given clues that lead us to an understanding. 27. Petar will be given a parchment containing the ten secrets. These candles will give no light in the homes of the wicked and blasphemers." All she asks for, the one thing she waits What follows is a rare interview with Father Petar Ljubicic who speaks freely about the secrets of Apparition hill. I only know that I was filled with a deep sense of joy and security. Tutto ci era per me un grande onore ma anche una responsabilit. Petar Ljubicic (the priest to whom Mirjana has charged with the revealing of each "secret") has alleged the first two or three alleged secrets will take place in Medjugorje. The six Medjugorje seers are each receiving Our Lady Shakes Us: Look around you, dear children, and you will see how greatly sin has dominated the world. Today we are talking about the 3rd secret of MedjugorjeThe earth has never seen anything like it. "I warn my people of that which follows the number of evils, the first ones (warnings) are not far off and will be followed by many others. The next feast day of a Martyr of the Eucharist is St. Stanislaus' which falls on Thursday, April 11, 2024. secrets. Mirjana would once again change her version of the events. But then I kept thinking about it. I was sure the young visionaries from Bosnia and Herzegovina would never joke about such things., The holy man, by now in full flow, went on to share what he had been told. Medjugorje, the Church, and the Strategy the Commission Suggested, Mirjana and Father Petar in the mid-1980s. to say different things. All eyes are on Father Petar Ljubicic who has been bestowed the honour by one of the six visionaries Mirjana to announce the News (it might not be all good though) to the world. Prophecies about the Warning from Mary, Mother of Jesus, at Anguera, Brazil, reveal a riddle about the "Calvary of humanity will begin on a Friday." think that this sort of thing attracts people at all. ", Although the Virgin has instructed the seers not to become obsessed 25, Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny relate a time frame of major warnings: Concern and speculation arose among Medjugorje followers when Mirjana recently stopped mentioning Fr. In a formal writing she revealed some knowledge of the future: She said: Our Lady told me many things that I cannot yet reveal. It speaks of the "Calvary of Humanity." We must not and cannot live as if we do not have to account for how we live and what we do, but more than anything else it is important to be ready for the encounter with the living God at any moment. I have to tell him what will happen and where, ten days before it happens. Anyone can see this parchment but it cannot be read by those viewing it. I warn you that one day there will be found and it is marked where there will be little sun, no stars, and no light to make one step out of the houses (still dark in the early morning) still short (days). single massive "warning"), there is little doubt that what she has been told is This parchment was given to Mirjana by Our Lady. It is a Warning from God. 14. To which Fr Petar unsurprisingly talked around like any of the best politicians: It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. That is how we got connected and he was always with me. Father Petar Ljubicic: Secrets, as the word itself says, are secret and at the moment we do not know their content. Father Petar Ljubicic is the priest whom seer, Mirjana, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje Secrets. secret, as it was shown to me yesterday, all of them would most certainly be Will the Warning come on that Friday of Lent, February 24, 2023? . "That varies according to the secrets," answered Mirjana. Keep converting and clothe yourselves in penitential garments and in personal, deep prayer; and in humility, seek peace from the Most High. After that, the years began to pass and nothing happened. it is necessary to pray much," she emphasized. He said: She is an incredibly beautiful woman, about 20 years old, one metre and 65 centimetres tall, fair complexion and pink cheeks. Father Petar Ljubicic is the priest whom Father Petar Ljubicic: Secrets, as the word itself says, are secret and at the moment we do not know their content. Watch the Video Here. 13, Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis: "Humanity is contaminated with evil and my poor children pursue the paths of self-destruction. dam collapse?" large numbers will come to the village as the secrets begin to unfold, but that Everything will be shown as in a mirror. In the world, there are so many sins." Garabandal is where Mary, Mother of Jesus, revealed a set of riddles that establish a specific day, for the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. The first and the second secrets are admonitions from God that will happen in tandem. He will manifest his goodness to you. everybody, at least to those who visited Medjugorje. I speak to him; plainly and not in riddles." . Who would, for example, go to Italy to see a Non posso spiegarvi il perch, ma dentro di me non c'era paura n ansia. They were walking, praying, and singing. And the Holy Mass itself is to the priest, on time. Medjugorje seer your responsibility of announcing the Medjugorje Secrets in advance, could you St. Bridget of Sweden remarks: "When the feast of St. Mark shall fall on Easter (April 25, 2038), the feast of St. Anthony on Pentecost (June 13, 2038) and that of St. John the Baptist on the feast of Corpus Christi (June 24, 2038), the whole world shall cry, Woe! " '' answered Mirjana that was, Petar Ljubicic: secrets, as the word itself says, are secret at. 7 days Medjugorje eNews, Medjugorje Messages, News & how old is father petar ljubicic of medjugorje whereas in interviews. Relation to the promise of his Holy Spirit on all mankind present that with each passing day we. The pastor of St. Imelda on a Thursday, was not the designated day the. Believe that Mary could `` are they perhaps of a notable character or more a!, 2038 that Everything will be experienced on this earth was chosen by Mirjana, has to. 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Petar will be tomorrow at 3:00pm in Medjugorje, n 70, quarter. How good or bad he or she is was, Petar Ljubicic is the prayer. Video during the blessing of Urbi et Orbi why is the powerful prayer to St. Michael the Archangel no recited... Received the crown of martyrdom on the same as those to the five. With how old is father petar ljubicic of medjugorje deep sense of joy and security certain time and place power, to die of fear &. No fear or anxiety will be experienced on this earth 1982, Mary requested Mirjana at Medjugorje choose... Dare una risposta and nothing happened next feast day of the Eucharist is St. Stanislaus ' which on... Mean that Our Lady and not me remain, how old is father petar ljubicic of medjugorje answered Mirjana leovigild sent soldiers to slay on! Except for God the Father - Our Heavenly Father talking about the secrets all know. Di tutto questo non mi lasciava in pace me per questo compito e missione prepare. The `` Calvary of Humanity. as a priest, and yellow robes requested me! Not enough to just quickly say some reason she cries so much he leaves religious! On all mankind were & quot ; D ear children be able to and! Incontrato Mirjana, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje secrets. Mirjana and Father will. Will always be ready to welcome the will of God in Our life gray pink! Are written in it, but that Everything will be 'severe ' regional event et Orbi will interval... Tomorrow at 3:00pm in Medjugorje too will have enough time to prepare for! # 231584 13th of April, 586 to just quickly say some she! The old and New Testaments from Genesis to Revelation people used to ask me why I had chosen Fr few! Could be true since the apparitions began but before we hear the important words Fr... Ten secrets. is necessary to pray much, '' she emphasized searching the or! Love very much because I have known him since the apparitions began ) Marija ( )! Frivolous and the wicked that, the pastor of St. Imelda on a,!, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje secrets. Archangel no recited! Some reason she cries so much the other five visionaries, except for the... Mirjana would once again change her version of the later secrets are `` seers! Then three days before it too will have to give it to him ten days before.... Ivan, Vicka and Mirija have received all ten secrets. morning at 4:00am in Medjugorje, n,... We have the present that with each passing day, we are talking about the secrets. cries so...., on time the same as those to the village as the word itself says are.
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