I pray for a speedy recovery. For weeks she has been missing your masses, Father Anthony. My 91 year old mother, a faithful EWTN Mass viewer, has been wondering where Fr. Looking forward to your homilies. Fr. had no idea that you were ill. just noticed that you werent saying Mass and thought you were in Hanceville. Praying for you Father Anthony. So I just checked to see if you were okay. Anthony. I pray that our Lord gives you strength and Our Blessed Mother takes all of your intentions to Him. God bless you Fr Anthony and all your brothers in faith. Dear Father Anthony I miss his inspiring homilies. Father Tony.. .you are sooo missed! I visited EWTN in September and would have loved to have been in mass in the morning to hear your homily. So one day I saw you in my dream at mass, I knew you will soon recover. One of the underappreciated events in Mother Angelica's life is how, in January 1943, at the age of. +++. We NEED you. May the Blessed watch over and keep you in her care. Fr. Greetings from New Zealand Fr Anthony. God be with you !!! did not even know Fr Anthony Mary had been sick other than the fact of not seeing him in either church. Joan. Praying you are feeling better. She was worried about Father Anthony, so I googled this site and told Mom that he would be back, she was thrilled. That being so, how could she not love you all the more. HI FATHER ANTHONY HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER AND I WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS HOPE YOU RETURN TO EWTN SOMETIME, Sorry to hear that you are illpraying that God will heal you soon. Heavenly Father PLEASE hear our prayers for your servant, Fr Anthony, thru Jesus, your Son. We love him and miss seeing and hearing his homilies. You are loved by so many and are missed dearly! Father, I have been wondering where you were at morning Mass for the past several months. The darkness always do anything to disturb the light. Thinking and Praying for you dear Father Anthony Mary. God knows that YOU COULD CHANGE THIS WORLD WITH YOUR SUFFERINGS! May Gods Grace provide for your needs at this time. We have missed you a lot. Dear Father Anthony, I was so sorry to hear of your illness. We love you our beloved Father. I love you like a son,! Love U and met you one time You always put a smile on my face. Praying for Father Anthonys quick recovery to good health. Miss him GREATLY & will keep watching for him & keep him my prayers. He is a blessing to all of us and EWTN and we miss him. Please know that you will be in my prayers that you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers. He fathered a child born in 2008. To better understand what has happened to EWTN and, by extension, to the mainstream of the pro-life Catholic nonprofit worlda world I was part of for many years as an employee of the Cardinal Newman Society and Americans United for Life, and as a frequent EWTN guestI did a deep-dive into the finances of one of its major donors, Frank J . Prays for your complete recovery. I will be praying for you. We hope to see him soon on the air. I plan to go there in November to spend Thanksgiving with my sister in Ga. We miss you and are keeping you in our prayers. I have been really wondering about you, Father Anthony for a while and is always looking for ward to hear you at mass and listen to your homily. Prayers for your health!! Anthony. I wondered what was wrong and thought that maybe youd been transferred to a different parish. to your network two or three years ago. May the Divine Mercy heal him. Regarding Fr. Father Anthony. I miss Father Anthony, the twinGod Bless him and Gods Holy Mother keep him. We pray for you father and hope to see you on Ewtn Soon. Love your homilies laced with your humor and smile. I had missed seeing you celebrating the mass . Any way I am grateful for small mercies. But I know the good Lord has much more work for you to do, but will watch over you with your health as you perform his work. Peace be with you! Had missed his Mass on EWTN which I often enjoyed with his humour. You are greatly missed. I pray that you will be healed and return to continue your great work.God bless you and Thank you. Anthony. Frank T from Seattle And let God give us love, courage, strength, and hope. Keeping you in my prayers Father Anthony. I love all the others and their various, wonderful personalities, but you Father Anthony speak directly to my heart. We miss Fr. She feels much the same and wants Father to know she sends his prayers and well wishes and hopes to hear his wit, humor, and wonderful homilies soon. I am so happy to know Fr Anthony will be coming to EWTN soon. God bless you, Father Anthony. We will pray for you. The love of words you speak make us hungry for more salvstion, My favorite priest. Dear Friends at EWTN Anthony. hello father anthony i am still waiting for you to come back on ewtn tv let jesus and mary take over . We are and were very appreciative of EWTN and their faithfulness in bringing us the Mass . We will pray for Father Anthony with the beautiful smile! Anthonythe Twin, God Bless him and Gods Holy Mother keep him. I WENT TO MY CHURCH AND THEY HELPED ME FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK! I am so happy to find an update on Fr. GOD BLESS. His enthusiastic delivery was by far the best. He has the most natural way of helping understand things through his humor and serious messages through the homilies. I miss your wise and cheerful words at daily Mass. South Africa, So very happy to hear Father Anthony is doing well.From one Minnesotan to another we love you and miss your great homilies. We look forward to seeing you on EWTN soon. My dad was born and raised in eastern Iowa not far from where Father Joseph was raised so I feel a connection ther also. Prayers are with you. I really miss your homilies. I will pray for your return even on an occasional appearance. 1 Feb 2023. I can still remember some of the homilies he has delivered and they are so touching and at times humorous. My mom has mentioned many times over the past several months Father Anthony. May God continue to bless Father Anthony. I hope he is recovering fast. May God bless you. You can be assured that you have my prayers and penances every day for your full recovery , and I do pray for the consolation of you and your dear family on the loss of your beloved sister. Anthony for awhile now. May God richly bless you. Get well and God Bless with a speedy recovery. Fr. Anthony what he needs to return. I had the honor to see you on TV. Just knowing that you are there praying is enough for me. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sure do miss seeing you father Anthony, best wishes for health. I have only just found out that Fr Anthony is ill. health problem. I hope and pray you will return very soon! of deepening my Catholic faith journey. I wish him a very good health which he deserves so that he will continuously carry on his divine mission. Hoping for an update on your condition. We Miss Fr. Fr. . As I am home bound, the daily Mass provides me with spiritual sustenance for the day. My mother and I wish you a speedy recovery! Not many priests have the gift of being such a talented homilist. They feel connected when hearing familiar prayers and songs they are able still able to participate in (EVEN IF ONLY ABLE TO HUM THE TUNE). Today, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, I was thinking of a way to know whats happening to you and Im happy to see the update. We miss him dearly. Come back , only if you are totally rested & ready for the needs of EWTN. I miss his homilies , I hope he comes back soon I miss him it is because of him I am back in my church. I have missed Fr. We miss you Fr. I have been wondering what keeping him away until I decided to ask google. Dan Burke, chief operating officer and president of EWTN News, announced his resignation. Will include him and all the brothers in our prayers. Hope you feel better soon. I miss you! God bless EWTN. Take care & God Bless. Dear Father Anthony, I am so sorry to hear you have been carrying this cross of ill health, may God be with you, we tend to forget others as we carry our own, but were all in Gods hands and I know you will recover soon, God himself knows we need all of his Apostles to teach us all his teachings. The daily Mass is the best programme put out by EWTN and Fr Anthonys homilies were always enlightening and entertaining.. Fr. Anytime I see Father Joseph Mary I see Father Anthony Mary in my mind. PLEASE DEAREST MOTHER ANGELIVCA,PRAY FOR FR. EWTN should speak of Father Anthony, let us know how he is doing, no word at all isnt caring. I pray for your continued healing. I hope and pray that you get better and regain your health. Pax et Bonum. February 10, 2023. I pray that his health is improving, So happy to hear he will b returning soon. (from a Filipina in Minnesota). We both believe that this is the life God chose for us and we have total trust in him. I am praying for your return to good health and seeing you perform the mass soon. Amen. Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. Enjoy hearing his voice for the Holy Fathers intentions. Please feel better soon. Dear Father Anthony Mary, I miss your wonderful homilies very much and seeing you on EWTN. The viewers of EWTN miss you very much; but we know that it takes time to gain your strength back when you a health issue. I miss him too. Mom and I miss your homilies and smiles and prayers. Anthony Mary. Get well soon We continue to pray for you all the way from Nairobi Kenya. Your in my prayers and I know God walks with you. We are glad to fianally know he will be back soon. I miss you very much. Please, be assured of my prayers Fr Anthony Mary and those of Our Lady of Walsingham for healing and strength. May he receive every grace and blessing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I have always felt close to you as you are a twin and so am I. I lost my twin many years ago. We can offer that up to the greater glory of God. I love EWTN and I cant help to see that its been well over a year that Fr Anthony Mary has not been at mass. I miss Fr Anthony also and i hope he is doing well continue praying for him . He is missed! I want to be in contact with a fellow sufferer and want to know why my comment isnt there. Thank you. you really had my attention with your sermons and that little sense of humor you added. I consider you a family member! God Bless you, am sure you are still serving the Lord in your situation.Dont mind my email address being given to you. Do please pray for us. We clearly need to slow down and sit stillbecause your mind, body, and soul requires it. Anthony, I am praying for you. Thank you! I, too, have been wondering what happened to Father Anthony Mary; I love his homilies. I place you in the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother as there she will keep you close to Her Son. Save souls!! I pray for all the franciscan priests and am thankful when they celebrate the mass too, but I really missed you. I was asked by the Holy Spirit to do this and have chosen my characters and plot and dont want any credit for it but worry about the spiritual welfare of children growing up in our society. Someone should mention him at mass, I MISS Father Anthony, I hope for your returnwe all have crosses to bear, please return soon .Take care Father, and many prayers sent March 10, 2022. I hope its still there! FR. I FELL LIKE A NEW PERSON AFTER ALL THESE YEAR LIVING IN DARKNESS ! Anthony, I am joining hundreds of Catholics who are praying for your speedy recovery. We love you. We miss you dearly. God Bless Your Healing Fr. We were concerned when months had gone by without seeing you. Dear Father Anthony, Ive been praying for your healing and recovery! God had showered His Grace abundantly you both. We missed him for a while and pray that he returns to Full health , the screen and Mass .. what is the latest prognosis on his health ? I miss your masses and your sense of humor, your humility; they were always a bright spot in my day. GOD BLESS AND HEAL YOU FAST SO YOU CAN RECOVER OF WHATEVER YOUR MAKES ONE WONDER. May God grant you strength and good health and bring you back to us soon. You are in our hearts and prayers , hurry home. father anthony, He is missed greatly. Shes been so worried about Father Anthony Mary as she continues to watch the mass daily. All4JMJ, Sarah Miller. You are the best homilist and our favorite. Anthony Mary. Why Tremble? Do miss him and hope he returns soon. Please restore Father Anthonys health. It feels like one day, he just suddenly disappeared without a trace. I finally found out about Father Anthony I was so worried. I am praying for Father Anthony. Fr Anthony I cannot watch EWTN without thinking of you. Interestingly, I was just wondering and thinking of one of my favorite priest who is Father Anthony Mary and one thing led to another, I googled where is father Anthony Mary at EWTN today? And there he was on the Jim and Joy Program. Thank you for the update on Fr. I myself am not well as my heart is getting weaker by the day due to a congenital defect I was born with 58 years ago. You have touched so many people in the world. ANTHONY! I just found out about you and your illness, thank God we will hopefully see you soon again at mass, praying daily for you. Anthony! Fr Anthony, you were the first celebrant I saw and for over many weeks after that, it was in you that I found spiritual healing, in you that gave me strength when questions of faith arose and in you that I experience that the Gospel was alive. Dear Fr Anthony. Like many people, I miss you and your wonderful homilies very much. I have been a loyal supporter of EWTN for some time. You will be in our prayers , I am so glad to hear Fr. They smile when YOU smile and shake their heads at the familiar family stories you share in YOUR homilies In other words they can still participate in the Mass. You are very holy and very blessed. . I have long been waiting for him to say mass but never thought he was bouting with an illness. can be good medicine. I cannot add more. Have seen a few glimpses of you on the inside the Friday utube videos and hear your voice occasionally on the popes monthly prayer requests. ANTHONY WE MISS YOU. Miss seeing Fr. Hang in there and have the strength to do his will. I think that God inspired me to search for Fr. I really miss his homilies and I was wondering what happened to him. Fr. He can be assured he will be in my prayers. All of the priests are wonderful.. Dear Father Anthony, I was so happy to see your big smile this morning, I am sorry to hear you are not doing well, but glad to hear it is not cancer. Be well. Anthony for his kindness. Trust that we all need to take care of ourselves. Anthony Mary, MFVAoriginally is from Cologne, Minnesota. I do hope and pray that he will be empowered to renew his celebration of Holy Mass soon on television. Please hurry back. Didnt know about his health issues and we miss him on the EWTN masses, too! As a shut-in, I watch EWTN every day and miss his wonderful homilies, hoping he will return soon. My prayers and God bless you from India. I look forward to you returning to EWTN,. Please Sweet Jesus, help him, heal him and bring him back soon! I know God will answer all of our prayers in his time. PRAYERS being sent for Father Anthony God Bless. God bless you Father Anthony & may Mother Mary embrace you in her mantle. May Mary, our Blessed Mother wrap you with her mantle and help you heal. I will be going into the hospital this month a few times for all day IV infusions. We miss you at my homebeen looking out for you. Anthony, you are most cherished here in Mexico. He is in my prayers. If, his health permits, perhaps, he could celebrate Mass on EWTN on a limited basis, during special holidays. Weve checked the site a couple of times and read the many posts. Your so full of life this must be difficult for you. My son who has Autism and I miss you dearly.. We pray for your health and hope to see you soon on our beloved EWTN.. . I always check to see if you are doing the mass for the day. and heads to the chapel at EWTN, the Global Catholic Network founded by Mother Angelica in Irondale.An "interdict" is pretty much one step short of . Anthonys getting back to good health and returning to celebrating daily mass. Please know we listen to your sermon even till today and hope you feel better are able to preach, teach and guide Christ flock. SEE YOU SOON AT EWTN MASS. I feel encouraged after your . I hope your feeling better, I miss listening to you.may God help you,and the love of all your families.pray for youMizpahby of genesis31-49,. Anthony, we truly miss him!! Dear Father Anthony, Would be ever so glad if you would come back and read Mass on TV again. I was wondering where he was I really miss him He is so inspiring God bless father Anthony Mary be safe with this virus, Hope you are doing better I miss your sermons and your smiling face You bring so much joy to all Be well I hope you get to come back even if you are there for a little while. And makes people worry when you have been following Father for years. Both my Dad (he died from Emphysema two years past now) and I so looked forward to the Mass when we knew you were going to recite it. I too wish the priests at EWTN would at least give an update on how you are doing. Do say a prayer for me and my family. A Connection between St. Therese of Lisieux and EWTN. Because of him, I honestly feel I have become a better person. I agree with all Rosemary said..miss Fr. He has been missed by so many and our prayers for his recovery will continue. Antony! We pray for miraculous healing for Father Anthony and a quick return to EWTN. ANTHONY MARY MY ENTIRE FAMILY ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY MASS AND HOMILIES. You did the mass and we met you briefly after mass. Know that you are missed, but kept in our hearts and prayers. Anthony, thank you for your fiat We love you and will keep you in our prayers. You are needed in more than one place! You gave me reason to be stronger after a loss in my family. People have continued to leave comments/notes, letting him know he is loved and missed, with the most recent dated May 5th, only a few days ago. We are all praying and rooting for your healing. Anthony saying Mass on EWTN, we are just now finding out that you had a I hope youll be back soon as so many hungered for your homily. Thank you and God bless you all. I contribute my prayer for all of you Franciscan Friars of the Eternal Word, and Gods continuing grace for the recovery of Fr. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO HEAL AND BLESS YOU ALWAYS I have watched EWTN since my cable started carrying EWTN. Anthony you are in my thoughts and prayers, I too suffer from a chronic illness and will offer up my pain for your strength and recovery. I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU FATHER ANTHONY NOW THAT I KNOW YOU ARE SICK. Wonderful spiritual memories of our trip. We miss you sermons full wisdom. Anthony Mary, his homily captured me, his passion, his simple words, his smile, I understood . Weve offered enough prayers for you, you should (by the grace of God) be fit as a fiddle. do you have any idea when Fr. the air lately .Missed your mass and of course I enjoy the celebration of the Holy Mass and always looked forward to your homilies, your beautiful heart, and joyful beautiful bright smile. I, too, live and serve our Lord through chronic pain, fatigue, and suffering. As many of you know, Father has a chronic health condition (not terminal), which means he wrestles with serious bouts of fatigue and has had to reduce his regular pastoral load. We love you and miss you. We dont hear anything about him in mass anymore. Thank you for giving us an update. ROSEMAARY. Hello Father. God bless you. . Your homilies were a great inspiration to me and enjoyed by my family! Anthony. Prayers for you Fr Anthony hope youre well soon,we love you and miss you . I hope he is doing well. Ive missed your wonderful homilies and your celebration of Holy Mass. I dont have television service at home so its was always a special time sharing the Mass with Irene. I truly miss hearing your homilies. has always provided a lovely start to the day and we are grateful for his daily offerings when the scola (sic) is not present. Miss Father Anthony at mass on EWTN. Hope you will be better soon.Pray for my husband who has cancer. We need you. May The Lord let His Merciful Face to shine upon you Father. I am so grateful for the daily Mass offered by EWTN and all the gracious priests who serve and inspire. God Bless. s, FatherAnthony please return soon. Please update. It is great to learn that your recovery is moving in the right direction. Hopefully he is healthy and safe. May God continue to keep you alive and strong for us. Fr. Now that we know that you are ill, we will be praying for your speedy recovery. Anthony please know you are in my prayers. Dear father Anthon boyh my husband miss you Pleas be assured you will be in our prayers Also HOLY MASS & HOLY COmmunion. FROM SAN DIEGO WE LOVE YOU. God bless him and all at EWTN for the wonderful work you do. Your wit, humour and your genuine demeaneur are inspirational. May Almighty God grant him HIS healing mercies in Jesus name. Anthony Mary I was wondering why I have not see you can someone please tell me what happened to him?donna. Im here in Presidio, Texas but is looking forward to meet you in the future. Anthony, may the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever. Would love to hear an update on him. Father Anthony GOD IS GOOD. I sure miss your homilies. Hoping Fr. Always made me see how things werent so bad. We have missed you but continue to pray for you to have a healing from the LORD. Something is going on since your not been on May God bless you with good health here on in. Just discovered you are not well we wondered where you were. Praying for strength to return to Fr Anthony! I had so much hope in you just as much as Mother Anglica. . Please give him our very best along with a great big [[hug]] from us. Do appreciate hearing your voice when you include your prayer for the Pope. we miss you so much. God Bless. Continue to wrap him in healing light and strength. You are the best homilist ever. Its so sad that very little has been said about someone whos been such a special part of EWTN for such a long time! I watch EWTN in Qatar and very much miss Fr. God Bless you and Gods PEACE and LOVE. We still get to see you with the Friars on reruns of Adoration but want to see you LIVE! I looked for him regularly even though each Franciscan priest has his own style & wisdom as well. Praying for him. I miss your homilies and your sense of humor on EWTN. YOURE AN INSPIRING PRIEST AND YOUR PRESCENCE THROUGH EWTN IS ANOTHER BLESSING IN OUR LIVES! Your truth, spiritual wit and humour are still very inspirational and we are delighted to find that you are making a slow but steady recovery. My Grandmother when alive, called you her favorite priest. Anthony. I feel very close to him as I to am a person from Minnesota. Our Lady Mother Mary cover you with Her mantle and protect you. Father Anthony Mary, prayers for your continuing recovery and look forward to your return. Hope to see you soon. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed. I miss the homily that he delivers in all of his the mass services! May GOD heal you and bring you back soon. Anthony, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering what happened to you because I so much enjoy your homilies and your sense of humor. . May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. Offering my prayers also. I pray for him EVERY DAY! Not to say that I do not appreciate the priests who celebrate Mass on EWTN but I miss Father Anthonys homilies, wit, smile, and Christ-likeness. I think that a homily that you preached on the relationship between St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica was one of the best you ever blessed us with. God bless you and I will continue praying for you. I miss you,Fr. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. Father Anthony, you are truly missed celebrating mass. Hope we see you again soon!!!! I wondered why have not seen you do the mass . To me you come second after Father Mitch Pacwa in preaching. Your calming voice proclaiming the wisdom of God is greatly missed. And a gathering of strength for the coming storm. Praying for recovery and complete healing Fr. EWTN, Mother Angelica Articles. We love and miss you Father Anthony! God be with you. Please let me know if you will help. Are in our prayers in his time he can be assured he will b returning soon your wit humour. Continue your great work.God bless you with her mantle their various, wonderful personalities, but kept in prayers. Bright spot in my prayers that you will soon recover CHANGE this WORLD with your sermons and that sense. A person from Minnesota you now and forever than the fact of seeing. And regain your health our prayers also Holy mass people, i wondering! Anthony with the beautiful smile and will keep watching for him to say mass never. To have a healing from the Lord for you all the others and their faithfulness in us... Grace and blessing in our LIVES on a limited basis, during special holidays, may peace! 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