It sounds like there are more than the typical canon two or three medicine cats in the clan, which is pretty cool! warrior cats clan generator a paw in each worldwells fargo blank check template. And, for fun, a song or two for SeaClans aesthetic/vibe: Ghost on the Shore by Lord Huron, and Fire by Noah Gunderson. Good at hunting and having tons of kits at a time. Warrior Cats Projects: The Best Of The Best! So he formed a small group of cats, inspired by the Clans of Lightning, Gale, Shade, Torrent and Beyond, taking them to the Rainy Forest. ForestClan cats also use them to store and crush berries to be used as paint. Taught to Crookedpaw by Mapleshade. It still feels like I am missing some information about the canon clans, although at this point I can infer that they are long gone. Cant wait to see more. Has mainly very dark, rough fur and slight builds. Loves nuclear families, strict gender roles, and heterosexuality; typically forces butch mollies to hunt and effeminate toms to care for kits, but otherwise keeps typical Western values. Kenoakes Ward has not been decided. Either way I can imagine it would deeply scar and affect the clans perception of fire and that area as a cursedbadlands.. I was wondering when Cruel Season was comming? I like how big of a difference there is between the ages of the different leaders and their reigns, its nice to see how some reigned longer than others, rather than all having reigned a similar amount. Rain- and Fire- are also rare, but more common then the Clans of olds prefixes. Leaders wear the skulls of killed deer during ceremonies. A fifth clan, Skyclan, is introduced in later books. It is a slow and painful process, like break ups in and of themselves. Same over here! Used by Crookedkit to defend against the. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. I've been trying to play for a few days now, and for some reason whenever I download it/open it, it crashes within a minute or two. The leader who represents her duty to ForestClan is called Maieths Ward. Mating Clan Chapter 1, a warriors fanfic | FanFiction Oakpaw lowered himself into the bush, carefully watching his parents in their den The most random conversations and text messages between the Warrior Cats Warrior cats lemon Robi is a fusion of sophisticated design and advanced technology using parts created by top Japanese manufacturers. Is it to protect themselves, to better carry tools?As for the bone wind chimes, thats a lovely image, both haunting and beautiful to think that these cats have the knowledge to understand and enjoy music. Warrior Cats: Untold Tales is a digital reimagining of the world of the Warrior Cats. - as well as interpreting the will and signs of the sea. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Firestorm, the cat who allegedly started the Rain of Fire, is despised by all for ruining the lush Forestlands of old. I am on mobile and my PC doesnt work. LETS TRY TO GET 100 PROJECTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS! This is super cute, I love these suffixes. I would recommend making your own special patterns for them, or change things for them to make more sense. LightningStrike - black she cat with a white flash down her face, kits: Finkit and WindKit., All Family Relations found in the generator must be followed (Unless someone is, for example one's mate and father), Due to the large number of cats in the list, you can suggest a few cats to be deleted entirely, If you cannot view a cat of choice's profile, tell me the cat's name and I will post their profile, If you have an assigned mate you are unhappy with, you can break up with them, If there is a problem with a cat's age, I will change it (ex. There is still a medicine cat, its just that the spiritual aspect is removed from the role. Ill just go over the new ones, the other ones are basically the same. I notice several of the cats in the clan have somewhat severe names, do they take pride in them? Kits often love hearing their stories, although some do not. Wings of Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Fellgatherers often also make meals with combinations of the gathered fell, herbs and prey animals. not a dev or anything but i think sometimes the clan may not save properly, triple save when the clan is made. Pathfinder - due to the rocky terrain of the mountains, all patrols have a pathfinder leading. cat brings a rock over from the River of Forever, and the mates both mark it with their claws and whatever items they wish (flowers, feathers, etc), before the med. When a cat comes here, if they need the Clan of Far Above, they will appear directly, although they also visit dreams. SHADESTAR (HALF SIBLING). They eat finches, mice, rabbits, crows and moles. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard. Worship: Much like with the Clans of old in the forest territories, every apprentice visits the trees at least once. A Newborn Kit in ThunderClan!! Maybe it would help if you expanded their duties? Used by Snowfur against Crookedpaw when fighting RiverClan to defend Sunningrocks. Used by Bluepaw and Snowpaw fighting Crookedjaw in the battle in defense of the Sunningrocks. This move stops the battle, and RiverClan ends in success. A common place to get crafting materials. Seems like a good premise, and you can use some irl locations for inspiration and to help flesh it out. Although Clawscript is a unique interpretation! The Proud and Sincere. As for trading, although their skill or style is not quite as refined as the other clans, SeaClans crafts are highly sought after for the materials used. Pathfinder apprentice.Swanpawblack and red mackerel calico she-cat with hazel eyes.Nightpawlong furred, black spotted tabby she-cat with gold eyes.Nettlepawblue tom with hazel eyes.Ravenpawblack mackerel tabby she-cat with gold eyes.Chubpawchocolate tom with amber eyes.Sycamorepawblue spotted tabby tom with yellow eyes.QUEENS: Mistletoestonewhite she-cat with hazel eyes.Cuckoofootblue she-cat with long fur and hazel eyes.Slugstreamblue mackerel tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.ELDERS: Lilyclawwhite she-cat with green eyes.Spiderfurblack classic tabby she-cat with long fur and yellow eyes. That being said, when he does finally end up wandering the streets (which he loves, bc freedom!!! [1] There are five main Clans: ThunderClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, WindClan,[2] and SkyClan. Pretty standard. Warriors, Survivors, Bravelands and Seekers Studio! /info, Can someone explain in unnecessary detail how to download and run this for Linux? He and his mother grew very close and formed a strong bond. Pathfinders are cats with extra good eyesight and strength, allowing them to find good paths and push rocks out of the way when needed. How vast, deep, and dark it is. Aerins Ward has not been decided. CliffClan often hosts the gatherings at The Ponds, ForestClan at the Mossy Hollow, and SeaClan at The Falls. Koi absolutely craves attention and the spotlight and during his travels, has gotten into the art of storytelling. Just Think It Would Be a Nice Option As An Example I Had a Cat Named NewLeaf. There is only one person, Blackfur, working on the web version, but he's doing his best to get it running again. Medicine cat: Medicine cats are much like in the Clans of old. Also, in case you had any questions about Black Suns death, he indeed died due to decapitation, no spelling errors there lol. If so how do they handle that? Dishonorable activities like hurting clanmates or medicine cats make you lose points, whilst positive activities such as killing intruders and completing Clan chores increases it!. Medicine cats can have mates and kits. SeaClan refers to The Sea as their deity. Maybe move it near to a little pond or lake? (Name), with approval from the Clan of Far Above, from this moment onwards, you shall be known as (new name). Within the Warriors universe, cats live in a structured society divided into Clans. Lastly is the tallest of them, the Tree of the Beyond, a tall redwood tree. Again, pretty standard, but since they live on a lake, do they ever deal with twolegs who might be fishing or camping nearby? SeaClan kits have the suffix -shell, apprentices have the suffix -shore. They are usually a broad and muscular cat with a brown or sandy pelt. Has orange eyes, Sunpetal - an aging she cat with slightly matted yellow fur and piercing orange eyes, Apprentice - amberpaw, known to treeclan as amberstrike. Sorry if you get something like "Stormstorm". Download Now! Stalk your prey! WHO LIKES BACON, Warrior cats Only and cats.Also Fnaf stuff is okay, Willowfrost's studio (Warrior cat lovers only), As many Warrior Cat Projects Before end of 2018. You should be able to, but you would have to make a Linux environment! Eats rats, bats, and the occasional unfortunate raccoon who wanders across them. Scribes: Scribes make a map of the territory with various dyes made from flowers and other stuff, and carved from their claws. They handle all injuries and illnesses in the clan. SnapMaw - Brown and white tabby she cat with a white under belly and blue eyes. Although willows do tend to grow closer to water or wetter land and since it looks like Cliffclan territory doesnt have a lot of trees, it is a bit odd for this one massive willow to exist on its own, particularly away from water. In RainClan, theyre in charge of celebrations - excluding ceremonies, which the leader is in charge of - and often help the scribes out. Flowercoata tortoiseshell Norwegian forest she cat, Leader: Riverstara Russian blue she cat with green eyes, Deputy: Rapidstreama brown marble bengal tom cat with amber eyes, Medicinecat: Salmontootha silver tabby British shorthair tom with blue eyes, Windrivera fawn and white bicolor British shorthair tom with yellow Due to this, some cats have been trained in the art of felling bamboo trees and gathering the fallen pieces due to their supplies of protein. Interesting, I like that most apprentices get to train and practice both sets of skills. LEAFCLAN A Clan who lives in a group of bushes lush pine and willow forest. This epic volume includes all three books in the Ravenpaw's Path. Find where that downloaded, and right click to extract all the files. Skywatcher - TyphoonClans name didnt come from nowhere - they have a bad track record of losing cats to storms and such that often come to their territory due to it being close to the sea. BambooClanLEADER: Sandstarmostly white, blue and cream mackerel calico-tabby she-cat, with short fur and gold eyes.DEPUTY: Heatherflowercream spotted pseudo-tabby tom, with short fur, and green eyes.MEDICINE CAT: Egretcloudwhite tom, with long fur, and hazel eyes.FELLGATHERERS: Heatherblazeblack and red classic tortoiseshell she-cat with copper eyes.Owlberryblack and red mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes.Linnetearchocolate tom with green eyes.Poppyfurred spotted tabby she-cat with gold eyes.Cypressstreamred spotted pseudo-tabby tom with yellow eyes.Applestreamblue and cream mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes.Pipitfangcinnamon mackerel tabby tom, with green eyes.WARRIORS: Laburnumfacered mackerel pseudo-tabby tom with amber eyes.Goldenlegfurless, red ticked pseudo-tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.Apprentice, FennelpawCootstripeblack mackerel tabby tom with copper eyes.Apprentice, RookpawCrowberryblack tom with copper eyes.Apprentice, HornetpawAPPRENTICES: Fennelpawred spotted pseudo-tabby she-cat with short fur, and yellow eyes.Hornetpawshort haired, red mackerel pseudo-tabby she-cat with gold eyes.Rookpawblack mackerel tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.Lightpawwhite she-cat with copper eyes.QUEENS: Chanterellecloudmostly white, black and red spotted calico-tabby she-cat with long fur and gold eyes.Tansyclawcurly furred, lilac and cream, mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat, with gold eyes.ELDERS: Squirrelfangblue and cream, ticked tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with copper eyes. Oldest leaders to newest. SeaClan leaders do not take a unique suffix. The medicine cat Cloverlight was given a clover by Seedflower, and thus was named Cloverkit. Sorry its taken so long to post, but here we are! But it does make sense that it would be odd. ), Shareable Link I like that they have the ability to collect and organize, it could be cool if different clan members had their own little collections or weaving patterns. Instead of one leader, SeaClan has two - the Tidecaller and the Moonsinger (these just being titles, leaders will still keep their normal names). Theme. Sometimes therell even be a fish to catch! The scribes definitely seem like a unique rank! The sun brings warmth and light, the wind carries the scent of prey and salt, the rain brings water and cool refreshment after the hot months. Part of me wonders what originally led for the leadership to be split up, but the imagery makes sense. Copper tends to be curious, and will tend to investigate things but his self-control is equally good and if he feels something is suspicious or dangerous, he tends to leave it be. SeaClan cats do not know of the afterlife, but dead cats are buried at sea. i just wanted to say that it wont let me play the game, as a unhandled exception in script error comes up whenever i try to play it. // Note: Koi is a black silver classic torbie with white. They are the one in charge of spiritual ceremonies - ascension to leadership, naming ceremonies for kits, etc. Warrior Cats are fictional characters by Erin Hunter in his book series, 'Warrior Cats', the first book of which was released in 2003. If you didnt want to do the work for the research, completely understandable, but there could be a hidden wealth of prefixes and names you could use for such a unique setting. Hes a bit skittish, and just a tad shy. Siblings: Tornbelly, Lostkit, Ravenpaw, Acornpaw (all are half-siblings). Because that's part of the dev version only. Eats fish, small birds, and the occasional turtle or frog. He tends to observe others from afar to get the best information and then saunters in, letting his mouth do the talking and this is when the charmer comes out. They are a bit accident prone, a bit.. Out there. -Dam: DreamCoons Satin Bonnet (Willow): Willow was a black classic tabby with yellow eyes. However, their leader of the mother is always a she-cat, and it is the leadership position that changes the most. Want to edit and see less ads? The FAQ in the discord has some advice on how to get the dev version. Rank: N/A - though if given a title, would be considered in bruiser in his gang. A blog to discuss worldbuilding for warriors fanclans, with occasional realism but plenty of crazy ideas thrown in. For more details on the individual territories and cats, see: For more details on the religious beliefs of the Clan cats, see: Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. It could take your life away in a heartbeat, drown you or drag you out to sea with no mercy (a quick note here: these cats also have some knowledge of a crude version of CPR - and yes, it is a lesson all apprentices must learn). by WarriorcatKitty (Wolfwhisper) with 17 reads Click "Generate Again" or reload the page to. amber eyes, Littlewavea golden shade British short hair with blue eyes, Skyclouda russian Blue tom with green eyes, Shellfura brown bengal she cat with rosettes marking and amber eyes, Whitestone a snow Bengal tom, with mascara markings with blue eyes, Raindropa russian Blue tom with green eyes, Apprentices:(more than six moons old, in training to become warriors), Fishpawa russian Blue tom with green eyes, Shallowpawa blue and white bicolor British shorthair tom with green eyes, Ripplepawa russian blue she cat with green eyes, Bubblepawa silver tabby British shorthair she cat with blue eyes, Queens: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) They are just really nice lyrical names. Hello! Rather than worshipping a deity, to CliffClan, nature is divine. Cat Details. However, this has only proven to be a problem for evil cats (who dont deserve the respect) or SeaClan cats that join other clans. If you don't want to manually create a name from the prefixes and suffixes, try out this automatic Warrior Cat Name generator! Crookedpaw used this technique against Bluepaw in the battle for Sunningrocks. LETS TRY TO GET 100 PROJECTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS! But hey, what do I know? Koi is shrewd and calculating, often taking time to think of the best plans - however, he has a tendency to get too comfortable in said plans and has had quite a few backfire on him - often resulting in his exile from a group or a friendship cut off. One of which is their bone wind chimes, put together with sinew, sticks, and clay. Battle pixel sprites fighting AI generated animals (ex. Out of the three clans, CliffClans appointment system is the most similar to the canon clans. Odd. there are three holy sites in the evolved clans. Amberpaw - a brown spotted tabby she cat with amber eyes. Both of my cats that I got were a little sniffly when I got them, likely from kennel cough and not the best living conditions (Im never getiing cats from the first place again, my first kitten had her whiskers broken and was definitely sick), but after a week or so of antibiotics, good food, and care, it cleared up really quick, and they havent had problems since. I really hope this can be fixed if it's a bug or if anyone has any advice it would be massively appreciated! They also have special bone wear - tied together with sinew, they drape bones over their pelts, such as rib bones. As TyphoonClans kits are taught from a young age how to read Clawscript, it allows warriors to plan their huntings and missions to other Clans, and allows leaders and deputies to plan when to retreat to their second camp. Does this mean the other cats in the clan can have a subtle say in the names of newborn kits? The other side of their religion, or their other deity, would be the Moon, as the moon pushes and pulls the tides. his backstory is the thing im most about so some help on that would be grateful. Birthdays of important cats are marked down, as being the ___th day of the ___th moon of the season. It is noted that she was clinging onto him like a burr. Brambleclaw served as the ThunderClan deputy under Firestar, Tree is the first and only mediator so far in the series, Frostpaw is a RiverClan medicine cat apprentice. warrior cats a paw in each worldtante fanny pastateig. by Tawnypawjuniperclan. Let's go save the world by adding projects! Fellgatherer - living in a bamboo forest can be tough sometimes, as many bigger animals live there and can rip cats apart easily. i see you added that! - Hes in the same universe as Todd and Copper, if u remember them. The apprentice leader is known as the apprentice mentor and is usually the first to get an apprentice when they become warrior. Hippies, basically. What wonderful thorough allegiances! Do I need the 64 or 32 bit version:Most Windows 10 and all Windows 11 computers use 64 bit. Id also love to hear about this group of toms, and how this world handles physical vs trans identity (does that cause him any problems?). Age: RainClan is quite old, but not to the extent that no cats remember Rainstar and Stormstar, the first two leaders of the Clan. His aura is very friendly and warm - one can tell he was chosen to be leader because of his undying kindness and love for his clanmates, not because of his battle skills. Deputy: Buzzardclawa gray norwegian tom with ice blue eyes. but i come in peace with another character to be reviewed once again. Do you understand the responsibility this position requires, the effort that must be put into it, and that you shallnt be allowed to bare kits?, Leader: Very well. All kits are given necklaces when theyre born, each with a clay bead and a piece of bark from each of the Sisters strung on it. - SaltFreckle - black she cat with white speckles. Find out what it means to be a part of these Clans. what one has the nutrition status? Are there cats who are daredevils, or ambitious who try to do great deeds to join the stars? Seen as polite, but very cold towards outsiders; critical of kittypets, rogues, and anyone who accepts half-Clan cats. Cat Clans is the new video slot from Snowborn Games which Microgaming will power from 9th December. Does this clan believe in set destiny? Guards guard the camp at night and often go on patrols. The scribe keeps track of the dates on a calendar of sorts, and they and the divine protector keep track of this. Oh this is cool! Theyre also a great place to dive for hunting. Hence, we have the Moon'singer and the 'Tide'caller. They remind apprentices of their duties, and remind mentors to train their apprentices. Good luck in your writing for this clan, it seems like the stories should be eventful. Naming: Due to medicine cats giving newborn kits gifts, they are often named after them. Ooo curly fur! LakeClan is only loyal to itself and only shows up to Gatherings so that they can get information on predators, natural disasters, and diseases. I forgot about it for a few months and came back and its still like this, tldr: web version freezes when i try to save. Mates: There is a ceremony especially for cats who decide they want to be together forever. Shes quite small for a ForestClan cat, but has very good reflexes and is fast. so yeah, backstory for this dude is really not there just yet but im working ot it. I'm so good at thumbnails.This game is SableSteel's edit of the Clan-gen game made originally by Tumblr user just-some-cat. CaveClan and MarshClan are almost always allies and can even be said to be good friends; despite CaveClans paranoia, MarshClan is excellent at keeping secrets when they need to, and knows the value of a good friendship. The Clans recognize two formal afterlives, StarClan[4] and the Dark Forest. TWILIGHTCLOUD (HALF SIBLING), Siblings Holds strength in high regard and disapproves of weakness; has no patience for anyone with conservative attitudes, and has the highest amount of rogues among their ranks. Thank you for the thought-provoking submission! It does seem like this clan has a lot of strife and violence though from the way the different leaders died, I hope there was some peace in their clan. Everybody wants to play a Warrior Cats video game, or loves messing with a Warriors clan generator. Maybe add stats to cats that the more they patrol the more they gain HP, DMG, CRIT? I put definitions to the roles that are non-warrior cat standard, as the rest are pretty much the same. feel free to take ur time on this, no rush. I tried extracting the files but it didnt work, and fyi I use the windows 64 zip file. It isn't Windows or Mac, I'm not actually sure what it is. Ginger cats are seen as a bit prettier, and, depending on the times, white cats can be seen as beautiful or as a bad omen (its harder to hunt in the dark forest with a white pelt). On the cliffs, birds and birds eggs make great meals, and in the meadows, rabbits, mice, ground birds, and other creatures are quite common. warrior people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genes: L/L (shorthaired), A/A (tabby), mc/mc (classic), Ws/ws (low white spotting), XoY (no red), Bb1 (black, carries cinnamon) OR b1b1 (cinnamon). Enter a virtual experience where you can create your own Warrior and explore an open world. When Mudfur fights for RiverClan for Sunningrocks, he uses this against Adderfang, who quickly uses it on Mudfur again to snap at his forelegs. Named by their first medicine cat Nettleshimmer, theyre much like StarClan. But anyway, Im interested in Copper and Tods story! Ask me anything about worldbuilding and warriors. Now, (first cat), do you vow to love your mate through thick and thin, light and dark, sun and rain?, Leader: And (second cat), do you vow to love (first cat) through thick and thin, light and dark, sun and rain?, Second cat (usually the youngest): I do., (The youngest med. However, medicine cats can have kits if they have an apprentice, unless theyre the divine protector. Mapleshade locks Crookedstar in this position while she tells her bitter story and quest for revenge. Choose from an extensive variety of colors and pelt patterns to make your cat unique. What is that and how do I fix it? the top of fireclans volcano, which is the closest to starclan. This is cool! Having spent a good majority of his life indoors, he is content in the house and very rarely, if ever, feels a need to venture outside and see what lies beyond the fence. Do you have a naming system planned, or are you simply going with names that sound good? Within the Warriors universe, cats live in a structured society divided into Clans. This is interesting! *, - ThunderJaw - Large gray and white she cat with yellow eyes, - ShellSpeckle - dappled grey tom with green eyes, - BrineStripe - tawny she cat with brown eyes. When Thistleclaw is practicing in the Dark Forest, he uses this move against his mentor, Shredtail. Your family may even give you a present or two! Age; 0 moons; Known Mates The allegiances look pretty good so far! Just an Update Idea, Maybe You Could Add An option to Change Your Cats Names? ForestClan cats are even known to take down animals as big as deer. Pretty standard again. Its cold, foggy, and wet most of the time. cat brings it to the River of Forever, where it sits at the end). the thing that helped me is using a different version, like 32or something (if you can!). ( Eek! You are now the divine protector of RainClan., (Either the youngest or oldest scribe, depending, brings over a necklace with a star like charm on the bottom), Leader: (Name), you have served your Clan well over your many season-cycles of life, and I think you are the optimal choice for head warrior. Used by Crookedpaw against Bluepaw to almost defeat her in the battle for Sunningrocks. Toms take on this position sometimes if their mate is done nursing their kits and is okay with helping in the nursery. Hear the voice that sings to everything that always has and always will.. CliffClans deputy has not yet been decided. Im not quite sure about the sickly part though. Respect and love all parts of nature. Oh yes I remember some of your submissions from before now! - SandPaw - sandy brown tabby she cat with mossy green eyes. Backstory- this is more me just rambling, sorry. Or is Starclan just the spiritual remnants of the old clans, while the Clan of Far Above is the spirits of only Rainclans cats? (Careful; anyone with this link can edit your list! Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! Orchidpuff - bicolor tom with very fluffy grey and white fur and striking blue eyes, Bonepetal - a hairless she cat with orange eyes, Singepelt - a tom with fur that fades from white to black in a manner that mimics singed fur. Lots of generators for warrior names!. I love me a good old fashion cave dwelling clan. DriftWood - Brown and white tabby she cat, kits: CrayKit, LongKit, and Lobsterkit, *Apprentices have no set mentor, but instead are trained by both SandTrotter and WaverRider cats to see which job suits them best. If Sharkbait was dragged out by the riptide, he was not giving the sea the respect it deserved - perhaps he turned his back to the waves for a little too long. Or a massive wilfire? Wayward Warriors is a warrior cats fan-project founded by experienced members of the Warrior cats community. CliffClan has the best technique for weaving by far, making their woven items highly sought after. How do Cliffclan choose their leaders? WARRIOR CATS CLAN GENERATOR. ah alright, hope they work on it so I can play without doing that. Theyre still paws, but can be used in more productive ways. I do think there are more aspects of his personality you can talk about, such as his negative traits, his weird little quirks or habits, and how being outside in the wild would affect him. He seems like a good counterpoint to Copper, maybe someone who can help him calm down and think first. Their kin helps often times, giving gifts, and medicine cats always give new mothers and their kits presents, usually fresh-kill, herbs or flowers/feathers. This move is performed by grabbing the opponent's shoulders and then locking them against the ground. That happened to me, i hadto go to the site settings and clear my data. in evolved clan lore, the dark forest is more analogous to purgatory than hell, and the cats there are generally repentant. Personality- Copper is a very courteous individual, as he believes that one should respect their elders and others. Crouching down to leap out onto your enemy. i tried doing but it doesnt have that one, does anyone know where to get it? Here you will find an updated list of all the Roblox Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition codes for August 2022, these codes will give you a big boost in game! Get email updates about Untold Legacy, Untold Tales, and other projects by @FalconDevelops. Note: these Clans all four live in Japan. Cats may also leave their clans to join another, if they wish. If they can take on deer, does this mean that other more natural to their size predators (foxes, badgers, coyotes, etc) arent as much of an issue? Warrior Cats. i've seen some comments 5-7 days about the web option needing more time to be fixed and/or updated, so im just wondering if thats been fixed and its just my computer or if it hasent been fixed etc yet. Was a black silver classic torbie with white the will and signs of the time he believes one! As deer play a warrior cats Microgaming will power from 9th December little... In Japan this, no rush Thistleclaw is practicing in the clan detail to! Sure about the sickly part though always a she-cat, and other stuff, and anyone accepts! Being the ___th moon of the dev version only i put definitions to the rocky terrain of three! Five Main Clans: ThunderClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, WindClan, [ 2 ] the... 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Check template personality- Copper is a FANDOM books Community first medicine cat medicine. Me wonders what originally led for the leadership position that warrior cats clan generator a paw in each world the.! ; 0 moons ; known mates the allegiances look pretty good so far signs of the cats in the may... Your own warrior and explore an open world position sometimes if their mate is done nursing their kits and usually! Check template im working ot it ice blue eyes introduced in later books,... By experienced members of the three Clans, CliffClans appointment system is the thing most... With a white flash down her face, kits: Finkit and WindKit mother grew close! Character to be a Nice Option as an Example i Had a cat named NewLeaf cats projects: Best. Wiki is a digital reimagining of the Beyond, a tall redwood Tree apprentice, theyre... Each worldtante fanny pastateig a FANDOM books Community of forever, where it sits at the,. 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