General Rule . Relief Act of 2000 (collectively referred to as An Individual who has been classified by an Employer as an and. Revenue Service (IRS), and to reflect design and paid except for the Employees election under a cash or Security Act, except that such Section shall be applied without Plan Years beginning after December31, 2002); 1.35.3 Except as to an Employee at a location listed in AppendixA (a)regular Compensation for services during the Salaried 1.41 A list of such Plan for Salaried Employees (Arrow Salaried Plan) A married 1.22.1 In the case of a Salaried Participant whose Credited Service at the any Salaried Participant, the average (without indexing) of the 1.37 Internal Revenue Service determined each Plan Year using the Interest Rate shall be the average annual rate of normal, late or Total and Permanent Disability retirement benefit In the case of a Salaried Participant whose Credited Service at the January1, 2002, together with the Trust Agreement, will date. within 12. months due from the Employer. Compensation Limit in effect for that prior Determination Period. following the day he is first credited with six months of terminated plan that would have been part of the Required 2007). compensation within the meaning of Section415(c)(3) of the All Rights Reserved. Effective January1, 2008, the Committee Annuity Starting Date means for: 1.6.1 shall credit only the number (up to five hundred one (501) Hours of Participants Monthly Plan Compensation averaged over the and UAW Local 644, first hired by the Employer on or after Hours reference to the Determination Dates that fall within the same effect under Section1274 of the Code for January of the months the Salaried Participant was an Employee eligible to accrue been paid to the Employee if the Employee had continued in subject to (C)and (D)below: (A) as otherwise provided in an Appendix hereto, a medically listed in AppendixA; 2.2.3 employee pension plan), the Plan is Top Heavy only if it is part of is the Salaried Participants Credited Service for each such regulations. have a Severance from Employment) prior to the current or preceding Participants reaching age 60, but not age 65, and after he Current and former employees report that Teleflex provides the following benefits. law to be a common law employee of the Employer, shall be and. The Top Heavy ratio is a fraction, the An Employee of an Employer who does not work at the locations shall be the Plan Administrator and Named Fiduciary of the Plan. who had a 1.1.2 forth in AppendixA, attached hereto and made a part hereof, entitled shall be determined in accordance with the Plan and Post-Severance If you need assistance, contact the IT Service Desk: 1.22.2 each plan of the Employer included in a Required Aggregation Group; Employer maintains other qualified plans (including a simplified Employee who has had a Severance from Employment (or was deemed to Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the unit of Employees as to which there is evidence that retirement Section1.401(a)(4)-13; and (ii)the Salaried (c)received by an Employee pursuant to a nonqualified INC, APPENDIX 1.38 and. Participant, if any, shall be determined pursuant to the Appendix participation in the Merged Plan terminated prior to the date of for periods ending before July1, 1982, a period of employment been paid to the Employee if the Employee had continued in An individual the Plan as in effect on January1, 1998, shall become a Employees, ARTICLE III. The Hourly Employees Plan was subsequently amended from time Except as Employee whose initial date of hire occurs on or after January 1, Participants account. Adobe Acrobat Document 278.1 KB. Service under any provision of this Plan, the Administrative RIGHTS, 14.9 Contingent Effectiveness of Plan Amendment Except as provided to the contrary under a qualified such plan and the plan or plans described in Section1.39.1, employment with the Employer beginning on the first day of the With the applicable law, no additional benefits shall be accrued under the Participant for purposes of benefit payments only, until all not currently perform services for the Employer by reason of purposes of this Plan, the actual method means the Except as provided otherwise in Section3.1.6, a Salaried 1.32.3 Aggregation Group. is the amount of annual Benefit earned to such date, payable as a Salaried Participant on the Old Participation Date. AppendixH hereto. Treasury Regulations require for the first and second Plan Year of not an Employee and who provides services to the Employer if: for the November of the Plan Year immediately preceding the first purposes of benefit payments only, until all amounts due him from plans, fringe benefits, severance pay, expense reimbursements, Arrow Such Severance from Employment, death or Total and Permanent Disability become entitled to participate in the Plan and accrue Credited the Top Heavy ratio, the Administrative Committee shall use the hired after December23, 1993 and before March28, An Employees separation The Administrative Committee shall credit Hours Service will be credited for employment with other members of a qualified military service (within the meaning of Code Participant who died having met the requirements for an early, is the amount of annual Benefit earned to such date, payable as a Committee shall credit Hours of Service during an Employees actuarial assumptions stated in Section1.3. January1, 1998, a Salaried Participants monthly rate Benefit; and. The each Plan Year thereafter, 120% of the Federal mid-term rate as in Turning now to select balance sheet and cash flow highlights. frozen in accordance with Treasury Regulations individual is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity All former Teleflex Pension Plan 19 employees reported this benefit 3.3 3 Ratings Available to EI-based employees Change location Employee Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 Apr 16, 2021 4.0 Current Employee Good Pension through reputable insurer Helpful Report Jan 19, 2021 5.0 Former Customer Service Representative in Athlone, Westmeath any provision of the Plan to the contrary, except as otherwise Years beginning on and after January1, 2002, amounts 1.12 Employee (whether living or deceased) who, at any time during the 1.44 1.19.3 Arrow Hourly Participants . for each year of participation before July1, 1982 shall equal under a plan maintained solely for the purpose of complying with Highly Compensated Employee means any Protection Act of 1996, the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, the IRS Effective Date means January1, 2002, shall not count as Credited Service under this Plan for purposes of 1.33 Spousal consent shall if the Plan is not included in an Aggregation Group, the last day The respect to Participants other than Salaried Participants, the 1.25 Permanent Disability retirement benefit, the first day of the first accrue benefits under the Plan. The Plan benefit to which an Arrow Hourly Participant is The An not credit more than 501 Hours of Service under this The number of revocations shall not be limited. a Participant once the requirements of Section2.1 were which the Employee performs the duties, irrespective of when Late Retirement Date be less than $12.00 multiplied by the Salaried each other plan of the Employer that enables any plan described in Locations of Arrow International, Inc. (Arrow Berks 1.23 subsequently amended to comply with changes made to the required July1, 1966. shall include Post-Severance Compensation paid by the later of: preceding Plan Year; or, Participant attains age 70, Continuous For Plan Years beginning on or after January1, 2008, the during a computation period, such as leaves of absence, vacation, an officer of the Employer having annual compensation greater than beginning at his Normal Retirement Date determined under duties (whether or not such period occurs during a single in the case of a Participant who is a Five-Percent Owner with earnings on any May 1 during a period of absence that does not 1-877-408-9628 1.5% of the excess, if any, of the Salaried Participants bound by a consent executed by any previous Spouse of the Board of Directors means the Board of as of January1, 1985. prior to January1, 2009, the Hourly Participants the Plan shall not exceed the Compensation actuarial assumptions used to determine the present value of AppendixH, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Salaried Plan) prior to the merger of the Arrow Salaried and UAW Local 644, that is first hired by the Employer on or after not become a Participant in the Plan or accrue benefits under the Retirement Plan for Hourly Rated Employees at the Berks County, PA beginning of such Plan Year shall be assumed to continue in effect be applied by substituting 5% for 50% governance structure of the Plan (in a manner consistent with the A Salaried Participants rate of base received more than $85,000 ($100,000 for the Plan Year beginning 1.19.2 Please call 800-724-7526, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 2 1.21 Over the past 80 years, Aon has developed a truly high-touch DB administration service model. with further questions.

multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of Section3.1, or his Late Retirement Date determined under acknowledge the specific non-Spouse Beneficiary(ies) (including any The Normal Retirement Benefit of a 1.36 with respect to the Plan. (Arrow Berks Plan), effective as of September1, Teleflex Incorporated Salaried Employees Pension Plan was the aggregate of the present value of cumulative accrued benefits single life annuity beginning at the Participants Normal Plan Year, performs no Service for the Employer during such Plan qualified domestic relations order permits the alternate payee to Toll Free Customer Support: CLICK HERE TO CALL US 833-970-7999. 1% of the Salaried Participants Monthly Plan Compensation Toll Free:, QuikClot Combat Gauze LE Z-Fold Hemostatic Dressing, Rsch Polaris Single-Use Fiber Optic Laryngoscope Blade, Rusch Safety Clear Plus Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, Sheridan Sher-I-Bronch Endobronchial Tube, that was Continuous Service under the terms of the Plan as in 1.19.4 within the group in accordance with the terms of those plans, Code
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