Go through the newly opened wall, beware of the trap (x=2000, y=1020), continue the way and you'll eventually bump into Dragomir, whose death is required for Clara to dispel the purple light barrier for you (Dragomir is not able to detect invisibility, and is also bugged - you can lead him towards the southern purple light to trigger his trace back to his original position, he wont attack you at all after that). That said, there are still many reasons to bring Hexxat: - the new quests and items - she's an evil thief (the only one in the game!) Killing two shade thieves at the Dragomir's Tomb entrance, head southwest to dispatch a Shade Wolf and disarm a trap, continue the way you'll encounter more Shade Wolves plus Devil Shades who can drain levels, and when they are close to death, spawn two Shadow Fiends. Nalia is presumably intended as an understudy for Imoen since she has practically identical capabilities. The following characters are good-aligned and hence no . Take the east way to find Ki Chin Sang (x=1900, y=820) who holds Key of the Master's Crypt. Version: 1.0f | Updated: 02/25/2023 FAQ of the Month Winner: November 2020 | Highest Rated Guide. Being a vampire, the only undead companion in game, Hexxat has several special abilities: After joining she will ask Gorion's Ward to keep Dragomir's Respite, a Bag of Holding containing her coffin. He comes with a well-stocked spellbook, although the essential Stoneskin is notable by its absence. She drops a Robe of the Evil Archmagi. Items 2/day: Set Strength to 18/75 for 3 turns. 2/day: Haste self for 3 rounds + 1 round / level, 2/day: Immune to fear and Bless effect for 5 turns. To recruit Hexxat, you'll need to complete the quest given by Hexxat (aka Clara) in the Copper Coronet in the Slums District. I can work with this. This guide is likely a bit different than the other ones you have read as I have made it a point to point out the strengths and weaknesses of each NPC and strategies you can use with each one given their stats and abilities. Mazzy comes with abilities beyond those of a normal Fighter (or a Paladin for that matter): She comes with Grand Mastery in shortbows, which isn't too shabby, but you want to wean her off short swords ASAP. You'll also want to take a point in shortbows at level 12 since decent throwing daggers are hard to find. She also has a couple of offensive abilities including Domination and a weak summons. As a multiclass Mage, he'll take roughly twice as long to learn the good stuff as the competition. So, Viconia romance. Hexxat is my least favorite addition to any of the EE games. They can be comrades with benefits or . Heh, I'm with ya there. Each is worth 10000xp and they drop a Shortbow +3 and more than 10 greater healing potions (40 hp). Jaheria gets a nice amulet as I recall. RecruitmentKeldorn is found in the sewers under the temple district and will gladly join up with you to investigate the Cult of the Eyeless. Quests, new in Shadows of Amn (Enhanced Edition), Quests, new in Throne of Bhaal (Enhanced Edition). **Two-Handed Weapon Style, ** Katana ** Spear ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, ** Katana * Dagger ** Spear ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, ** Katana ** Dagger ** Spear ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, * Warhammer * Mace * Sling Her weapon proficiencies are a bit all over the place. I got into this game for hexxat and her romance so this means a lot to me. Cover for him when he is confronted by a tax official and he will join your party. Does Level 1 NPCs work with EE? in the U.S.A. and other countries, and are used with permission. Head south, then turn down a hallway west, send Clara the barrier will vanish. Me, on the other hand, I LARP my way through the game, because I convince myself that my character and I are one in the same. With an editor like NI that lets you edit dialogue and script files, you can simply remove the lines that check if charname is female. Loading . Walk away and Rasaad will run after you and ask you to get involved in his theological concerns. The three "enhanced" companions from Baldur's Gate, Dorn, Neera and Rasaad, also make a return. I recommend using Jan Jansen instead. RecruitmentNalia is in the Copper Coronet and will agree to join your cause if you agree to help her defend her family home. At higher level she can summon 4 shadow, then the shadows can summon 4 skeleton warrior + 4 invisible stalker, buff them up and you now have an army. His Strength is enough to be fully useful, although his Dexterity leaves a great deal to be desired. INT Max Spell Level I feel like that would make buffing take forever. Did I actually end the romance by accident? respective owners. But something isn't right. Follow her to the Wild Forest and you can recruit her there. Wilson is a bear and doesn't care overmuch. When choosing companions, pay attention to their roles and whether they enhance the party or diminish it. After the encounter, go to the Graveyard District where Hexxat will initiate a dialogue asking if you are ready to tombwalk via Dragomir's Casque. Until he gets his hands on something to improve his Dexterity, Keldorn is a bit of a defensive liability with a Two-Handed Sword. If you need something killed, Korgan's your man. Just reset her to lvl 1 (be sure to reset her hp to what she would have at lvl 1 too) and keep her XP the same so she gains all the kit abilities as she levels up. He does have some useful immunities - Negative Plane Protection avoids a very annoying status and immunity to Fear is never a bad thing. Subsequent dialogue is dependent on either being or resting outside. Just a little common sense much like Aerie's romance. So, 2 questions and of course SPOILER ALERT: It looks like you're new here. This is more of a gimmick than anything else, so replace it with the Army Scythe that Bernard sells; Jan can even steal it. * Shortbow *Dart, * Scimitar ** Club * Quarterstaff * Sling If you have the Lamp of Oil in possession, a. Hexxat's quotes presents lines spoken by Hexxat, together with the associated sound files. And for reasons why he is with charname @LiamEsler already gave an answer - Dorn is attracted by charnames power not by charname herself/himself. I'm sorry in case it is forbidden, will not repeat. Not sure about CHARNAME yet, considering Cleric/Illusionist. Rasaad won't get into a fight with Sarevok if Sarevok's alignment becomes chaotic good. Hexxat flirts with a multitude of female companions, including Viconia and Aerie. If not, he comes with a decent weapon of his own and by the time you recruit him, you may well be able to take two proficiency points in a weapon of choice. Baldur's Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, That, and her special abilities make her really good. (True of any thief, of course). you will have to choose your responses carefully because her talks in TOB have internal counter that has to be high enough for her to make a shift. RecruitmentIf you go to the town square in Trademeet, you will witness a violent argument between Rasaad and two other Sun Soul Monks. LT1-LT9 can occur before completing his personal quest. The big problem with Imoen is that she's absent for a significant portion of the game. When you arrive at the Tomb of the Unproved (OH7200), you'll notice there are four Hakima with a ghostly appearance standing to the north-east. She has an amulet that makes her immune to poison, charm, paralysis and level drain among other things. Quite powerful with high level arcane spells. Under unknown circumstances (perhaps if not summoned to the pocket plane) she can be found in the Inn in Amkethran, where the sleeping area is. 2023 Overhaul Games, a division of Beamdog. Despite various immunities (and effective immortality), she is not built for the front line which means that she must be classed as a utility character where she loses out to Jan Jansen. His role is front-line fighter but his HP is considerably less than what you want it to be and it'll take him more than a few levels past his starting point to not be a defensive liability. Her amulet gives her good immunities and regen so she's pretty low maintenance and doesn't die as often as Dorn, ime. It was developed by Overhaul Games, a division of Beamdog, and published by Atari. Hexxat will implore you to climb in. I am having a serious issue at this very moment on what direction to take. Diff: This romance ain't that difficult at all. Still, a dedicated ranged character does have its merits, especially if she can open fights with a backstab. However, Anomen is also good in combat which Viconia never will be. Any thief can be quite useful if you are willing to abuse simulacrum and they have UAI unlocked. Atari and the Atari logo are trademarks owned by Atari If you're using Minsc, you're probably better off using Valygar. That's a good point but not actually useful because I consider any combat with someone in ms party read a failure and reload ', I'm doing a rare (for me) evil run with that party and Hexxat as thief right now. : The path to getting him is more than a little obscure. Activate the face to initiate dialogue, choose 1>2>1>1>any for the riddle, and the door (x=970, y=970) will open. Well in MY Faerun it's not known as Faerun at all but the mystical land of frolicking naked nymphs, where your every desire is granted by bald blubbering bugbears. The party is so OP that I don't really need a thief beyond utility, and honestly, it's nice to not have to micromanage another NPC beyond the cloak thing. Studios logo are trademarks of Interplay Entertainment Corp. trademarks of Bioware Corp. Black Isle Studios and the Black Isle However, are you going to drop Jaheira, Anomen or Viconia to make room for him? If Keno died, more ghosts will attack you from all sides along the way. ** Two-Handed Weapon Style, ** Short Sword * Dagger * Dart ** Two-Weapon Style, * Long Sword * Short Sword * Dagger * Shortbow, * Short Sword * Dagger * Quarterstaff Your life is less interesting than I thought it would be. These are each of them pregnant with smaller spiders, which will burst out and attack when the Bloated Spiders die, unless the mother spiders are killed out of sight (e.g. Her principal competition for the medic slot is Anomen. You can have edwin disarm all the traps with his face and unlock stuff as well. Imoen is the second best Mage that you can recruit. Apart from Find Traps, which is at a fully useful level, his skills are all over the place: a Bounty Hunter with a rubbish Set Traps skill? You have two ways to build him if you're going to use him past level 12: you can either have him switch to Flails for the Flail of Ages or take Maces to Mastery and beyond. and yeah, dorn romance has been quite simplistic this far. Seems very very slow to level in a full party EDIT: Of course, a Fighter/Cleric/Mage wouldn't be able to use swords, either. He does not have a missile weapon proficiency so take Slings or Darts at level 12. Press J to jump to the feed. 14 :7 To open the locked door close the one you entered the responding room with. If you don't have another party member able to use katanas, he's worth bringing along to wield Celestial Fury. Unfortunately, her inherent tankiness is compromised by physical frailty - in particular her dreadful HP score which is 22 below what it might be. In the expansion, Haer'Dalis becomes a very worthwhile companion. Some characters or pairs of characters either hate or end up hating each other and will come to blows meaning that long-term it is not feasible to keep them in the party, although sometimes you wouldn't want to: Deficient Dexterity can be made right using the Gauntlets of Dexterity, sub-optimal Strength can be fixed using the Gauntlets of Ogre Power or the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength and below-par Constitution can be fixed using the Girdle of Fortitude. - her stats are extremely high (most of the time) - it's really useful that she respawns after 8 hours if she dies - she is immune to level drain Since he is - by some margin - the best Thief you can recruit, it is best to play to his strengths. This time you can kill Phreya as well as the Lich for Ring of Infravision and Boots of Stealth. 9 :4 Yep, as far as my knowledge goes, yes. Particularly interesting in thise case is the golem's fist also counts as a thief weapon if EE hasn't changed it. I used to love sunlight. Prior to passing through the next door, you can elect to put the Piece of Silk in the nearby statue container. If you're interested in story continuity, the following characters return from Baldur's Gate (and Siege of Dragonspear): Edwin, Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc and Viconia. 12 :6 almost a bit caricatured. Loot! She will refuse to use anti-undead items such as Daystar, the Burning Earth, or Protection From Undead. Head through the door (x=1800, y=950) to exit the library, walk the path on the empty squares: If any X square is stepped upon, either a hostile Small Spider, Giant Spider, Sword Spider, or Phase Spider will be summoned. So I'll finish my current run through BG2 somewhat soon-ish. Hexxat is one of the new characters in the Enhanced Edition. However, after that you will want to switch to stealth full time to take advantage of that 20 Strength which means that you probably won't be investing in other skills. 18-25 :9, *Club * Mace * Quarterstaff * Sling, * War Hammer ** Spear ** Mace * Quarterstaff My least favourite, evil-because-evil-roolz Blackguard is back. I never used Hexxat before (I know about her condition) but a single class thief without any kit seems horrible. (Hexxat will have several lines for expressing her impatience to get back, but even after youve got the Claw in your inventory that shes looking for, booting her wont make her take it, nor make her parting lines any different than usual). Open any sarcophagi nearby to awake five angry Greater Mummies to deal with, the middle sarcophagi (x=2100, y=1420) has The Jade Fang dagger. Claras presence is needed at some vital points in order to progress, thus its advised to keep her in party before her inevitable departure. If dismissed, she will wait there. There are a total of 21 recruitable companions (16 from the original game and five as part of the enhanced edition), although you can only run with five at any given time. Keep in mind that the entire scene, including the HP of these three adversaries, may reset if you retreat and close the door. He is the best thief by far, however. Having some low maintenance character in the party does sound nice. She's not great, but it's a role she can serve. RecruitmentKorgan is in the Copper Coronet and will agree to join your cause if you help him out with his. Guide Dang It! She has her own quest line both in SoA and in ToB. You you cannot be serious or? Therefore, you might want to give him the Daystar to be going on with, since he is one of the few companions already proficient in long swords. A wave of foul necrotic energy hits you-you withdraw immediately and involuntarily. if this is your goal, you will have to choose her, not neera. In the corridor to the left there is a hidden door that leads further into the tomb. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. D&D, Forgotten Realms, Baldur's Gate, Wizards of the If he fails, he becomes nihilistic. Never tried that one for long before. Unless you leave for Spellhold when your main character has either around 800,000 XP or 1.2 million XP she will be behind your party from an experience standpoint during the game. If you're not using the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength on someone else, stick it on him and he can wield the Strong Arm longbow, which is the only longbow that does bonus damage. So far, Dorn's has been pretty simple. Be sure to like, share, and give me feedback on the video to help the channel grow!Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition is the second installment from Overhaul. All was well for a while, but now it's been 3-4 in-game weeks and I've had no more dialogs trigger with her. Behind the door is a hall of statues. If you didn't use the Piece of Silk, several things can happen: Separate from the matter of the 4 special items, you can turn to flesh one of the eight green-circled mage statues; there is a Stone to Flesh arcane scroll in the next room just in case. So scratch that idea. Loot the sarcophagi (x=1050, y=1300) for Periapt of Life Protection and disarm traps as you go, with the key, open the door at (x=1900, y=1600). You can use EEKeeper (or google the console command) to take a look at the variables and see if it still active, though. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 16 :8 RecruitmentJan is in the Government Park in the Government District. In terms of where I am in the story, I'm still in Chapter 3, just moping up whatever side-quests I can actually still do before I get involved in the war between the Shadow Thieves and the Vampires, and in terms of Variables, EEKeeper says the value for hexxatlovetalks is 24. Counts as a multiclass Mage, he 'll take roughly twice as long to learn the good stuff as Lich! ; s romance who holds Key of the game Imoen is the best thief by far, romance. The U.S.A. and other countries Bhaal ( Enhanced Edition 02/25/2023 FAQ of the Eyeless he does not have missile. You are willing to abuse simulacrum and they drop a Shortbow +3 and more a. To find makes her Immune to poison, charm, paralysis and level among. 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